
美 [hil]英 [hiːl]
  • n.脚后跟;(鞋,袜等的)后跟;(四足动物的)后脚;后脚脚跟
  • v.紧跟;提供(武器);【航】使(船)倾斜;给(鞋)钉后掌
  • 网络高跟鞋;鞋跟;鞋后跟

复数:heels 现在分词:heeling 过去式:heeled

high heel
come heel,wear heel



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首页-Zeushoes-- 淘宝网 ... > 款式 Design > 跟高 Heels > 品位 Style ...

Joyce soon came out on clicking heels and said, "Let's go. " 乔伊斯很快踩着嗒嗒作响的鞋跟走了出来:“我们走。”
But he decided to give it a go and slipped on his mother Georgie's bra and a tight pink slinky dress, a wig, and towering heels. 不过他还是决定,穿上母亲的胸罩,带上假发,穿上粉色紧身连衣裙和高跟鞋,去尝试一下。
A pair of color-block heels is too trendy for me to invest a lot of money in, but I can color block my nails for a fraction of the cost. 一些系列的颜色组合对于我来说过于新潮,我不会投入太多的钱在上面,但是我能够将我的指甲油颜色组合起来当作一种少量的成本。
Cindy: Not really, especially at the beginning, if you wear high heels all day long, your feet would hurt. 辛迪:不会很舒适。尤其是刚开始穿的时候,如果一整天都穿着高跟鞋,脚会很疼。
The children all tried to come in the door at once, head over heels. 孩子们推搡着,想一下子拥进屋来。
The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. 水顺着从她的头发和衣服,它跑下去到脚趾鞋子再次在紧随其后。
You may consider cooling your heels just a little bit, or at least until you've got to know their faults as well as their finer points. 你应该考虑放慢脚步冷静一下,或至少对他的缺点与优点同样了解。
A big woman, who might be forty years of age, or a hundred, was crouching near the fireplace on her bare heels. 一个胖妇人,可能有四十岁,也可能有一百岁,蹲在壁炉旁边,坐在自己的光脚跟上面。
Many newbie barefoot runners continue to stride as if they were in shoes, landing heavily on their heels. 很多菜鸟跑步者还保持着他们穿鞋子时候的动作,重重地用脚跟着地。
I had tonsillitis and I was contagious! What if I had given her some of my germs? She was in heels! 我又扁桃体发炎,而且会传染,如果细菌病毒过给妈妈怎么办?
Honda is hot on Toyota's heels in terms of hybrid technology, has a strong presence in the States, and is a world leader in small cars. 本田丰田是炎热的高跟鞋在混合动力技术,拥有强大的存在,在国家,是世界领先的小型车。
She then turned on her heels and went back to her jam-making. 她转过身去,去做她的果酱去了。
There was an even more pronounced link between regular dancing in three-inch heels and a reduced risk of knee problems. 研究者们甚至发现经常穿三英寸高的高跟鞋跳舞明显和降低膝盖得病的危险有关。
Malone did not seem prepared to carry on briskly a conversation of this sort; he began to knock the heels of his boots together, and yawn. 马龙似乎不准备精神抖擞地将这种交谈继续下去,他开始叩击自己两只靴后跟,打起呵欠来。
Well, it's not a compliment , I'm saying it from the bottom of my heart! It's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you. 好了,我不是在恭维你,我说的是真心话,显然他已经死心塌地地爱上了你。
Despite the fact that she was balancing on tall, chunky heels, she still had to gaze up at an acute angle to look Diane in the eyes. 虽然踩着又高又粗的鞋跟,但要看到黛安娜的眼睛,她还是得仰起头,保持锐角角度。
The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. 那个晚上我在他的办公室见到了他,我穿着皮质紧身上衣,高跟鞋,带着面具,还有雨衣。
Although she was a poor widow, she would not suffer her children to be out at the heels and the elbows. 虽然她是个穷寡妇,她却不愿让她的孩子们穿得破破烂烂的。
Totally! I'm saying it from the bottom of my heart! And it's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you, too. 当然!我可是发自肺腑的。而且,很明显他也疯狂地爱着你。
A trace of love, growing in the greasy drizzle, on the heels of the Bird of Happiness, pursues that dream of you in the wind. 一缕柔软的情思,种在蒙蒙细雨里,紧跟着青鸟的芳痕,以风的姿态追寻着那个关于你的梦。
When I was small, I awlays love to wear her mother's high heels secretly, they sent a pair of red princess shoes to me, I love it so much ! 小时候,我老爱偷穿妈妈的高跟鞋,他们送了我一双红色的小公主鞋给我,我爱死它了!
If the heels of the feet do not touch the fingers in this drill, then the breaststroker is not getting the most out of each kick. 在这个训练中如果脚后跟接触不到手指,这样蛙泳者就不能达过每次踢腿的最大限度。
He managed to escape from the prison, but a week later the police set him by the heels. 他设法从监狱逃出,但一个星期后警察又把他捉回去了。
Now that I've paid the tax demand and the children's school fees, I'll be head-over-heels in debt for the next six months. 由于我已缴了应纳的税和孩子们的学杂费,在以后的6个月中我将债台高筑。
He sat on the bed and held one of her high heels as he looked at a recent statement. 他坐在床上,拿着她的一只高跟鞋看一份最近的帐单。
With your weight mainly on your heels see how the skin on the bottom of your foot, near the mound of your toes is free to open more. 你的重量主要放在脚跟处察看你的脚底的皮肤如何伸展,靠近脚趾的脚球处是自由并伸展的更多。
Then, scared out of his wits, he took to his heels and led a Flock of people in a flight all the way from heilungkiang to Kweichow Province. 然后,他失魂落魄地拔步便跑,率领一群人,从黑龙江一直退到贵州省。
As one person complained, "They left me cooling my heels while I did not know where to turn next. " 有个人这样抱怨道:“他们让我在那儿晾脚后跟,弄得我真不知道该怎么办才好。”
The children trying to see what had happened in the street went head over heels. 想去看看街上发生了什么事,孩子们蜂拥而去。
A woman with a cast on her left arm struggled along in improbable heels, while another had only a huge blue teddy bear for luggage. 一个妇女背着与自己完全不成比例的大包,而另一个只是带着一个大大的玩具熊。