precious time

  • 网络需要的只是宝贵的时间;时间诚宝贵;珍贵时刻

precious timeprecious time

precious time


“枪炮与玫瑰”乐队的新专辑:Chinese... ... Precious time 需要的只是宝贵的时间 It don't really matter 这真的不是问题 ...


... 静心聆听( Music) 时间诚宝贵( Precious Time) 记忆走过的日子( Hold on your past…) ...


日官网通知翻译:有关尹相铉DVD发售之通知... ... M1 Christmas Eve( 平安夜) M5 Precious Time( 珍贵时刻) ...


光阴的英文翻译... ... 虚度光阴 to idle away the time 宝贵的光阴 precious time 一寸光阴一寸金 time is as valuable as gold. ...


请帮忙造一句英文:谢谢你花很多你宝贵的时间~... ... devote to 贡献於,致力於, precious time 宝贵时间 great patience 很有耐 …

Steve: Dear, I was just wondering if you could possibly spare some of your precious time with me next week? 亲爱的,我在想不知道下个礼拜有没有可能把一些你宝贵的时间留给我呢?
Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better. 事实上,我根本没睡过。当眼前的生活如此丰富多彩,干吗把时间浪费在做梦上呢?
To avoid wasting the precious time talking about French Revolution or Cultural Revolution, desultorily I tried to chat with him in French. 为了不把宝贵的时间浪费在法国大革命或文化大革命中,我试着用法语跟他有一搭没一搭的说话。
Thanks for your concern among your precious time. And i hope your business will get better and better as well as the record of the company! 感谢您在百忙之中所给与我的关注,愿贵公司蒸蒸日上、屡创佳绩。
Don't ask this person to spend any of that precious time trying to figure out where you'd fit in the organization. That's totally up to you! 不要指望这位招聘者会花费他宝贵的时间去考虑你比较适合做公司的哪些工作,这完全应该由你自己来做。
I am very sorry for wasting much of your precious time. Nice to talk with you and see you later. 非常抱歉浪费了您很多宝贵时间。很高兴跟您通话。回头见。
They had been wasting the precious time running about all over the country, begging and praying for a candidate. 他们浪费宝贵的时光跑遍全国东求西讨想找一位候选人。
Do not know if you have not read the pipeline story, this story is to tell you that precious time than money. 不知道大家有没有看过管道的故事,这个故事就是告诉大家时间比金钱宝贵。
All the precious time . . . Like the wind, the years go by. 所有那些宝贵的往日时光,就想风一样,就想流年一样…
Janie : They did. But it's not the same. I mean, Jake is only going to be this young once. I don't want to miss this precious time. 珍妮:有啊。但毕竟不一样。我是说,杰克的童年只有这么一次。我不想错过这个珍贵的阶段。
The mother frequently tells me to have to use the precious time well, is far away person which these I does not trust. 母亲经常告诉我要好好利用宝贵的时间,远离那些我不信任的人。
Anything less than an up-to-date, complete and bug-free system can steal precious time away from research. 不及最新的、完整且无缺点的系统的任何系统都能够从研究中偷走宝贵的时间。
Getting blacklisted from the PTA is one of the easiest ways to recoup some of your precious time. 被家庭教师协会列入黑名单也许是你收回你宝贵时间的最简单的方式。
Thank you for your busy schedule emerged precious time reading my cover letter down for an enthusiastic students opens a door of hope. 感谢您在百忙之中现出宝贵的时间垂阅我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门。
Looking back on the past, I can now see that I wasted so much of my precious time. 回顾过去,我现在才意识到我已浪费了这么多宝贵的时间。
Thrusting higher than this point may be ineffective and waste precious time. 如果压入的位置过高,就会不起作用,而且浪费宝贵的时间。
I would not trade one moment of that precious time and I miss nursing babies. 那段珍贵的时光多么美好,我多么怀念给孩子喂奶的日子!
Clearing debris from the opposite side of the building where people are less likely to be is a waste of precious time. 从不太可能有受困者的建筑另一端清除碎石是对宝贵时间的浪费。
I am very appreciated for your precious time to take a look at my resume. 非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间,阅读我这份自荐材料。
Hand, let go of the precious time has came to understand; tears, came to know the heart really hurts. 手,放开了才明白拥有时的珍贵;泪,落下了才知道心真的会很痛。
This, in turn, are warning us precious time in the Mo loading, the time to cherish, love life, the use of every minute, not to waste it. 而这又正告诫我们莫把宝贵的光阴虚掷,要珍惜时间,爱护生命,利用每分每秒,不要虚耗它。
Unfortunately, you could also waste precious time doing things that are not critical to your goals. 不幸的是,这样做可能也带来你对宝贵时间的浪费,他们对你的人生目标毫无帮助。
I'm grateful the boys were able to say their goodbyes and spend precious time with their wonderful mother. 我很感激,两个儿子能够亲自去告别,跟他们的好母亲共度那段珍贵的时间。
My closest friends crossed the Atlantic, taking precious time out of busy lives to sit with me. 我的闺蜜们从繁忙的生活中挤出宝贵的时间,穿过大西洋来看我。
Thank you for giving me so much of your precious time. 谢谢你给了这么多宝贵的时间。
The most precious time of one in his life must be the stage of puberty . Everyone is energetic and full of zeal for work. 一个人一生中最宝贵的时刻莫过于青春期了。每个人在这个时候都是充满活力与干劲的。
The time spent walking gives you a chance to clear your head, giving you a sense of well-being and some precious time to think. 行走的时间花在给你一个机会来清除你的头,给你一个幸福的和一些宝贵的时间去思考的感觉。
The 11 years of the marriage with General Chennault was the most precious time in my life. 与陈纳德将军共同生活的11年是我一生中最宝贵的日子。
We appreciate your giving us so much of your precious time . 我们很感激你们抽出宝贵的时间来帮我们。
It was a major investment of your precious time, and nothing gives an author more joy than your thoughtful attention. 你投入的宝贵时间是一大笔投资,没什么能比你对本书思考性的关注更能为作者带来欢乐。