two x

  • 网络恩英

two xtwo x

two x


恩英TWO x)忙内杨智媛 (spica)金艺媛(jewelry)崔钟勋 他是性感的雕刻队长,霸气的吉他弹奏 ,帅气的LIVE现场,成熟 …

Depending on whether an embryo has a Y sex chromosome or two X's, during week seven it starts developing into a boy or a girl. 取决于具有的是一个Y性染色体还是两个X性染色体,坯胎在第七周期间开始发育成一个男孩或者一个女孩。
In terms of genetics, the female cell has two X chromosomes, one from each parent. So a woman's wisdom comes from both father and mother. 从遗传学来看,女子的细胞有两个X染色体,一个来自父亲,一个来自母亲,她具有父母的智慧。
Instead of two X chromosomes, some women have three; others have two XXs and an extra Y, or one of many other variations. 尽管有两对X染色体,有些妇女有三个,其他的是两个XXs和一个额外的Y,或许多其他的搭配中的一个。
So I do think that if you think you're going to be a lot happier if you've got Two-X instead of X, you're probably making a mistake. 我确信,如果觉得得到两倍比得到一倍会让你更高兴,你很可能就错了。我是说,你应该找到一份你喜欢的工作去做,拿那份工资。
Two X chromosomes and a blue uniform may not be enough. 而两条X染色体和一套蓝色制服未必就足够了。
How can a person with two X chromosomes be a man? In more ways than one. . . 男性怎么会有两个X染色体?不止一种原因……
If the new fertilized cell contains two X-chromosomes , the embryo will eventually form ovaries . 如果这个新的受精细胞(受精卵)含有两条X染色体,胚胎将最终发育出卵巢。
Boys are born with one Y and one X chromosome in all their body's cells, while girls have two X's. 与生俱来的,男孩子们的体细胞中有一个Y染色体和一个X染色体;而女孩子有两个X染色体。
In mammals, every cell in females has two X-chromosomes, while every cell in males has a single X-chromosome. 在哺乳动物中,每一个雌性细胞有两条X染色体,而每一个雄性细胞有一条X染色体。
In people, females have two X (sex) chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y. 人类女性的基因中有两条X染色体,男性则有一条X染色体和一条Y染色体。