
  • abbr.(=Hong Kong)(=House of Keys)
  • 网络香港(Hong Kong);香港域名;己糖激酶(hexokinase)



香港(Hong Kong)

中国国际电子商务中心自贸区关税查询系统 ... CR- 哥斯达黎加 HK- 香港 ID- 印度尼西亚 ...


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供应人己糖激酶(HK)ELISA01人己糖激酶HKELISA01,图片原图 | 提示:左右点击翻图 样板图转发分享(2672): 标签: 图片简 …


中国知识产权杂志 知识产权 商标 版权 专利 ... GT 危地马拉 HK 中国香港 HN 洪都拉斯 ...


香港顶级域名(.hk).hk英文域名 万网注册350元/年参考资料 评论| 2011-03-10 ".hk域名的价格? " 2009-06-25 域 …


现在上网用百度搜索的多还是用谷歌的多_百度知道 ... 中国 CN 1 88.4% 87.6% 香港特区 HK 16 2.2% 2.1% 新加坡 SG 15 1.9…


世界各国域名后缀 ... 希腊 . gr 香港地区 . hk 新加坡 . sg ...

For the past week I have been trying very hard to leave messages for all of you, trying to tell you all my schedule in Beijing and HK. 过去这一个星期,我一直努力试着要捎给你们一些讯息、告诉你们所有我在北京与香港的行程。
HK$500 per month Enough for a Heifer in around a year. Heifers can produce a calf every year and up to about 15 litres of milk a day. 每月港币$500一年多便能捐出一只母牛。母牛每天能生产15升的牛奶,每年可生一头小牛。
China Eastern yesterday appeared to snub Air China's offer to pay a minimum of HK$5 per share for a stake of up to 30 per cent. 国航提出以每股不低于5港元的价格收购东航不超过30%的股份,但这一提议昨日似乎受到东航冷落。
The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money. 香港政府必须挺直他们的脊梁骨,正视他们的环境问题,并且停止向金钱屈服。
I also managed to meet up with some of my old friends in HK. That was great as I have not seen them for over a year. 这一次到香港我的朋友也来支持我参加我的首映,我已经一年没见到他们了,如果我到香港也会想和我的一些老朋友碰面。
It's no doubt to call this HK craze, which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves. 无可否认,调用这个香港开裂,甚至从香港大学的期望自己。
HK was fun as well, I met up with sweet fans who constantly bombard me with tidbits. . . STOP! ! 香港相当有趣,一直有许多贴心的歌迷给我一些好吃的食物……等一下!
If it rains today or in the next few days in HK, DO NOT GO UNDER THE RAIN. 假如香港未来几天下雨,美女写真务必不要在雨天外出!
As I know that she may not be able to go to HK(need at least 5 yrs after marriage), so I haven't asked her to be my gf. 因为我知道她不可能会来香港(我毕业至少需要5年),所以我没有要她当我的女朋友。
As some of you may or may not know, I grew up ur my grandmother (mom's working in HK, dad's got his own family). 可能你们知道或者不知道,我是被外婆一起带大的(妈妈在香港工作,爸爸有他自己的家庭)。
Four young do not understand why the work group, HK has its own desk, should fill the corner of furniture, until the date the work space. 四少爷不明白,为甚麽上班一族,但凡有自己办公桌的,都要密密麻麻地放满摆设,直至没有空间工作为止。
The bank has a 'buy' rating on Uni-President with a target price of HK $4. 88 over the next year. 该行给予统一“买进”评级,对它明年的目标价预期为4.88港元。
How much is the postage for this package of books to HK? 寄往香港这一包裹书要多少邮费?
any person who cultivates any plant of the genus cannabis or opium poppy , shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of hk 100 , 000 and. 任何人如栽植任何大麻属植物或鸦片罂粟,一经定罪,最高可被判处罚款100,000港元及。
Just like that of HK Basic Law, the main characteristic of Macao Basic Law is the marriage between "one country" and "two systems" . 同香港基本法一样,“一国”和“两制”的紧密结合,是澳门基本法主要特征。
If what you said is in line with the fact, we will express our solicitude to the ship-owner and the crew members of the HK ship. 如果事情属实,我们将向香港的这艘货轮的船东和船员表示慰问。
When BYD was listed in HK exchange in 2002, it was well known as a one of the leading rechargeable battery makers. 比亚迪02年在香港上市的时候被大众公认为领先的充电电池制造商。
If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok's of SHK Properties. 如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。
For a while, users were automatically redirected from google. cn to unfiltered google. com. hk; they now have to click to get there. 有一段时间,谷歌中国内地网站google.cn的用户会被自动跳转至未经过滤的谷歌香港网站;现在他们必须通过点击才能转接至香港网站。
Loads of yummy food places, cheap clothing stores and all that typical HK street life in the area. 便宜的服装店和典型香港街头的生活在这里都能感受到。
HK style BBQ starts. . . obviuosly, foreigners are usually not used to HK style BBQ, their food is always easily burnt. 终于可以开始烧烤了。外国人果然不太习惯港式烧烤,他们常常有意无意地把食物“放”在炭上,真替他们担心。
A typical tourist would spend 53 percent of his or her money on shopping, adding HK $ 15 billion a year into the local economy. 一个典型的旅游者会将他或她的53%的钱用于购物,这也使得当地经济一年增加15亿港元。
Instead, visitors to Google. cn will be able to click on an icon that transports them to a new version of Google. com. hk. 取而代之的做法是,当访问Google.cn网站的用户点击一个图标后,将可转至一个新版网站。
Confronted with exhibited works from HK, Macao and Taiwan in this exhibition, we are easy to sense the features above. 面对本次展览的港澳台参展作品,我们不难感受到上述种种特色。
HTIL said yesterday it had decided to hand back the money to investors, prompting the shares to jump 11. 36 per cent to HK$9. 和记电讯国际昨日表示,该公司已决定将利润返还给投资者,这引发该公司股价大涨11.36%,至9港元。
Littering in public is an offence and the offender is liable to a fine of HK 600. Spitting in public is also an offence. 在公众地方乱抛垃圾,违例者可被罚款港币600元。
Offenders may face a fine of HK$1m and imprisonment of two years. 违者最高可被罚款100万港元及监禁两年。
Not a sound could be heard across the water as though Hk had shut its big mouth. 从对面我听不见一点声音。香港似乎闭了它的大口。
I was in hk for a couple of days, and it did hit me that I can't turn back and be the annonymous passer by. 我在香港待了几天,它让我忽然想到,我无法回头和成为陌生的过路人。
As if HK residents are going to hop into their cars to drive there. 仿佛香港居民将要开车到那里。