part of me

  • 网络做自己;部分的我;我的一部分

part of mepart of me

part of me


正如她在今年七月上映的3D音乐电影纪录片《做自己》 (Part of Me)里说的那样:“巡演的时候,我的目标是让人微笑。”但请 …


欧美新片 - 资料库 - Mtime时光网 ... 野蛮人 Savages 凯蒂·派瑞:部分的我 Katy Perry:Part of Me 天上掉下个姐姐 People Like …


音乐之道_森林大地_新浪博客 ... Angels 歌词 歌 手… Part of Me/ 我的一部分&… Angels Calling Me (天使… ...


历年北美电影票... ... 93. 亚历克斯·克洛斯 Alex Cross 94. 凯蒂·派瑞:这样的我 Katy Perry:Part of Me 95. 闪耀的花火 Sparkle ...


爱乐者必... ... 01.Heaven Knows 上帝知道 02.Part Of Me 过去的我 (推荐) 03.God Knocking On Your Door 上帝在敲你的门 …


Lara Fabian(墨西哥版) - 搜搜音乐 专辑 ... 3835191637Adagio 慢版曲3286386141 1010546640Part of me 部份的我328638614…


图片格式钢琴谱合辑列表一 - 打包下载 ... Nothing ever changes (钢琴谱) PART OF ME- 滨崎步 Piano Passion 浪漫钢琴 ...


凯蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)明明是金发,偏偏喜欢褐发亮相,也许她自认在「做我自己」(Part of Me)?即将二度做妈的洁西卡 …

But they are such a good and talented bunch of boys, with a good coach and enthusiastic parents, that part of me wanted to get involved. 但是他们是一群如此优秀如此杰出的孩子们,他们有一位好的教练和一群热情的父母,这令到我想参与到他们的活动之中。
Part of me wants to tell my boss the truth, but I fear it would make me look drippy and uncommitted. 一方面,我希望告诉老板实情,但又担心这会让我看起来很麻烦,没有责任感。
Your love gives me strength enough to have a little faith in me. You're the biggest part of me. 你的爱给我力量足以有点信心在我里面,也是这样。
Every part of me is blessed with elegance. A low-level spirit like you has no chance of winning. 我的一切受优雅所祝福,像妳这样的低等灵毫无胜算。
But I found the strength inside to see, found the better part of me, And I'll never let it go. 但我找到了心里的力气,找到我更好的部门,我永久没有会让它来。
What vengeful part of Me would require that I subject you to eternal suffering of a type and at a level beyond description? 是我的哪个复仇心很重的部分,会要求我,让你们受到一种言语都不足以形容的、永远的苦痛?
In an interview two years ago, he said, "Music to me is just like breathing. I have to have it. It's part of me. " 在两年前的一次采访中查尔斯说道:“音乐对于我来说就像呼吸一样,我必须拥有它,它是我的一部分。”
Elena : Part of me wishes that I could forget , too . Forget meeting you , finding out what you are and everything that's happened since . 埃琳娜:有时候我想我要也忘记了多好。忘记遇见你,忘记发现你是吸血鬼和之后发生的事。
That was the frist time I realized that friend' location in my heard. maybe . . . that only a part of me in my life not all. 那是我第一次意识到朋友在我心中的地位。或许,那仅仅是我生命中的一个小部分。
I should like part of me to stay there after death as it always did during life. 我希望死后我有一部分留在那里,就象生前一贯的那样。
It means such a union of two people that a widower describing his wife's death could say, "It's like tearing away a part of me. " 它所指的那种两人的结合,就像一个丧妻的鳏夫在描述妻子的离世时所说的:「她的去世,使我有被撕裂的感觉。」
There was also a tiny part of me that feared I might reach old age, or death, without ever having had sex. 我也曾胆小过,害怕上了年纪或者离世,都没有做过爱。
I feel like you've always been forever a part of me. And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love somewhere I never thought I'd be. 我感觉你永远一直是我的一部分。而难以置信的是最终爱上我从未认为我会爱的地方。
September was nearing, and part of me did not want to leave. 九月临近了,我有点不想离开。
Part of me is giddy to see that, China, of all countries is pointing out the idiot-switch on these devices. 精分的我眼花的发现所有国家中,只有景德镇指出了这些玩具的白痴开关。
i love you for the part of me that you bring out. 我爱你,因为你能唤出我最真的那一部分。
that's the way it felt with you and our conversation just flowed and it is as if you have been a part of me for a good while ! ! ! 就是这种情形,和你在一起,和你的交谈刚刚互动的时候,让我感觉,就好像,你已经是我的一部分已经很久了!
The only part of me that connected with him physically was my lips but the connection I felt with him was absolute. 我跟他的物理接触只有嘴唇,而那是如此真切。
There is a part of me that has never really left childhood, or young adulthood, or any part of my past. 有一部分的我从未离开过我的童年、青年或者过去的任何一部分。
A part of me thinks that for a child to really excel at a sport they'd have to give up some part of their childhood. 我一方面认为,要孩子真正在某项运动上表现超群,他们就必须放弃部分童年生活。
Of course there was a part of me that wanted to be playing. 当然,我还是有一点想要参赛的。
You know it's hard, because is part of me feel incredibly in last of my life. 很艰辛,这是我以前生活的一部分,让我觉得感觉简直难以置信的生活。
I imagined steam rising from my head as I ranted. But a part of me was as shocked as the people still standing in line. 我能想象我咆哮时从我头顶升起的怒气,但我惊讶的发现人们仍然整齐的排成一队。
This was the part of me that believed I was worthless and had no ability whatsoever. 它是我的一部分,它不相信我有任何价值或是无论什么能力。
Whenever I see a toddler or small animal sleeping in a ridiculous position, a little part of me gets terribly jealous. 无论何时,当看见一个小孩或者其他什么动物以夸张的姿态沉睡时,我总会不由自主的产生一种羡慕感。
No, that's not the whole truth. You also said that you didn't want to die. The truth is. Part of me hated you. For taking away my life. 不,那不完全是真的。你曾说过你不想死的。事实是。我的一部分恨你,因为你夺去了我的生活。
But there's a little part of me that's saying, You know, it could be one and done here. 但是我的内心还是有个声音,也许这就是唯一的一部,无法继续。
Now when the mystic part of me jabbers on and on like this, the warrior rolls her eyes. 当我身上的神秘部分含糊地这么说时,战士翻了一下眼睛。
Whether I'm made up to look girly, edgy or like a rocker, there is always some part of me in there. 不论我是打扮成像小女生,或者很突出个性,或是像一个摇滚乐手,真实的我都有某些部分是这样的角色。
A part of me wanted to beg him not to leave me. 身体的一部份想跪下来求他不要走。