
美 [ˈperəˌɡræːf]英 [ˈpærəˌɡrɑːf]
  • n.段落
  • v.把…分段;写短文报导;(为报刊)写短评[杂评]
  • 网络节;短讯;段落号

复数:paragraphs 现在分词:paragraphing 过去式:paragraphed

above paragraph,final paragraph,introductory paragraph,same paragraph



1.段;段落a section of a piece of writing, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single subject. The first sentence of a paragraph starts on a new line.


AE中英文对照 ... 绘画 ← Paint 段落Paragraph 预览控制台← Preview ...

出版专业英语词汇 - 清扬古风的日志 - 网易博客 ... paper-cover binding 平装 paragraph ,段 part 篇 ...


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... pant n. 喘气 paragraph n. 段, 节; (报刊的) 短讯 pardon n. /vt. 原谅, 饶恕, 赦免 ...


【精品资料】黄涛考研博客 - 豆丁网 ... inflation (通货)膨胀 paragraph 段, 节, 小新闻, 短评 ambition 雄心,野心 ...


2012中考英语:单词记忆是关键_百度文库 ... ( ass , 驴), ( paragraph段落号)等。 2. 缩写: ( Anno Domini 公元。例如 ...


分段Paragraph)的时候,可以去除行首、行尾的制表符。 Version 1.44在HTML->TXT对话框中,增加“Convert iso8859-1 …

合同法律专业术语大全_法律博客 ... 条 Article Paragraph 项 Item ...

The last paragraph of the statement said the Fed was ready to employ 'the range of policy tools available. ' 该声明最后一段称,美联储为采取“一系列可用政策工具”做好了准备。
In a paragraph, several related sentences work together. They work together to put across an idea, or to create an impression. 每个段落由好几个互相关联的句子构成,共同表达一种思想或给读者留下一种印象。
Keep correct formatting and indenting of sentences by automatically removing spaces typed at the beginning and end of a paragraph. 自动移除在一个段落的开始与结尾输入的空白,以保持句子有正确的格式与缩排。
Original paragraph : Let me start by saying that if I had my life over a thousand times, the one thing would not change would be my race. 让我开始说,如果我的生命能有一千次,将不会改变的一件事就是我的种族。
And the above paragraph doesn't seem to be a bad description of the US or UK economy, which suggests the case for stimulus is strong. 上面这段文字看起来还算准确地描述了美国或英国经济的现状,这说明采取刺激政策的理由颇具说服力。
Orphan An undesirable effect of page make-up in which the first line of a paragraph, or a subhead, appears at the foot of a page, See Widow. 一段文字的副标题或开始的一行,排放在版脚的情况。是一个不良的排版效果。参阅寡行。
Read the paragraph the word is in and try to work out the meaning from the context. 阅读词语所在的段落,并从上下文猜出词语的词义。
Paragraph Installation will take just a couple of moments, and Mikogo will then automatically start with an "M" icon in your system tray. 安装将在短时间内完成,Mikogo将会自动运行,并在你的系统托盘中显示一个“M”的图标。
Paragraph Drag the Mikogo program into the Applications folder, or to another location of your choice. 拖动Mikogo文件到应用程序文件夹,或者你选择的另一个地方。
The last paragraph needs to be dropped altogether. If the essay has done it's job, recaps like this are obvious and unnecessary. 最后一段也需要删掉。如果这篇文章已经说出作者想要告诉我们的,那么最后一段的重复过于做作和多余。
In this paragraph describe to the reader what you are trying to achieve with the design history. 这个段落,向读者解释,在进行策划的改进升级时,你想要达到什么效果。
Fran_Blinebury: I trade McGrady for Garnett faster than you could read this paragraph. But it has no, none, nada, zilch chance of happening. 我会用麦迪交易加内特,(这个决定)甚至比你读这个帖子的速度都快,但这绝对不可能,概率是零。
Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Covenant reaffirms the right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family. 《公约》第二十三条第2款重申已达结婚年龄的男女缔婚和成立家庭的权利。
The second line specifies that this information is to be surrounded by HTML paragraph tags before return. 第二行指定该信息在返回之前需要用HTML段落标记括起来。
When writing a headline, the editor simply does not compress the lead paragraph into just a few words. 编辑在撰写新闻标题时,并不是简单地将第一个自然段压缩。
Or, to conserve space, you can arrange them in paragraph format, with a period after each one. 或者,为了节约空间,你可以编辑成一段话,在每项成就之后加上句号。
Remember that you may be able to understand what the paragraph in question is talking about given the context. 记住,你也许通过上下文才能理解该段到底说的什么。
If you must use hyperlinks, add them to the bottom of a paragraph or to the navigation menus of your site. 如果你必须使用超级连接,请在语句的末尾或在导航菜单上添加。
Now that you've pointed out the problem, I can look it up later. What about this paragraph? The last sentence sounds awkward to me. 既然你已经指出错误之处,我可以等会再查查。这段话怎么样?总感觉最后一句话很别扭。
At the bottom of the diagram , are the indirection support classes I mentioned in the first paragraph of this section . 位于图的底部,是我在这一节的第一段中提到的中间支持类。
He did not finish the first paragraph. The lines blurred and ran together and his head nodded. 第一段没读完,一行行的事已模糊成了一片,他打起了盹。
You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud-something unfamiliar but appropriate to his age. 你可以给你的孩子一两段文章让他大声读出来,以此来检测他,内容应该是他不熟悉但对其他年龄来说合适的。
The Delegation said that it would be up to other countries to indicate, whether they wished to be cited in that new paragraph 10. 该代表团认为,其他成员国应当表明,他们是否希望在新修改的第10段中挂名。
The Delegation said that it had already expressed its position concerning item 6 of that paragraph. 该代表团说,它已经就这一段的项目6表示了立场。
The provision of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of the company in respect of the profits out of which the dividends are paid. 本款规定,不应影响对该公司支付股息前的利润所征收的公司利润税。
Weight loss before the real pain, with a paragraph. Slimming capsule month pay cut of 19 pounds, without dieting activities, do not know. 减肥以前真痛苦,用了一款。减肥交囊一个月减了19斤,不用节食活动,不知不。
If the companies referred to in the preceding paragraph are insurance agencies, at least one must be a exclusive insurance agency. 前项如为保险代理人公司者,至少应有一家为专属代理人公司;
Original paragraph: Laura Lenox-Conynham, 28, grew up in a large house and her mother did not need to work. 28岁,在一个大家庭里成长起来,她的妈妈不需要去工作。
The Microsoft Live search engine automatically pulls up the first paragraph of any relevant Wikipedia entry in its search results. 凡是通过微软的Live搜索引擎进行的搜索,其结果都会自动将Wiki百科全书中与之相关的内容放在第一段。
Before 2003, wu of machine of Xuzhou city railroad paragraph of control room go up to be in the condition on the hand all the time. 在2003年之前,徐州市铁路机务段调度室的上作一直处于手上状态。