
美 [pərˈfɔrm]英 [pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)m]
  • v.执行;履行;表演;做
  • 网络演出;完成;表现

第三人称单数:performs 现在分词:performing 过去式:performed

perform task,perform action,perform work,perform function,perform service
perform flawlessly



1.[t]~ sth做;履行;执行to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty

2.[t][i]~ (sth)演出;表演to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc.

3.[i]~ (well/badly/poorly)工作,运转(好╱不好)to work or function well or badly


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... uniformity n 一致性 perform v 执行(任务);表演 performance n 表现;表演 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... uniformity n 一致性 perform v 执行(任务);表演 performance n 表现;表演 ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... perfect 使完善;改善 perform 执行,履行 plan 计划 ...


英文简历词汇8--兴趣爱好 ... 乐队 band 演出 perform 唱歌 perform ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... perfect 完全的,全然的 perform 完成,执行 perorate (演说时)作结束语 ...


BEC中高级考试词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... pension n. 养老金,退休金 perform v. 表现,执行 performance n. 进行,表现工作情况 ...


深圳女装品牌有哪些_百度知道 ... 欧位 OUWEI 演奏 PERFORM 珂罗娜 CORONA ...

大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... constant a. 不变的,持续的 perform vt. ,履行 talent n. 才能;天资 ...

It is implied by the directive, that there is a business role within the bank called "teller" and that people perform that role. 这个指示暗示银行中有称为“出纳员”的业务角色并有担任这个角色的人。
With these tools, it can be easy to set up the basic infrastructure of a distributed data grid and perform grid computations. 使用这些工具,可以方便地建立分布式数据网格的基本基础设施并执行网格计算。
Basically, they believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to "do things" , to perform acts. 他认为人们说话时不仅是传递信息或描述物体,通常是言语本身即是一种行为,即以言行事。
It is possible for a user without some or all of these authorities to perform a migration, but results may be incomplete. 没有所有这些权限的用户执行迁移,但结果可能是不完整的。
The explicit subject method enables you to pass in the subject of any user and determine if they are authorized to perform an action. 使用显式主题方法可以传入任何用户的主题,并确定他们是否具有执行某项操作的权限。
Do not use a domain controller to browse the Web or to perform any other activities that may introduce malicious code. 不要使用域控制器浏览网站或执行任何可能引入恶意代码的其他活动。
Some database utilities perform actions that must be audited, but do not necessarily communicate with a running engine or server. 一些数据库实用程序执行的操作必须被审计,但是不必与正在运行的引擎或服务器进行通信。
Matt, because you love writing so many songs, is there anybody you'd love to write for or to see perform one of your songs? 因为你喜欢写歌,有没有人你很期望为其专门写首歌呢?或者你希望谁来演奏你的歌呢?
Enter the number of cleanings that this cartridge can perform before it is considered to be expended. The value must not be zero. 在该磁带被扩充之前,请输入可以执行的清洗次数。数值不能为零。
Directors shall faithfully, honestly and diligently perform their duties for the best interests of the company and all the shareholders. 董事应根据公司和全体股东的最大利益,忠实、诚信、勤勉地履行职责。
If you do not complete the preparation, it may be unsafe to perform the colonoscopy and the procedure may have to be rescheduled. 如果不能完成检查前的准备,结肠镜检查就可能变得不安全,可能被迫需要更改时间。
SAP supplied ERP software through a third-party reseller, but did not perform any contractual services directly to GSIS. SAP透过第三方经销商提供ERP软件,但并未直接为GSIS执行任何合同服务。
In this way, we are not trying to force the young animal to resemble and perform like an adult horse. 通过这种方式,我们不是试图强迫小马驹模仿和做成年马的行为。
Salman, who was taught cycling by his father Salim, went on to perform stunts with a bike in his first movie Maine Pyar Kiya. 萨勒曼,谁是他的父亲教萨利姆自行车,继续执行与在他的第一部电影缅因州Pyar木屋自行车特技。
Asian markets have continued to perform strongly, with MSCI country indices across the region posting large rises over the past two years. 亚洲市场近几年一直表现强劲,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)亚洲国别指数过去两年均大幅上涨。
Now that you know the actual command (or method) to call to perform the desired action, you can now create a script to use this command. 既然知道了执行所需操作要调用的实际命令(或方法),现在就可以创建一个脚本来使用此命令。
"This campaign is to reward performers who have the talent to perform live and give it a human edge, " Ames said. 这项活动是为了奖励那些可以现场表演,给人真实感的歌手,“埃姆斯说。”
An account might encapsulate data, but I can't think of any operations that it will perform, thus Account is not a proper class. 帐户可能封装数据,但我想不出任何它将执行的操作,因此Account就不是一个合适的类。
Last, Perform each sentence by saying it naturally and acting it out with emotion! 最后,把每个句子表演出来,自然地说,充满感情地演!
The National Health Security Office is trying to reduce some costs by encouraging patients to perform their own peritoneal dialysis at home. 通过鼓励病人在家自己进行腹膜透析,国家卫生安全办公厅力图减少一些费用。
Click New Role to create a custom role that contains the set of tasks that you want a user or group to be able to perform. 单击“新建角色”可以创建自定义角色,该角色包含您希望用户或组能够执行的任务集。
shall not perform any other duties except that of conference interpreter at conferences for which they have been taken on as interpreters. 在自己已被聘为会议口译员的会议上,不得从事会议口译之外的任何其他工作。
I would be forced to wait until the doctor was ready to perform surgery---- about another two hours. 我不得不等着医生给我做手术——再等两个小时。
Perform this exercise at least three times, using different speech topics and working up to a speech time of three minutes. 用不同的话题作上述练习三次,每次不少于三分钟。
The business state machine provides the ability for a condition to call (invoke) another component to perform the condition check. 对于某个条件,业务状态机可以调用另一组件来执行条件检查。
How much work did the team perform in the last calendar period? 团队在上一个日历周期内执行了多少工作量?
When you program a computer, you give it a set of instructions to make it able to perform a particular task. 当您为计算机设计程序时,是给计算机提供一组指令,使其能够完成特定工作。
In comparison, surgeons in the U. S. typically perform one or two surgeries a day, five days a week, operating fewer than 60 hours. 相比之下,美国的外科医生一般每天做一到两台手术,每周工作五天,每周做手术的时间少于60小时。
Other Asian economies, including Japan and South Korea, did not perform as strongly, however, amid slackening demand from beyond the region. 然而,由于来自本地区以外的需求放缓,日本、韩国等其它亚洲经济体表现较为逊色。
Gestures allow your avatar to perform a variety of animations, sounds, or other actions automatically as you chat. 姿势的使用可以使你的化身在你谈话时执行一系列的特定动作或者声音。