
美 [ˈaʊtˌlaɪn]英 [ˈaʊtlaɪn]
  • n.概述;轮廓线;梗概;略图
  • v.概述;略述;显示…的轮廓:勾勒…的外形
  • 网络大纲;提纲;概要

复数:outlines 现在分词:outlining 过去式:outlined

broad outline,general outline,rough outline,vague outline
draw outline,give outline,development outline,sketch outline,offer outline


v. n.

1.~ sth (to sb).~ what, how, etc.…概述;略述to give a description of the main facts or points involved in sth

2.[usupass]~ sth (against sth)显示…的轮廓:勾勒…的外形to show or mark the outer edge of sth


计算机专业英语词汇_百度百科 ... Optical scanner 光电扫描仪 Outline 大纲 off-line browsers 离线浏览器 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... alien n 外星人 outline n 轮廓;要点;概要 plot n (小说的)情节;结构 ...


提纲作文的命题形式是先给出英文作文标题,再用英语或汉语列出提纲(outline),要求考生按照提纲的要求写出文章。提纲有时 …


纺织染化知识 ... 公主线型 princess line 轮廓线 silhouette line;outline 毛皮,皮革 fur;leather ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... alien n 外星人 outline n 轮廓;要点;概要 plot n (小说的)情节;结构 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... nitrogen n. 氮 outline v. 概述,概括 parcel n. 小包,包裹;一组,一些 ...


photoshop 常用 英语单词_百度知道 ... ornament 装饰 outline 轮廓,外形 palette 调色板 ...


凡字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 平庸〖 mediocre〗 纲要,概括之辞〖 outline〗 人世间,尘世〖 thismortalworld〗 ...

Gingerly we climbed over the fallen trunks, trying to keep the outline of the trail in sight. 我们大胆地爬上倒下的树干,想把延伸的小道收入眼底。
The only thing I found? A one-page outline for an intended screenplay she never began. 可是我唯一找到的东西,是一份打算写却还没动笔的一页纸的电影大纲。
If such a condition as you outline arises, we will not stick our necks out for Chiang to chop off. 如果出现你所说的那种情况,我们是不会伸出脖子,让蒋介石来砍头的!
An outline helps you stick to the subject of the composition from the beginning to the end. 能够让你自始至终都能围绕文章的主题来进行阐述。
Upon entering the White House, a protocol officer would meet you and outline the proper procedures for meeting the President. 进了白宫,会有位礼官来告诉你晋见总统时应该要有的规矩。
Before I go much further, I should outline a couple of core decisions: How much, and how fast? 在进一步深入讨论前,先来给出两个核心决定:多少和多快?
The wall is covered with bamboo material which follows the original outline of the wall, turning it into a wavy surface. 该墙是用竹子盖的材料如下隔离墙的原来的大纲,将其变成一个波浪形的表面上。
For that reason, I'll outline the rules here, and will also strive to follow them in every step of my own plug-in. 出于该原因,我在此列出这些规则,并且在插件的每一步都尽量遵守这些规则。
The algorithm, as the bottom algorithm of the rapid prototyping scanning software system, has been applied to zone the profiled outline. 该算法作为快速成形选区环形扫描路径规划软件的底层算法,在对待扫描的层面轮廓进行分区时得到了应用。
Close your eyes and attempt to identify the sketch by running your fingertips along the raised outline. 闭上双眼,试着用指尖沿着凸起的轮廓辨认草图。
Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace. 平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。
Please bid how much you will be asking for this project as well an outline and timeframe. 请你出价多少将用于此项目的要求以及大纲及时间表。
As I leaned on the railing, trying to guess at the outline of the sierra, nostalgia's first blow caught me by surprise. 当我靠在栏杆上,试着看出锯齿山脊的轮廓时,思乡之情第一次油然而生。
Mine is often making a cup of green tea and sipping it while I outline whatever I'm going to work on. 我的习惯经常是泡一杯绿茶,在我给任何我要写的文章列提纲的时候啜上一口。
A rough outline slowly came up to her dull mind in white glory, meanwhile, the passionate heart were to fly high in the universe. 迟钝的脑袋瓜里白色光辉磨蹭出一个大概轮廓,心情是正要翱翔于天际的热烈;
Clinton said the United States hopes to unveil an outline of the plan by the time it hosts this year's APEC meeting in Hawaii. 克林顿说,美国希望在夏威夷主办今年的亚太经合组织会议时公布这项计划的大纲。
At the northern extremity of the bay the outline of the shore was continued to a great distance in a wider curve. 在港湾北部的尽头,海岸的轮廓延伸到很远的地方,形成一个很大的弧形。
He went on to outline how most accounts had been easy to hack as the group had been able to guess the answers to bad security questions. 他还大概描述了一下大多数账户是如何被轻易入侵的,因为这些人设的密码提示问题太烂,所以他们才能够猜得到。
It was a huge gambit and one that came like a tonic to Wall Street, which had panned an earlier outline of the program that lacked detail. 这一大手笔对华尔街是一剂强心剂,之前他们曾对该计划的早期概要提出批评因其缺少细节。
If the most important parts of a lecture are put into a bulletin format or used in an outline, you will find it much easier to follow along. 如果最重要的部分讲座公告格式或者投入使用分区、你将更易跟着。
New storyboard mode makes it easy to choose the right videos for your trailer by giving you an outline for it. 新的故事板使你的预告片更容易选择合适的视频片段,只要给它一个提纲。
The first picture was the outline of a man's shadow cast By the sun upon a wall. 第一幅图画是阳光下一个人投射在墙上的影子的轮廓。
On recordings, how much preparation and arranging do you do before you go into the studio? Or it is mostly an outline of songs? 关于唱片,在去录音棚录歌前你会做多少准备和安排?只是大概的列一下曲目就可以了吗?
You can now use the SQL outline again to see that the cost estimate is reduced just by doing this simple task. 现在您可以再次查看SQL大纲,您将看到,成本估计降低了,这仅仅是因为执行这个简单任务。
State Department spokesman (Tom Casey) said the "Status of Forces Agreement" would be a legal outline for the U. S. presence in Iraq. 美国国务院发言人说,「驻军协议」将为美国在伊拉克部署军队提供法律框架。
It almost looked like the outline of a player's body had been given a type of shading, emphasizing the differences between shapes. 看起来好像球员身体轮廓加入阴影,更强调了不同体型。
One day as she was sitting in a coffee shop with her little baby she had an idea for a story that she wrote down in an outline on a napkin. 有一天她和她的小孩坐在咖啡店里的时候,有了故事的灵感,并把故事大纲写在了餐巾上。
If you took the time in the first step to outline your ideas and setthem up in a logical fashion, then your thinking should be very clear. 如果你在第一步花点时间来勾画您的想法,并将其富有逻辑地组织起来,那么您的思路就会变得非常清晰。
The seed used in outline is quite simple; it is just a string that gets longer as deeper branches of the tree are reached. outline使用的seed非常简单,它只是一个字符串,到达树的分支的深度越深,该字符串就越长。
In fact, you may find it useful to set up the outline for your business plan and fill in the details as they become apparent to you. 实际上,你可能会发现提前制定商业计划大纲,在事情发生后再补上细节问题的方法是很有效的。