one woman

  • adj.一个女人做的;由一个女人控制的
  • 网络女人一家;妇女署主题曲

one womanone woman

one woman


...合国妇女署在2月22日发表的一份新闻公报中指出,《女人一家》(One Woman)这首歌对每天都在为自己的社区和国家做 …


海上钢琴师经典台词~中英... ... 你如何能从那么多中选择? How do you choose just one? 一个女人 One woman 一栋房子 One …


借宝地普及一条新闻,张靓颖与世界其他20名歌手受邀录制联合国妇女署主题曲(one woman).妇女节那天全球发布回复 收起回复

One woman in New York has 187belts in her house, and most of them have never been used or even looked at. 在纽约,一个女人的家里有187根腰带,它们大多数都没用过,甚至看都没看过。
One woman was destroying a pile of papers: "10 years of a bad relationship, " she said, smiling. 另一名妇女粉碎了一大堆的文件,她说:“10年了,我们的关系一直很糟糕。”
More than just a re-sculpted face, a pretty midriff, and a Bob Mackie dress, Cher has also become a one-woman cottage industry. 并不仅仅是重塑了脸蛋、漂亮的腹部以及一件鲍勃麦基服装,雪儿也已成为了一个产业。
One woman says she does not think Poland will be able to make much of a difference over the next six months. 一名妇女表示,她不认为波兰将会在接下来的六个月里能发挥多大的作用。
If, in brighter days the now extinguished fire within him ever burned for one woman who held him in her heart, where is she? 在那些比较得意的日子里,如果他心中那股已经熄灭的热情曾经为某个爱恋他的女人而燃烧过,那个女人在什么地方呢?
One woman told me last Christmas that she did not believe either in hell or in ghosts. 一个女人告诉我去年的圣诞节她既不相信地狱也不相信鬼魂。
The report said the two men and one woman were 'persuaded by police to leave about 30 minutes' after they started. 报导称,事情发生后大约半小时后,这两男一女被警方劝离。
Such was the effect of this simple piece of scrap, that more than one woman of delicate nerves was forced to leave the meeting-house. 小小一块黑纱,震动如此之大,不止一个神经脆弱的妇女承受不住,提前离开会场。
One woman in line called her mother to see if she wanted a new camera. 队伍中,有一名女子打电话问她妈妈是否想要一个新相机。
One woman in Maiduguri, who did not want to give her name, said the security concerns won't keep them from observing Easter. 迈杜古里一名不愿透露姓名的妇女说,安全疑虑不会阻止他们过复活节。
He said Sunday that the dead, six men and one woman, all suffered gunshot wounds, and none have yet to be claimed by family. 他说星期日死者为六个男人和一个女人,全部都有枪伤,好没有收到来自家庭的索赔要求。
Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman. 很多民主党人想要奥巴马选一个拉美裔的女性,因为最高法院的法官中目前还没有拉美裔法官,而女法官也只有一人。
It had been a frosty morning, to be sure, a sharp frost, which hardly one woman in a thousand could stand the test of. 不错,那天早晨很冷,寒气袭人,能经得起这个考验的,一千个女人里头还找不到一个。
We being women were crying, both of us, one woman with a baby in her arms and another hanging on her skirt. 我们做女人的,都哭起来,两人都哭了,其中一个怀里抱着婴儿,裙边还有一个婴儿倚着。
Too well-mannered to talk, they stared at the walls or rested their heads in their hands. One woman had dozed off. 他们开始窃窃私语,盯着墙壁休息起来,有一个女子甚至睡着了。
Dr Apter said one woman she spoke to began receiving messages from her mother-in-law-to-be two months before the wedding. 阿普特博士称,一位受访女性称,她在结婚前两个月就不断地收到婆婆的来信。
One woman was forced to watch the mass rape of her sister who then died from her injuries. 一名女子被迫目睹了自己的妹妹被大量士兵强暴,她最后因伤身亡。
In 1917 four members of the Vril society met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. The woman was a 'spiritual medium'. 1917年,四个沃瑞尔协会成员在维也纳一间咖啡厅会面,有三男一女,女的是“灵媒”。
In the capital, an explosion near a taxi station in a central part of the city killed one woman and wounded at least one other person. 首都巴格达中心一个出租汽车站附近发生一起爆炸事件,一名妇女被炸死,至少一人受伤。
One woman wrote to say that husbands need to "understand a woman's need for intimacy, not just sex. " 一位女士写信说丈夫需要“理解女人对亲密的需要,不仅仅是性。”
One woman, whom an American official said had been used as a human shield by one of the Qaeda operatives, was also killed. 一个妇女(一个美国官员所谓的基地组织人盾)也被枪杀。
One woman explained that she wore it as a way of raising consciousness about the sexist messages of our society. 一位女士解释道,她戴面纱是为了增强人们对当今社会性别歧视观念的意识。
One woman tells me: "I am trained and ready to be a suicide bomber against Israeli soldiers. " 一个女子告诉我:“我接受训练并已经准备好针对那些以色列军人做一个人弹。”
One woman was carried from the scene of the accident with blood streaming from her head. 一名头上流着血的妇女被从事故现场抬走。
At least one woman on the square had a particularly personal reason to be there. 至少有一名女子在广场上有一个特别是个人的原因。
One woman in Kansas City, Missouri located such a store about 20 minutes from her home. 有一个住在密苏里州堪萨斯城的妇女就找到了一家开车行程在20分钟左右的二手货商店。
A fast strategy also means a father is less likely to stick with one woman for the long term, reducing his involvement with his children. 快速发展的策略也就意味着一个父亲很少可能长时期待在一个妇女身边,这也就减少了他和他陪伴孩子们的时间。
One woman wiped her eyes with a small square of lace and passed Missus Sommers her box of candy. 一个女士用花边方帕擦着眼睛,并递给莎默尔斯太太一盒糖果。
The number of real rapes that will now go unreported is just another tragic result of this one woman's hideous lie. 这个女人撒谎的另一悲惨结果是真正强奸案件的数量的无法获得。
For instance, I worked with one woman who, as a child, aspired to be a painter, but her parents told her she lacked artistic talent. 举一个例子,我曾经有一位女性同事,她在儿童时渴望成为一名画家,但她的父母却告诉她说她缺乏艺术才能。