out of the blue

  • un.难得到的;突然;突如其来;出人意料
  • 网络出乎意料;突然地;一日狂徒

out of the blueout of the blue

out of the blue


数据库_英语口语锦集(oralenglish)_软件世界网 ... knock up 意外怀孕 2) out of the blue 突然 3) hit the road 动身/出发 4) ...


nemo’ ... give birth to 生孩子,产生 out of the blue 出乎意料,突然 border on 接壤 ...


现代英语妙语语林 ... be caught short 缺钱 out of the blue 突然地 get peanuts 挣很少的钱 ...


含有色彩的英语单词_百度知道 ... black sheep: 败家子 out of the blue: 突如其来 green-eyed: 嫉妒 ...


您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 剧情 >> 《一日狂徒》(Out of the Blue)[720P] 《一日狂徒》(Out of the Blue)[720P] 下面是用户共 …


MLTR(摇滚麦克)歌曲,MLTR(摇滚麦克)的歌 ... Salvation 拯救 Out Of The Blue 走出忧伤 Complicated Heart 紊乱的心 ...


中国电影【757】 ... 小毕的故事 Growing Up 小爸爸的天空 Out Of The Blue (待制作)(无) 最想念的季节 My Favorite Seas…


关于颜色的词语 - 好研 ... in a blue moon 千载难逢 out of the blue 晴天霹雳 blue murder 大声惊呼,恐怖的喊声 ...

During the lunch, out of the blue, he asked me to give a five minute nutshell version of what I would present to the group. 在吃饭的时候,他突然提出让我用五分钟大致描述一下将做的报告内容。
New products do not have to be "out-of-the-blue" new (like the video-cassette recorder or the compact disc). 所谓新产品并不一定非要是那种“前无古人”的产品(比如盒式磁带录像机,或CD光盘)。
I have nothing but happy memories, because, as you know, it just happened out of the blue. 我有的都是快乐的记忆,因为,你知道,一切都发生得很突然。
He was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop. 正当他以正常的速度行驶的时候,一辆卡车突然出现在他面前,他来不及刹车。
Out of the blue he said, "I really want you to have this house, and if you'll put down what you have, I'll finance the rest of it myself. " 突然开发商说:“我真想让你们拥有这套房子,如果你把你们有的钱付掉,其余的由我来支付。”
He said extending his hand. I took his palm and it was freezing cold like he just stepped out of the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory's freezer. 说着他向偶伸过手来。偶握着他的手,感到一阵冰凉,就仿佛他刚从兰贝冰淇淋厂的冷冻机里出来一样。
It has not been dropped upon you out of the blue, and you have been considerably helped for quite a few hundred years. 它并不是突然地掉在你们头上,你们已经被大大地帮助了好几百年。
I gotta tell you, that's kind of out of the blue, don't you think? 我得告诉你,老兄这有点突然,你不认为吗?
the government has insisted , out of the blue , that her renovations stop for a week. 政府部门突如其来地命令她的修缮工作暂停一星期。
The hardest choices so often come upon us out of the blue, as the result of no actions of our own. 最艰难的抉择总是在突然之间降临,因为此前我们没有及时采取行动。
So if I get an idea out of the blue for an inactive project, I can type up those ideas quickly and get back to work on my current project. 所以,如果我突然想出了某个没动工的项目的点子,便可以很快地把它们记在上面,再回到手头的工作中去。
We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance was a Bolt out of the Blue. 我们大家都认定她现在在芝加哥,因此她的突然出现完全出乎我们的预料。
I uh, I gotta tell you man, I mean, that's uh, it's kinda out of the blue, I mean don't you think? 我要告诉你,老兄。这真是太突然了,你不这样认为吗?
And for others, depression happens "out of the blue, " unrelated to any particular situation, and totally incapacitates the victims. 和别人,抑郁症的发生“出于蓝,”无关的任何特别的情况下,完全不适于受害者。
The inheritance came out of the blue as a stroke of good fortune. 这份遗产就好像是飞来横福。
I was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of me out of the blue and I did not have time to stop. 正当我以正常的速度行驶的时候,一辆卡车突然出现在面前,我来不及刹车。
Out of the blue, Jack decided to open up a business in the town. 杰克突然决定在城里开店了。
At the end of the meeting, out of the blue, he asked whether the President had as yet decided on receiving Trade Minister Patolichev. 会见结束时,他出其不意地问,总统是否已决定接见贸易部长帕托利切夫。
But presuming that your promotion does not come completely out of the blue, what practical steps can a leader take to be ready to perform? 不过,你的升迁恐怕也不完全是那么突然的事,那么,一个领导人可以采取哪些实际的步骤,为自己的新官上任做准备呢?
Sure you were. Of course, I'm glad to see you, but this is just a little out of the blue. 你当然可以来。当然了,我也很高兴见到你,只是有点意外罢了。
Then, out of the blue, he said, "And I'm going to help other kids cope with loss. " 接着,他突然说,“我要帮助其他孩子应对失亲之痛。”
She suddenly wrote out of the blue and asked me to go on holiday with her. 她突然写信要求我与她一起去度假。
My fATher ATe slowly, one berry AT a time, savoring each. Then out of the blue he began telling me how much he cared about me. 爸爸慢慢地咀嚼着黑莓,一个个细细品味着,突然向我表述起他对我的关怀来。
There was no history of it in my family, I had been a healthy child, so it came completely out of the blue. 我的家庭没有的得骨癌的历史,之前我也一直是一个健康的孩子,这一切对我来说来的都太突然了。
Did you meet anyone while you were waiting on the sidewalk for me to come out of the Blue Moon? 你在路边等我出来的时候没有遇见任何人么?
At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown. 最后一分钟,乔尼出乎意料的得一球,并持球触地得分。
The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. 我们大学校长宣布他决定辞职到另外一个学校去工作。我们都感到很突然。
But now that you've emailed me out of the blue when you need something, I'd be glad to help. 不过既然你在需要我时才突然意识到我的存在,我还是很乐意帮帮你的。
Their only daughter died of the traffic accident. It was like a bolt out of the blue. 他们唯一的女儿死于交通事故,说来真是晴天霹雳。
d. The news was a great shock to her, it came absolutely out of the blue. 这消息对她来说是个巨大的打击,简直是晴天霹雳。