
美 [ˈoʊv(ə)l]英 [ˈəʊv(ə)l]
  • n.椭圆形;卵形;澳大利亚式橄榄球球场
  • adj.椭圆形的;卵形的
  • 网络椭圆的;奥巴尔;卵状的


oval face,oval track


1.椭圆形的;卵形的shaped like an egg


外贸包装专业术语英语翻译2_百度文库 ... 长圆形 Long Circle 椭圆形 Oval ~ 双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle ...


新目标高中英语(选修11) ... razor 剃刀;剃须刀 oval 卵形的;椭圆的 nickname 绰号;浑名 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... origin n. 起源,出身 585. oval a. 椭圆形的 outset n. 开始,开端 587. ...


家纺英语_百度文库 ... doily 杯垫 oval 椭圆的 oblong 长方的 ...


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珠宝销售英语口语-常用珠宝英语单词 ... opal 澳宝的 oval 卵状的 teardrop 泪状的 ...

George W. Bush always had staffers called to him in the Oval Office - and God help you if you showed up without a jacket and tie! 乔治·华盛顿·布什经常在总统办公室中告诉他的官员--如果你不穿夹克衫、不打领带,上帝将会帮助你。
I greeted them and said that if they'd wait for me to shower and get dressed for church, I'd take them into the Oval Office for a picture. 我向他们打招呼,并告诉他们,如果等我洗完澡并换上去教堂的衣服,我会领他们到总统使用的椭圆形办公室合个影。
By the outer margin of the pit was an oval pond, and over it hung the attenuated skeleton of a chrome-yellow moon. 在深谷的外侧边缘,有一个椭圆形的池塘,池塘上高悬着一勾朦胧昏黄的残月。
The female pelvis is shaped like a wide, oval bowl with a large opening at the top and a slightly smaller opening at the bottom. 女性盆骨的形状像一个宽的卵形的碗,它的上部有一个大的开口,而下部有一个稍小的开口。
Will Hillary take revenge on her philandering husband by outperforming him in the Oval Office? 希拉里会否通过在白宫中更好的表现来报复他不忠的丈夫?
Isabel was a tall girl with the oval face, straight nose, fine eyes and full mouth that appeared to be characteristic of the family. 伊莎贝尔是个身材高挑,椭圆脸,直鼻梁,眉清目秀,嘴巴丰满的姑娘。这一切看来都是她家族的特征。
As for public perceptions: I guess I'm unconvinced that the public has any idea how much time the Oval Office gives to things. 至于公众的看法:我想,我不认为公众对椭圆形办公室在每件事上花多少时间有什么概念。
Right across the door of the Oval Office is what was his former office, known as the Roosevelt Room. 正确横跨椭圆形办公室的门是什么是他的前办公室,叫作罗斯福屋子。
But at the end of the day, it's that sort of funnel; the tough decisions end up in the Oval Office. 不过一天的结束时刻就像是那种漏斗,那些难题最终是在总统办公室里做出决定。
My own choice, I took a sheet of paper and drew a little oval like a conference table and I put seven seats around it. 我拿出一张纸,画了个像办公桌似的椭圆形在上面,然后我在周围画了七个座位。
The empty cell membrane of the bacterium may separate off, like the hull of a seed, leaving the spore as a free. round or oval body. 此细菌的空细胞膜象种子壳一样可被分离掉,留下呈圆形或蛋形散粒物的芽孢。
When Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, he gave her a dazzling, oval blue 18-carat sapphire and diamond ring. 威廉王子向凯特·米德尔顿求婚时,送给她一枚闪亮的18克拉椭圆蓝宝石戒指。
any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal. 任何一种用球的运动(圆形或椭圆形)两队尽力去踢球或抢球。
A warm breath and a rub on her pants later, a small black pebble, oval like a river rock, charred and smooth, was freed of ice. 在她呵完热气,并在裤子上擦拭一番后,黑色小石子上的冰层就被除掉了,这块像河滩卵石一样的椭圆形石头已被烧焦,但表面很光滑。
One unnamed McChrystal advisor described a meeting between the general and Mr. Obama at the Oval office as a "ten-minute photo op" . 麦克里斯托尔的一位没有透露姓名的顾问说,麦克里斯托尔将军和奥巴马在椭圆形办公室的一次会面是“10分钟的拍照活动”。
Hillary couldn't believe the news and stormed out of the office. She rushed to her limo and picked up the phone to call the Oval Office. 希拉里简直不能相信这个消息,她气乎乎走出医生办公室,冲向轿车,抓起电话拨通白宫椭圆形办公室。
She did everything she could to make it easier for me to do my job, and kept the Oval Office operations in great shape. 她尽她所能使我的工作更容易开展,而且让总统办公室运作得很有条理。
Behind the lion towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed . 在狮城的后面是巨大的土堆或金字塔,在金字塔下方发现一大型、椭圆形房间,房间看起来就是密封的。
Mexican buyers are prepared to pay more for a Lincoln-badged vehicle than they would for a similar one with a Ford blue oval. 墨西哥买家愿意支付更多的林肯标志的车辆比他们将进行类似的其中一个福特蓝色椭圆形。
During the era when the Escort was born, Ford surprisingly did not embellish its face with its long-standing logo, the blue oval. 时期当护送出生时,福特竟然没有掩饰其面临的长期标志蓝色的椭圆形。
The oval is selected when you see a dashed line with green selection handles around the oval and its rectangular background. 当您看到椭圆及其矩形背景周围显示带有绿色选择手柄的虚线时,表示该椭圆已被选中。
This can be done by looking at 50% of the dot (middle) loess to see if it is a diamond-shaped oval or. 这可以堵住查察50%网不面(洋间调)来鉴定,看它是否为椭圆不神或钻石不神。
Named for its distinctive oval shape, the Oval Office is part of the complex of offices that make up the West Wing of the White House. 根据它的外形得以命名。椭圆形办公室是综合办公区的一部分,它组成了白宫的西翼。
Flight hours on the wing and narrow white cross striations in the dark on both sides of the tail - piece oval-shaped white spots very clear. 飞行时翼上狭窄白色横纹及于深色尾基两侧的椭圆形白色块斑极明显。
To the best of my knowledge, no US president has ever put a desktop computer on his Oval Office desk. 据我所知,没有一个美国总统在他总统办公桌上摆着一台电脑。
THE hinged oval case topped by a delicate gold crown is covered, front and back, in raised lettering that would once have been enamelled. 这个椭圆形带绞链顶饰精美金冠的小盒子前后都被曾经上过瓷釉的浮雕字母所覆盖。
The eye - as you know - is oval shaped. 眼睛-如你知道的-是椭圆形。
Since the formation of bulimia dieting to lose weight, once a month, always oval face into a pie face, you can change back. 由于节食减肥形成暴食症,曾经一个月了,往常瓜子脸变成了大饼脸,还能变回来吗。
In the photos we can see two massive chrome bars stretched across the grille with a prominent Ford oval badge resting between them. 在照片我们可以看到两个巨大的铬酒吧延伸跨越格栅与福特椭圆形的一个突出标志它们之间休息。
I invited him to the White House, and we had a good visit in the Oval Office not long before he died. 我邀请他到白宫,好好地参观了椭圆形办公室,之后不久,他就去世了。