on top of the world

  • na.“on top of the heap”的变体
  • 网络幸福到极点;世界顶端;在世界的顶端

on top of the worldon top of the world

on top of the world


求英文中表达感情的形容词!!!!!!_百度知道 ... happiness 幸福 on top of the world 幸福到极点 cheerfully 高高兴兴地 ...


American English Idioms 4 -... ... 23. On the Warpath 恼火 24. On Top of the World 世界顶端 25. Once in a Blue Moon 偶尔 ...


天壤之别,截然不同_BBC_新浪教育_新浪网 ... A big head 自大的人 On top of the world 在世界的顶端 BBC 英伦网英语教学 ...


英语四字成语 ... 最近更新日志 New BLOG 兴高采烈 on top of the world 望而却步 put sb. off ...


Today’s Phrase 今日短语_新东方在线 ... Packed like sardines 拥挤不堪 On top of the world 幸福至极 Making the grade 达标了 ...


《每天读一点英文:撼动生命的奇迹》-... ... One So Young 如此幼小的生命 On Top of the World 在世界顶峰 The Question 问 …


岁月无痕 - wlhjhbjg - 网易博客 ... 11、Chewing gum 口香糖 12、On top of the world 心满意足 13、A black sheep 害群之马 ...


新概念英语第一册 ... ... --chewing gum 口香糖 --on top of the world (表示一个人)非常的幸福 --Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳 ...

Only Ms. Table was able to climb the last 70meters. She was standing on top of the world. She was the first woman there. 只有Table女士完成了最后70米的攀登。她登上了世界之巅。她是第一个登顶的女人。
And for a short few months, his computer company was on top of the world, with one of the steepest revenue growth curves ever seen. 在仅仅几个月的时间里,他的电脑公司成为了世界顶级,给他带来了前所未见的丰厚回报增长。
It was a very intense time that came with its share of challenges, but I was so happy I felt like I was on top of the world. 在那段时间里,一切都是紧张并且充满挑战的,不过我还是很开心,因为我感觉我站到了世界的巅峰。
To be here for this game means to be on top of the world and to be able to play in a game like this gives the team a great feeling. 来到这里参加这项比赛意味着我们站在世界之颠,能够参加这样的比赛也让我们感觉非常不一样。
I had no idea of the circumstances. behind the gossip, but I think this dribs and drabs let me feel on top of the world. 闲谈之后关于环境我已经没有什么想法了,只是这些单调的点点滴滴让我感觉到自己来到了世界的顶点。
I was on top of the world when I knew that your parents approved of our marriage. I can't wait to see your family! 得知你父母同意了我们的婚事,我极为高兴。我迫不及待地想见到你的家人。
Sometimes, you feel as if you were on top of the world. 有时候,你觉得似乎是站在世界之巅。
As he told the Reuters news agency, it has been "an amazing journey, and I'm on top of the world. " 他对路透社采访人员说:“整个比赛过程是一个神奇的旅途,因为这一刻全世界都在关注我。”
If I could live in such a beautiful place, I would be on top of the world. 如果能住在这么美丽的地方,一定幸福极了。
It's not easy to go on top of the world and what happened in Japan has no precedents in football history. 这并不容易去上面的世界和所发生的事情在日本没有先例的,在足球的历史。
Mr Carroll wears six ID bracelets to allow him to visit his newborns and told The Birmingham News he was 'on top of the world'. 卡罗尔先生戴着六个编号手环探视了他的宝宝,他告诉伯明翰新闻说他当时“幸福到了极点。”
I silly, I break down on top of the world, I decided to give up quit. 我傻了,我精神崩溃到了极点,我决定放弃不干了。
But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. 但是我的母亲,在10岁时,她感到士兵兄弟准备上战场了。
I hope you feel on top of the world with a spring in your step all day. 我希望你感觉到无人可企及的幸福,脚下踏着春天渡过一整天。
When the time of my birth, because love and come to this world, I grew up, it is the parents' love, give me life, I was on top of the world. 当我出生的时候,因为爱而来到这个世界上,抚养我长大成人,那是父母的爱,给与我生命的人,我是世界上最幸福的。
Everything is working smoothly and I feel on top of the world. 一切都很顺利,我感到棒极了。
She was on top of the world after her composition won first prize . 她的作品得了头奖,真把她高兴坏了。
He was on top of the world when he got a promotion. 他获得提升后极其高兴。
For now, as this year's survey of top corporate brands shows, Google's unique way of doing business has put it on top of the world. 从目前情况看,正如今年顶级企业品牌调查所显示的那样,谷歌经营业务的独特方式,已令其位居全球首位。
Eddie Lampert looked like he was on top of the world in 2004 when he was still planning to merge giant retailers Kmart and Sears. 2004年的时候,埃迪•兰伯特可谓志得意满。那时,他还在计划合并零售业巨头凯马特(Kmart)与西尔斯(Sears)。
Our forebears did the heavy lifting to put our economy on top of the world. 祖先们曾竭尽心力,将这个经济体推上世界之巅。
But, as the showbiz saying has it, when you're on top of the world there's nowhere to go but down. 但是,正如娱乐界的惯例,当你到达世界之巅,那将无处可去,只有下山了。
Germany is sitting on top of the world. But the rest of the world thinks it's getting too comfortable up there. 德国经济目前高居世界前列,但其他国家认为它在这个位置上坐得太舒服了。
Changchun and its majestic surroundings will put tourists on top of the world. 长白山及其宏伟的周边将会使游客欣喜若狂。
Close the words of encouragement, let me become strong, it is the love of friends, give me courage, I was on top of the world. 挚友那鼓励的话语让我变得坚强,那是朋友的爱,给与我前进勇气的人,我是世界上最幸福的。
Russia is a country with abundant natural gas resource with huge reserves and recovery on top of the world. 俄罗斯是一个天然气资源十分丰富的国家,其储量和产量都居目前世界首位。
So, I'm also fairly determined to try and build a game layer on top of the world. 我决定要去尝试,建立一个超级棒的游戏社交圈。
So Paul Kelly, the owner of a 17th-floor unit in 2200, should be sitting on top of the world. 所以保罗。凯利,这位在2200公寓里17楼单元的主人,理应高高在上。
If you wake up on top of the world, stay there by compartmentalizing how you feel and how they feel. 如果你醒来对世界上一切事情都很满意,就停留在在你如何划分你的感受和他们的感受。
Getting every accolade people could think of, Kaka was really on top of the world. 卡卡获得了人们所能想到的一切,他站在了世界之巅。