
美 [əʊ]英 [əʊ]
  • n.
  • 网络组织单位(organizational unit);组织单元(Organization Unit);甲骨文大学(Oracle University)



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组织单位(organizational unit)

组织单位 此只读框显示包含动态通讯组的组织单位 (OU)。必须使用 Active Directory 用户和计算机将组移动到不同的 OU。

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组织单元(Organization Unit)

组织单元(OU)是一种容器,它里面可以包含对象(用户账户,计算机账户等),也可以包含其他的组织单元OU)。3, 域 …

甲骨文大学(Oracle University)

同问WDP和OUOracle university)原厂OCP培训的区别? 2012-07-30 10:27 按默认排序|按时间排序 其他回答 共3条 更多相 …

You were expecting college to be the happiest time of your life, but it turns ou that everything is out of order. 你一直期望着大学成为你一生中最快乐的时光,但结果是每件事都不是你期望的那样。
Feather flat also want to ask, but cannot resist in anger, for he said now that had all together in peace feather ou, why can't nice to her? 羽平还想追问,但可中却忍不住对他发怒,表示既然当初羽平和卉凡在一同,为何不能好好待她?
Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city. 直到三月中旬,摄影师Ed·Ou受《时代》杂志委派仍坚守在班加西,在这座利比亚东部城市的内部以及周围地区拍摄重要特写。
Arrow ou: so what? I am also lost. Vernon, i know this teardrop is of big importance for you, and you shouldn't give it up so easily. 欧雅若:那又怎样?我一样是输了。天骐,我知道这份泪珠对你来说意义重大,你不应该这样轻易放弃的。
Kind of ou can in order not to let all that sad, willing to allow the unreasonable requests. 仁慈的可中为了不让卉凡伤心,愿意容许了这一无理的请求。
Arrow ou: vernon, do not be capricious again, ok? There is so big crisis in family, can't you think for daddy and andrew a little? 欧雅若:仲天骐,你不要再任性了,好不好?现在家里出现那么大的危机,你难道就不能替爸爸和天俊想一想吗?
"I know. And I want cdfds. com ou to make it up to me, " said the salesperson. “我知道。我想让您帮帮我。”这名销售人员说。
On Hainan Island, travel agent Ou has no doubt who will emerge the winner among China and its neighbors. 毫无疑问,海南岛的旅行代理商欧小姐将在冬天出现在中国及其邻国。
Adam: As you know , I'm not much of a sports fan. Are there any news shows ou talk shows on? 你知道的,我并不完全是一个足球迷,有一些谈话节目在上演吗?
ou . you are always going far . . . a minute ago in front of me , disappeared in the next second. 你总是渐行渐远,一分钟之前还在我的眼前,但下一秒就消失地无影无踪。
Arrow ou: Aren't you think this timing it is no important if i love you or not? 欧雅若:你不觉得现在这个timing,我爱不爱你已经不重要了吗?
Arrow ou: if it is really like what you said he loves you, why does he tell you this? 欧雅若:如果真的像你所说的他喜欢你,怎么会没有告诉你呢?
Ou smiled and talked to me of nothing. And I felt that for this I had been waiting long. 你对我微笑,沉默不语.我觉得,为了这个,我已等候许久。
ou have an enormous responsibility on this mission, in many ways perhaps the greatest responsibility of any single mission element. 哈尔,正在这次任务中你担卖着艰巨的任务,正在很多方面或许是最巨大的。
Ideally, the targeted OU contains all the objects that you are trying to auth restore. 最好是目标OU包含您试图授权还原的所有对象。
All that to dare not to believe I was ou defeated in a plain girl's hand and she cried, beg helpless in must help she can. 卉凡不敢置信本人竟败在一个平凡无奇的女孩手上,她无助地哭了,乞求可中一定要帮她。
We have all experienced days when everything go wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get ou of control. 我们都曾经经历过诸事不顺的日子.有时一天开始时可能还算顺利,但是突然间一切似乎都不可收拾了。
Ou huai min: Arrow ou, my ghost will with you even after i am dead. You cannot get rid of me forever. Arrow ou, defend me out quickly. 欧怀民:欧雅若,我做鬼鬼魂都会缠着你的。你永远都摆脱不了我的,欧雅若,快把我保出去。
To be one of the key contact point with cross competency associates and OU DC team throughout the launch process. 作为各资能团队与营运单位需求创造团队在整个上市过程中的主要联系人之一。
Harvey Dent: a You either die a hero or Naked ou live long enough to see yourselfrbecome bhe Prisoner ked villain. 哈维·登特p:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么就活着,直到看着自己变成了一个恶棍。
Ou can counteract the front foot didn't go all YangGuo, and received feather flat called to say in a hurry, please. 可中和卉凡前脚才走,杨果又接到羽平来电说有急事拜托。
She had a co ci ou e that someone else was in the dark room. 她有一种感觉:漆黑大学英语四级词汇量的房间里还有别人。
Ou Maite staff ready to provide you with technical advice and full service. 欧迈特员工随时为您提供技术咨询和全程服务。
PETER: Let me introduce cdfds. com ou to Paula Field. Paula is one of our marketing team. 彼得:让我给波拉·菲尔德介绍一下。波拉是市场部的工作人员。
New York headquarters office staff of 50 Rabbis who are ready to serve as account executives for OU certified companies. OU纽约总部有50位教职客户主管随时为公司提供认证服务。
Who do you think you are! ou have no qualify to speak conditions to us. 你以为你谁啊?还有资格和我们讲条件。
Last week, Mr. Ou sat down with Isabel Castro in New York to explain why these images are important. 上周,欧先生与伊莎贝尔·卡斯特罗(IsabelCastro)共同做客纽约,一起解释为什么这些图片如此重要。
Arrow ou: If you think you can influence me in this way you're absolutely wrong. 欧雅若:如果你以为这样就可以影响我的话,那你就大错特错了。
Arrow ou: feel very hurtful? It is normal to be inferior if you know your boyfriend is a big shot actually. 欧雅若:感觉很受伤吧?知道自己的男朋友原来是个大人物,自卑是正常的。
Ou always walks in stride, but he would sometimes stop and wait for his companion with a smile. 欧文泽走路很快,但不时会停下来回头微笑等待同伴。