
美 [ˈɔrɡən]英 [ˈɔː(r)ɡən]
  • n.机关;机构;喉舌;(生物的)器官


reproductive organ,abdominal organ,internal organ,vital organ,human organ
reject organ


One of his kidneys had been removed, apparently by a gang selling human organs on the black market. 显然,这是一起由黑帮分子操纵,通过下药迷倒普通人并割取其器官进行黑市交易的恶性案件。
The ovary, like the kidney seemed to be one of the important target organs of cadmium. 卵巢同肾脏一样,也是镉的重要的靶器官之一。
This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times. 也就是说任何时候,殡仪者都要用一块砖或木头盖住死者的生殖器官。
Micrometastases are the tiny cancers that form in various organs when a tumor starts to spread and seed itself around the body. 微转移是肿瘤开始转移时会出现在人体的各种器官中留有微小的癌细胞。
It was enough to keep them for the rest of their lives, but they'd still rather have had their own organs back. 这些钱足够他们几个人度过馀生了,但他们还是希望能够要回属于自己的器官。
Most of his organs, his liver, his kidneys, his lungs, most of it had already shut down. 他的器官,他的肝,他的肾脏,他的肺部大部分,其中大部分已经关闭。
The developing organs of a fetus or child are the most likely to be sensitive to any possible effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. 胎儿或者小孩,正处于发育状态的器官对暴露的电磁场最为敏感。
A male cow is usually called a bull only if it still has its reproductive organs. If not, we call it a -- what? “malecow”通常指那些有生殖器官的公牛,如果被阉过了我们称其为什么呢?
To find the name of a plant species it is often necessary to have a close look and count the male and female organs in the flowers. 仔细观察并认真数花的雄性雌性器官的数量,这对于找出一种植物种类的名称经常是很必要的。
"This option has never been taken into consideration by any of its company organs, " Edison said in a statement in response to the report. 爱迪生公司发表声明对该报道做出回应,表示该公司的任何部门从未有过这样的想法。
A bhiksu may be living in a quiet place, but all his sense-organs are not proper [controlled], his mind is dark and slow at working. 一个比丘应住在寂静之地,但是他的感觉并不对(控制的),他的心灵是黑暗的并且工作的很慢。
Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough oxygenated blood to meet the needs of the body's other organs. 充血性心力衰竭是心脏不能够泵出足够的氧合血以满足身体其他器官的需要的一种病态。
When he was reunited with fellow prisoners, he said he saw that many had lost limbs and organs. 当再次入狱,见到狱友的时候,他说看到许多人已经肢体残缺,器官不全了。
Pig organs are of a similar size to human organs, and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the shortfall. 猪的器官大小与人的器官相似,一些科学家希望它们可用于弥补器官短缺问题。
it had relationship of distribution in various organs of Suaeda heteroptera and sediment of organic matter and its physicochemical property. 在翅碱蓬各器官中的分布特征与根系沉积物中有机质及污染物理化性质有关。
The assumption has long been that Jack must have had anatomical knowledge because of the skill with which his victims' organs were removed. 一个存在了很久的假设是:鉴于被害人器官被移除的手法,开膛手杰克必然具有一定的解剖学知识。
However, due to the scarcity of human transplantable organs, many limits have to be set up in the application of organ transplantation. 但由于人体可供移植器官的稀缺,在这一高科技应用过程中不得不设定了一些限制条件。
A popular song from a year or two ago called "Sugar Walls" is about a woman inviting a man to experience the pleasure of her sexual organs. 一首大约一两年前很流行的歌“SugarWalls”讲的是一个女人邀请一个男人来体会她的性高潮。
Lack of it causes half a million children to go blind every year; half of them die within a year as their other organs fail. 维A的缺乏每年导致近50万儿童失明,其中一半的儿童因其他身体器官衰竭而死亡。
The Elite need a steady supply of organs from the Peasants, But they have to be subtle, so they want you to sign up for it. 精英们需要农民们稳定地提供器官。但他们肯定非常狡猾,因此他们让你们签名同意。
Letters from a prisoner to the higher authorities of the prison or to the judicial organs shall be free from examination. 罪犯写给监狱的上级机关和司法机关的信件,不受检查。
Doctors told her she was the first person in Europe to have all her major organs transplanted, if not the world. 医生们告诉她,如果不是在全世界范围的话,那么她也是在欧洲第一位做了所有主要器官移植的人。
The doctors said he had suffered no major damage to his internal organs, and was successfully recovering. 医生表示,他的内脏器官并未受到大的伤害且身体正处于康复之中。
Meiosis is a special form of cell division that takes place in the reproductive organs that produce sex cells. 减数分裂过程中是一种特殊形式的细胞分裂,发生在生殖器官性细胞。
I then started to feel a burning feeling inside my body in the organs area as if patches of me had an irritant attacking my organs. 接着我就感受到在我的身体里各个器官的部位有燃烧的感觉,就好象有块东西在打击我的器官。
The signs are on the wall that glyphosate will build up in bone and internal organs over a life time. 已经非常清楚的证据表明,草甘膦残留量能够一生在骨头与内部器官中沉积。
The contrast agent can be applied to magnetic resonance imaging technology of various tissues or organs of a human body or other mammalians. 这类造影剂可用于人体或者其他哺乳动物的各种组织或器官的磁共振成像技术;
The brain used to be thought of as the body's master clock, sending signals telling organs when to operate. 大脑曾被认为是人体的主时钟,它发送信号告诉器官何时开始工作。
Viagra works by dilating blood vessels throughout the body, allowing blood to flow more readily to the heart, lungs and other organs. 伟哥作用机理是扩张全身血管,让血液更轻松地流向心脏,肺部和其他器官。
In some cases, personal character acts by a kind of talismanic influence, as if certain men were the organs of a sort of supernatural force. 在某些情况下,个人品格仿佛如同能产生影响的魔力,拥有这些品格的人完全可以引发超威力。