
美 [ti]英 [tiː]
  • n.开球处;(高尔夫球)球座
  • v.放(球)在球座上;准备
  • 网络三通;T恤;经食管超声心动图(trans-esophageal echocardiography)

复数:tees 现在分词:teeing 过去式:teed



n. v.

1.(高尔夫球场的)发球区,开球处a flat area on a golf course from which players hit the ball


电力常用英语 - bingwuo的日志 - 网易博客 ... 塞入 wedge in 三通 tee 三通 tee junction ...


首页-Trendiano则天正品代购-淘宝网 ... 全部配件【 Acc】 T恤TEE】 衬衫【 Shirt】 ...

经食管超声心动图(trans-esophageal echocardiography)

经食管超声心动图TEE)的提出为心脏超声检查开辟了一个新的窗口。TEE是在1971年首次由Side和Gosling应用观察主动 …


高尔夫规则_百度百科 ... 替换球( Substituted Ball) 球座Tee) 发球区( Teeing Ground) ...


经食道超声心动图TEE)由于超声探头位置的改变,由后向前近距离扫查心脏深部结构,显示出清晰的图像,为心脏超声检 …


船舶专业英语_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... tanker 油船 tee T 型构件,三通管 tender 交通小艇 ...


每条球道由发球台(TEE)、球道((FAIRwAY)、果岭(GREEN)及障碍区,如沙池(BUNKER)、长草区(R0uGH)、人工湖面(LAKE)、 …

A young, lanky, man with grey blue eyes and short black hair wearing khaki pants and a white cotton tee was cowering against the wall. 一个身材瘦长的年轻人靠在在墙上蜷缩成一团,他长着一双蓝灰色的眼睛,留着一头乌黑的短发,穿着卡其布长裤和白色棉T恤衫。
I admit I had a little peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt. 我承认我窥视了一下他包里的东西,一条刚洗好的牛仔裤,一件白T恤,还有一件灰色带帽子的汗衫。
And the splendor of a mountain range every time you line up a tee shot is enough to take anyone's eye off the ball. 并且每当你在发球区打第一杆时,壮观的山脉足够吸引任何人的眼光离开高尔夫球。
With all this planning done, when the next day comes all I have to do is to follow the schedule to a tee. 当计划完成的时候,当下一天来的时候,我会精确地跟随时间表。
Now, I'm gonna go over there, I'm gonna borrow some tee. . . if I don't get back in five minutes, maybe you'd better call the police. 现在,我要去那里,问他借点茶叶……如果5分钟内我回不来,你最好叫警察。
How much does this tee shirt cost? 这件文化衫多少钱?
A wonderfully natural hole where all that was needed was to have a tee flattened, a fairway mown and a hill leveled for a green. 一个惊人的自然球洞,平坦的发球台,被剪出来的球道和一个凸出的山头,刚好作为果岭。
We got to the sixth hole, a tee where the drive had to go only about a hundred yards to carry the pond. 我们打到第六洞,是一个T字形,高尔夫球车得跑一百码去到池塘边。
We sat down to rest on the grass at the tenth tee. "Our scores are awful, " I said. 我们在第十个球座草坪上坐下休息。“我们的得分太糟了。”我说。
At this point, the change to the pipeline setup is simple enough: A call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter. 现在,对管道设置的更改就再简单不过了:只需一次调用,将探测器添加到tee过滤器的一个输出pad中。
In teeing , if a player uses a non-conforming tee or any other object to raise the ball off the ground, he is disqualified. 在架球时,如果球员使用了不合规格的球座或任何其他物体将球架离地面,他要被取消资格。
Her partner is stylishly dressed as well in dark denim, leather shoes and a purple v neck sweater layered over a white tee. 男士也打扮入时,深色牛仔裤,皮鞋,紫色的V领毛衣里面,可见白色T恤。
Most noticeably, the tee pad allows you to connect more than one sink to it, splitting a stream up and providing multiple copies. 其中一个显著特点是,teepad允许将一个以上的接收器与其连接,将一个流分解并提供多个副本。
OUTDOOR HAND-WASHING: Poke a small hole in the bottom of a jug. Block the hole with a golf tee. 户外洗手:在罐子底部戳个小孔,然后用一个高尔夫球球座把孔堵上。
The ideal line off the tee is just inside the cart path as the golfer then won't have to carry the water on his second shot. 在发球,只是作为内部高尔夫球车道路的理想路线则不会继续进行他的第二杆下水。
TIGER WOODS: That first tee, I'm looking forward to it. I haven't looked forward to that tee shot in a long time, not like this. 伍兹:一号洞发球台,我一直梦想着那里,我已经好久没有比赛了,那种感觉又仿倾佛回来了。
Or, when you get to that first hole and you're ready to tee off - the clouds will open. 或者当你到达第一个球洞正准备发球的时候—乌云密布了。
Meanwhile, I turn 35 in a couple months and am writing this post in the same shorts and tee-shirt I've been wearing for a week. 而实际上,再过几个月我就35岁了,写这篇文章的时候身上穿的T恤和短裤已经一个星期没换过了。
Positioning the tee-shot is important but it is not very long and I expect quite a few birdies. 选择击球方向十分重要,但是由于不是很长的球,所以小鸟球还是很有盼头的。
Take a simple pond immediately in front of a tee -- how often would we top the ball if the hazard were not there? 在发球台前面设置一个简单的水塘,如果哪里没有障碍,我们怎么来打球?
If you're a golfer, substitute one tee time a week for a trip to the community driving range. 如果你是一个高尔夫手,花一周时间去社区的练习场进行开球练习。
The present invention relates to a method and its equipment for producing tee steel, especially to its rolling method and equipment. 本发明涉及丁字钢的生产方法及设备,特别是其轧制方法及设备。
The quality and life of weld junctions can be improved through replacing the original weld structure with a tee joint. 最后,根据有限元的计算结果,将原焊接结构修改为三通结构,可以提高焊缝的焊接质量和使用寿命。
Please wait for the green the same group of players together to complete before putting out to the next tee. 请于果岭上等候同组球员完成推杆后再一同离开前往下一个发球区。
A pair of platform booties, a bib necklace, or a cuff bracelet can instantly make jeans and a tee look haute couture. 一个饰品,一个围兜项链,袖口手镯可以马上令牛仔裤和鞋子看起来像高级女式时装。
First, the use of flat face wood tee, the ball holder was a little lower, this could make the sweet spot is the local contact with the ball. 使用扁平杆面木杆开球时,球架得要低一点儿,这样可以使甜蜜点正当地接触到球。
Do not hit the tee ball too far right or left, then choose a running shot through the dip of the green or an aerial shot carrying it. 第一杆不要将高尔夫球击得太向右或太向左,上果岭的一杆选择地滚球或是高抛球。
Whereas empty rooms do not generate revenue, empty tee times lack revenue as well. 不过空房间总是会带来收入,空的开球时间却减少收入。
With enough zoom, it is possible to make out the individual features of each hole, such as the tee box, fairway, and green! 若缩放的程度足够,甚至还可以看到每个球洞的特征,比如发球台、球道和果岭!
The grass shacks, tee pees and mud huts did not separate these indigenous peoples from the natural world. 草屋、圆顶帐篷和泥棚并没有使这些土著人与自然界分离。