out of the woods

  • na.〈非正式〉脱离危险;克服困难;摆脱困境
  • 网络走出困境;脱离危险期;脱离险境

out of the woodsout of the woods

out of the woods


地理英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... once in a blue moon 千载难逢 out of the woods 走出困境 out of this world 举世无双 ...


shanguzhuguang.bokee.com ... in hot water 遇到麻烦的事情 out of the woods 脱离危险期 not half bad 非常好 ...


... chief executive 行政长官;董事长;美国总统;(美国的)州长 out of the woods 出森林;脱离险境;脱离困境 tax relief 税 …


... chief executive 行政长官;董事长;美国总统;(美国的)州长 out of the woods 出森林;脱离险境;脱离困境 tax relief 税 …


国王合唱团精选 Very... ... 15 Black Is the Color 就是黑 16 Out of the Woods 树林之外 17 You Are the New Day 你是新的一天 ...


首页 — 英语口语网 ... Dreamy 空思梦想 Out of the Woods 走出树林? Under the Weather 在天气底下? ...


woods是什么意思... ... out of the woods 走出森林;脱离险境,渡过难关 take to the woods 逃进树林里,逃避责任,弃权 ...

"We are not yet out of the woods with this economic crisis, we all have to be aware of that, " he said. 我们尚未脱离这波经济危机险境,大家都应有这个警觉。
In any case Belgium is by no means out of the woods. It may not be Greece, but it could easily be the next Italy. 不管如何,比利时尚未摆脱危机,可能不会成为希腊,但很有可能成为下一个意大利。
Sometimes other deer came out of the woods to graze. When Frankie caught their scent, his head came up. 有时,别的鹿从树林里出来吃草,弗兰基闻见它们的气味时,就抬起头来。
They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。
Nevertheless, Chrysler is not out of the woods yet, and there is still the chance the company may be forced to make a bankruptcy filing. 尽管如此,克莱斯勒没有脱离险境,但仍然有机会,该公司可能会被迫作出破产。
Today the situation has improved considerably, although it would be premature to say that we are completely out of the woods. 现在形势已经有了很大好转,虽然说我们完全摆脱困境还为时过早。
She was going to go into the house, but just then someone came out of the woods and ran up to the front door. 她正要走进房子,就在这时有人从树林里出来,跑向大门口。
If he had had more common sense in spending, he might have been out of the woods financially by now. 如果他在花錢方面多些常識,他就老早脫離經濟困難。
Tom was relieved to hear that his mother had been out of the woods. 听到他母亲已经脱离危险期的消息,汤姆长松了一口气。
'While very encouraging, these discoveries do not mean that our global biodiversity is out of the woods, ' she said. “虽然令人振奋,但这些发现并不意味着我们地球的生物多样性亦可见于雨林之外。”她说。
A minute later a man came out of the woods. He wore hunting clothes. 一分钟后,一小我私家从树林中走出去。他衣着猎人的衣服。
However , just because China may be less vulnerable to an external financing crisis does not mean that authorities are out of the woods . 然而,仅仅因为中国可能对外部金融危机更具免疫力,并不意味着中国政府就摆脱了危险。
In an environment of this complexity , point solutions merely exacerbate the problem , and will never lead us out of the woods . 在这样复杂的环境,点解决方案只会使问题进一步恶化,而决不会引导我们走出重林。
Think the company will be out of the woods thanks to its new products . 我认为公司会因为新产品的推出而渡过难关。
But housing experts said the hard-hit state isn't out of the woods. 但住宅市场专家称经济受到严重打击的加州并未脱离困境。
I think the company will be out of the woods thanks to its new products. 我想公司借助新产品将会渡过危机。
but every time we started to come, a dreadful great lion came out of the woods and roared at us, and frightened us so that we ran away. 但每次我们准备过来的时候,一只可怕的大狮子就从树林中跑出来,朝我们咆哮,我们很害怕,所以我们只能不停的跑。
That is why I say you are almost out of the woods - you will still have to be careful as you navigate those coming few weeks. 这就是我说的你几乎脱离困境的原因,在以后的它的存在的几周里你仍然需要小心驶航。
Japan is not out of the woods yet, Woodward notes: Buildings and structures weakened by the first quake may not withstand aftershocks. Woodward称:日本仍然没有脱离险境,由于第一次地震造成的对建筑物强度的降低可能会导致这些建筑物无法承受余震的冲击。
He looked for a way out of the woods, but he could not find one. 他想从森林里出来,可怎么也找不到路。
"We're waiting for more, " he said. "We are not out of the woods yet. " “我们还会遭到更多袭击,”他说。“我们还没有脱离险境。”
We're not out of the woods yet, you know. 你知道,我们还没有脱离困境呢。
But he said: "I am more concerned about 2010. I am not forecasting a double dip, but we are not out of the woods yet. " 但他表示:“我更担心2010年的情况。我并没有预测将发生双底衰退,而是说目前我们还没有完全摆脱困境。”
I guess she had to come out of the woods in order to reunite with Lauren and only a boy and girl couple can drive her out. 我猜她到树林外是要和劳兰团聚的,而一对一男一女的情侣会惊扰到她。
Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. 随之,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉浮升,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。
Billy: Never thought it was. So spread the word out at the rez, huh? Keep the kids out of the woods. 比利:从没那样想过,所以就在印第安居住区传开了,是吧?让孩子们别去丛林。
But even if fiscal and debt obligations could be negotiated away, we are far from out of the woods. 然而,即便可以通过谈判摆脱财政和债务责任,我们仍远未走出困境。
She's not out of the woods yet, but if she pulls through and beats the infection maybe she'll learn her lesson and cool on the implants. 现在她还没有脱离险境,但如果她能脱离险境,战胜这次感染,她会接受教训,冷对丰乳。
Apple has signed deals that should avoid legal trouble with the major labels, but they don't get Apple completely out of the woods. 苹果与主要的唱片公司签订了授权协议,但是它们没能让苹果彻底脱离险境。
Volatility is still there and we're not out of the woods, but seems increasingly that we have hit bottom . 波动依然存在,我们还没有脱离险境,然而,情况似乎越来越表明我们已经触底。