osama bin laden

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osama bin laden


宾拉登[图+影]宾拉登宾拉登盖达组织首领宾拉登(Osama Bin Laden)被快速海葬,引发「宾拉登其实未死」的质疑,美国中央情 …


本拉登Osama bin Laden)不断推出他的录音带,以证明他仍然是个举足轻重的人物。真的吗?还在用录音带?该考虑提供iP…


盖达组织首脑宾拉登(Osama Bin Laden)已被美军击毙,然而,这却可能是盖达组织另一波报复行动的开始;宾拉登死亡的消息 …


  奥萨马本拉登(Osama Bin Laden) 祖籍是也门哈达拉毛省,1955年生于沙特阿拉伯的吉达,祖籍也门哈达拉毛省。其父是沙特 …


排名第二的是狙杀宾拉登Osama bin Laden)的海豹突击队第六队(SEAL Team Six)。贾伯斯的得票数一路遥遥领先第二 …


〔本报讯〕宾拉丹(Osama Bin Laden)头部中弹身亡,欧美国家大声欢呼,为了追捕宾拉丹,美国耗费了大量的时间和金钱,终 …


盖达组织首脑拉登Osama bin Laden)在巴基斯坦被美军击毙后,支持者声言要为拉登报复。在巴基斯坦、阿富汗、伊拉克、 …

American officials said immediately after the raid that Osama bin Laden had been armed; they later said he was not armed. 行动不久后美国官员就称,拉登持有武器,随后又改口称拉登并未持有武器。
In Iraq, a man believed to be a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden has released an audiocassette in which he reportedly mocks President Bush. 在伊拉克,一名疑是乌萨马·本·拉登的原陆军上尉的男子出示了一盒录音带,据报道他在带中嘲笑了美国总统布什。
This book has such a contemporary ring that you expect to come upon a description of Osama bin Laden living in a safe-house in Abbottabad. 本书具有如此特别的现代感,符合你对于描写本·拉登在Abbottabad安全屋的生活情况的期待。
In his suicide video Ali says that warnings from the al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden to the west to leave Muslims alone had been ignored. 阿里在他的自杀录像中说,来自基地组织头目奥萨玛·本拉登对西方的警告使他们唯独忽视了穆斯林。
WHEN he gave interviews to foreign journalists, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands. 奥萨马•本•拉登很少接受采访,当他接受外国记者采访时,总是习惯地俯视双手。
The White House has said Osama Bin Laden was not armed when he was killed by US forces, but he resisted the attempt to capture him alive. 白宫表示,本•拉登被美军击毙时身上没有武器,但是当试图活捉他的时候,他出手抵抗。
"By keeping their contacts with [Osama] bin Laden they won't be coming to any negotiations with a positive attitude" , he said. 他说:“只有他们与本拉登保持联系,他们就不会以积极地态度来协商。”
They said that the U. S. video and eyes and ears of Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden different from the previous photo. 他们称美方视频中这个拉登的耳朵和眼睛与拉登以前的照片有出入。
They were in tune with one another, she was writing books in praise of Osama bin Laden. 他们相互之间也变得更为协调。她开始写颂扬本。拉登的书。
Osama bin Laden mansion in the United States had found a large number of documents and information, like "small college library. " 美国此前在拉登大宅发现大批文件及资料,犹如“小型大学图书馆”。
THE moment that Barack Obama knew for sure that Osama bin Laden was dead, he made two telephone calls. 巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)确信知道奥萨马•本拉丹(OsamabinLaden)已死的时刻,他打了两个电话。
Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA. 海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。
In addressing the scourge of the Osama bin Laden, the U. S. seems to use a speech after the end of the low-key. 在解决了拉登这个心腹大患之后,美国看起来要用一场演讲终结此前的低调。
'To be honest, I've never been convinced that there was such a person as Osama bin Laden, ' said Osama al-Obeid, a Saudi banker. 一位名叫乌萨马•艾尔-奥贝德(Osamaal-Obeid)的沙特银行家说,说实话,我从来就不相信真有一个叫做本·拉登的人。
The mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was found and killed is at least six times the size of the typical house near it. 巴基斯坦在阿伯塔巴德大厦,在那里发现乌萨马本拉丹,打死至少是它的六倍大小的房子附近的典型。
Police in northern Pakistan say they have arrested an American who said he was on a solo mission to kill al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. 巴基斯坦北部的警方说,他们逮捕了一名美国人;此人自称在单独执行刺杀基地组织首脑本拉登的任务。
There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden had to answer for the ideology he espoused and the death and destruction he reveled in. 无疑,本拉登要为他所奉行的理念和因他而起的死亡和破坏负责。
After a week he decided not to shave until Osama bin Laden had been caught or killed. 袭击过去一周后,直到本·拉登被捕或者身亡,他才会重新刮胡须。
When Osama bin Laden was captured and killed, it was the carrier USS Carl Vinson that carried out his burial at sea. 当奥赛马本拉登被捕和杀后,他的葬礼是用卡尔文森号运到海上举行的。
The daring raid that the president ordered delivered Osama bin Laden to the bottom of the Indian Ocean. 总统下令发起的大胆突袭让奥萨马•本•拉登(OsamabinLaden)葬身印度洋海底。
Nine and a half years from the day, we united for a moment to celebrate the end of Osama bin Laden, the decade's dark monster. 归零日九年半后的某天,我们暂聚一起,庆祝本拉登的灭亡,算是送走了一个时代的瘟神。
Osama bin Laden has no interest in deterrence or other forms of deadly bargaining. 奥萨马-本-拉登(OsamabinLaden)对于威慑或其它形式的殊死谈判毫无兴趣。
'We have no indications that the Pakistanis were aware that Osama bin Laden was at the compound, ' a senior intelligence official said. 一位高级情报官员说,没有迹象表明巴基斯坦方面知道乌萨马•本•拉登就住在这栋建筑内。
It was a tremendous loss, he said, coming so soon after the death of Osama Bin Laden. 本•拉登死后不久拉赫曼就被杀死,这对基地组织来说是一个巨大的损失。
The strikes began shortly after an offer from the Taliban to put Osama bin Laden on trial in Afghanistan was rejected by the United States. 在美国拒绝了塔利班表示要在阿富汗审判OsamabinLaden的提议后,这次军事打击旋即开始。
Afghanistan. Are we, at the moment, striking back? And if so, is the target Osama bin Laden and his organization? 是我们在此时给予的还击吗?如果是的话,目标是奥斯玛·本·拉登和他的组织吗?
U. S. airstrikes targeting Osama bin Laden's Tora Bora mountain bases marked the beginning of a decade of war in Afghanistan. 美国对奥萨马·本·拉登藏身的托拉博拉山区基地进行了空袭,这标志着十年阿富汗战争的开始。
PHOTOGRAPHS of Osama bin Laden visiting Oxford in 1971 have come to light after a Spanish woman found them in an old picture album. 一位西班牙妇女从一本旧像册中找到了奥萨马-本-拉登在1971年游历牛津时的照片。
News of Osama bin Laden's death seemed to have struck a chord with younger folks who grew up during the war on terrorism. 本拉丹的死讯似乎已经动了在反恐战争中成长的年轻一代的那根筋。
The president's visit comes just 24 hours after announcing he would not release the photos of Osama Bin Laden after he was killed. 在总统宣布不会公布本拉登的死亡照片24小时后,前来拜祭这些遇难者。