one time

  • adj.过去的;只发生一次的
  • 网络一生一次;只说一次;一个时间

one timeone time

one time


贾斯汀 比伯 的悲情歌曲_百度知道 ... one less lonely girl 少一个孤独的女孩儿 one time 一次 favorite girl 最喜爱的女孩 ...


小贾斯汀有哪些歌比较好听 - 怎么办? - 怎么治? ... that should be me 那个人是我 one time 一生一次 favorite girl 最爱女孩 ...


贾斯丁比伯所有的歌 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Favorite Girl 最爱的女孩 One Time 只说一次 .Down To Earth 回到现实 ...


...MG签约。2009年,比伯推出了自己的单曲处女作《一个时间》(One Time)。这首歌一经发表就成为了榜单的宠儿。在超 …


求justin bieber的全部专辑、_百度知道 ... 16. Maria (玛丽亚) 1. One Time( 有一次) 3. Down to Earth( 脚踏实地) ...


做道英语题_百度知道 ... AT ONCE: 立即 ONE TIME: 曾经,一度 at once 立刻 ...


酒店岗位英语骑马口语_酒店服务业_天涯论坛 ... 1:发票 invonice 5:一次性 one time 拔火罐: cupping ...


...XML文件,有的则是图片形式存在等等。而数据绑定又有三种不同的绑定形式:一次绑定(One Time)、单向绑定(One Way)和 …

Microsoft Office Word 2003 does not start until the variable is called at least one time. 在至少调用变量一次之前,MicrosoftOfficeWord2003不会启动。
It was at one time proposed to unite this order with that of Calatrava, but the scheme failed of execution. 这是一次团结提出这项命令与卡拉特拉瓦,但该计划未能执行。
I also like beautiful girls. There was one time, I saw a crowd of beautiful girls. They were very young, attractive and smelled sooo good. 俺也喜欢美女,又一次,看到一群美女,个个年轻,身材魔鬼,常常的头发散发着阵阵香气,俺看得入了神。
According to the Daily Mail account, Assange did not use a condom at least one time during their sexual activity. 《每日邮报》的说法是,在他们的性活动期间阿桑奇至少有一次没有使用安全套。
The same Employer can only be allowed to have probation period with the same Employee for one time. 同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。
My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old. 我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。
One time, I was on a business trip across on the West Coast, he was home and they called me to ask me what they were going to eat. 有一次,我在出差,孩子们都在家,并打电话给我问晚上要吃什么。
One time, boys with the girls that broke up, and said it was because he was not fit with her. 有一次,男生跟女生说分手了,说因为他跟她不适合。
Hey. That's right. I remember one time when he gave up two days of vacation just to help me out with a problem I had. 嘿,你说得对。我记得,有一次他为了帮我解决一个我碰到的难题,放弃了自己两个休假日。
One time, he rear-ended a guy on the 101 freeway, and just left the scene because the guy got out of his car and started screaming at him. 一次,他开车在101高速上和一个人的车追尾了,因为那家伙从车里出来就冲他大嚷大叫,于是他就“肇事逃逸”了。
She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers. 她自己因为儿时发高烧而几乎双目失明,且一度被看护者们诊断为精神失常,无法医治。
He tried the spin move at least one time in this game against the Clippers but I think Kaman stopped it by stripping him of the ball. 这场对快船的比赛他最少试过一次转身移动,但是我认为卡曼阻止了他还偷了他的球。
I felt very anxious, too, that he would be taken again, and was beside myself one time when he went running off in the supermarket. 我也处于极度忧虑之中,担心儿子会再次失踪。有一次儿子在超市走丢了,我差点疯掉。
At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾经有一段时间,公司能否从困境中恢复元气令人生疑,不过政府的贷款似乎起了作用。
I've actually had a chance one time to fight with him in a charity event in Paris and I would like to have another go! 在巴黎的慈善活动中,我实际上有一次和他一起比赛的机会,但我希望还能有另外的机会。
Do not fear the setback, one time tumbles did not mean on the forever defeat, unable to recover after a setback is the true defeat. 不要怕挫折,一次跌倒并不意味就永远的失败,一蹶不振才是真正的失败。
There was one time I tried to link Alice's mind to an avatar in Second Life to fix her mobility problem, but I found it could not be done. 有一次,我曾尝试连结Alice的心目中精灵在第二生命,以修复她的流动性问题,但我发现它不能这样做。
One of the greatest mistakes people make in setting goals is trying to work on too many things at one time. 人们在设定目标的时候,犯的最大的一个错误就是企图在同一时间内做过多的事情。
One time she called home asking her mother why her aunt to let the parents, why her and not me or other people? 有一次她打电话回家质问妈妈为什么要让她在姑妈家长大,为什么是她而不是我或者其他人?
Renesco now gives you a one time discount (like he said he would) after "bullying" your way through the second quest. Renesco现在给你一个时间折扣(如他说他会)在“欺负”通过自己的方式寻求第二。
One time he was sleeping and he said he felt something on top on him and then it started to strangle him! 一次,他正在睡觉,他说他觉得他的顶端,然后开始扼杀他!
The frequency of one-on-one time is up to you, but the children I interviewed said at least once a month is the minimum. 单独相处的次数由你决定,但是我研究过的孩子说至少每个月一次。
One time my sister left us to go live with him in Austin. 有一次,我妹妹离开我们去奥斯汀(Austin)跟他住。
May say that this kind of approximate on-the-spot report mirror language is to one time summary and the contrast. 可以说这种近似纪实性的镜语是对一个时代的总结和对比。
He had all his hopes on the fact that she hadn't given up on him, and that for one time in his life he would do things right. 他满怀希望地认为丽莎不会放弃他,而这也是他有生以来做的最正确的事情。
Craigslist and your local papers run ads for people seeking workers for a few hours of work a week or to do one-time projects. 克雷格列表(网站名)和当地的报纸上都有很多找钟点工或者工作一周或一次性的项目的广告。
There was one time where this relative newbie to the scene came up to me and she called me "Yan Zi jie" (big sister). 有一次在这个相对新手现场走到我面前,她叫我“燕资杰”(姐姐)。
But please remember that sometimes it's just a little much for me to process, all those presents and all that joy at one time. 但是请记住,一次那么多的礼物那么多的快乐,有时候,这有那么一点点超出我承受的能力。
One time listens to her to mention a time complete intimate process, understands the general idea finally. 某一次听她说起一次完整的相亲过程,总算明白大概。
Just as the sunset , their love wa so strong and beautiful for one time , but only destined to be a memory forever! 就像西沉落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱,注定只会成为永远的记忆