here we are

  • 网络我们到了;我们在这里;所以我们才有缘相见

here we arehere we are

here we are


sasha_新浪博客 ... 2,给你 Here you are 我们到了 here we are 进来了一个女人 in came a woman ...


翻译歌曲(范晓萱的HAPPY NEW YEAR)_百度知道 ... are through 放完了 here we are 我们在这里 me and you 我和你 ...


走遍美国文本中英文文本_文档下载_文档资料库 ... And so... 所以…… Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相见。 Yes. 是啊。 ...


吴雨霏《Keep Breathing》... ... 07.For The Better - Music( 更好一点) 08.Here We Are( 我们在此) 06.Keep Breathing( 继续呼 …


Late Night Alumni_百度百科 ... I found in you 我已从你身上找到一切 Here we are 我们相聚着 Finally together 最后终于相聚 ...


走遍美国,学习英语不可错过的资料 -... ... I love numbers. 我喜欢弄数字。 Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相见见 Yes. 是啊。 ...

Two years later, almost to the day, the iPhone 4S came out on my network of choice, and here we are. 2年后,几乎是到今天,iPhone4S真正成为了我的选择,所以我来到了这里。
Here we are on the Serengeti Plain in Africa, where an ostrich has abandoned an egg and a hungry jackal means to make a meal out of it. 现在我们在非洲大草原上。一只鸵鸟刚刚下了一个蛋,一只饥饿的豺狼瞄准了这只蛋,决定美餐一顿。
Here we are trying to get a process variable, containing the count of escalation for a given task. 这里我们尝试得到一个包含了给定任务上报次数的流程变量。
After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well call it home. 毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧。
"Europe has set out to complete economic and monetary union, " she said. "Here we are certainly in a race with the markets. " “欧洲已建立经济和货币联盟,”她表示,“现在,我们绝对是在和市场赛跑。”
And yet here he is. And here we are. And here you are, still grasping at straws trying to defend yourself. Douche bag. 可是他现在在执教湖人。我们现在在这里,你们也在,还一直抓着稻草为自己辩护。愚蠢的家伙。
Here we are now, just as my parents were then, two people from two worlds separated by light years of cultural difference - together. 正如当年我的父亲和母亲,我和我的妻子——两个来自完全不同世界的人在经历了长时间的分离后,终于重逢了。
So here we are, then, leaving entirely to its wanderings the question of whether what is at stake is to be or not to be. 这就是我们的处境,我们让生命的实存与否的这个问题,陷入岌岌可危,任其漂泊不定。
and then you see it is horrible, here we are dining in a room with a bed in it, and that disgusts me with life. 并且,你瞧,真是笑话,我们竟会在有床铺的房间里吃饭,我还不如死了的好。
"That right now, right here, we are together. Nothing and no one else matters it's just you and me, " he said softly. “现在在这里我们在一起。任何事情,任何人也不重要,只有你和我”他温柔地说道。
I for one thought at times that this week would never end, but here we are observing the typical risk off flavor on the tail end of the day. 我一度以为本周行情将永不会结束,但我们最终还是迎来了常规的风险厌恶。
The teachers have had careers in business before teaching here. We are always trying to help you. 任课教师都具备一定的商业经验,而且始终尽力帮助学生。
Here we are now going to the north side. I look at my friends as they start to ride. Ride at night yeah we ride all day. 现在我们顺着北方走。我看着我的朋友上路。在晚上骑车是的我们将骑一整天。
Ronny: Good morning. Here we are at the Champion of the sea Contest at Ocean World. Let me introduce you to Mr Lee, a swimming coach. 罗尼:良好的早晨。我们正处于冠军海上竞赛在海洋世界。让我向您介绍李先生,一游泳教练。
In the phase of our project presented here, we are trying to test the insights we gained from the qualitative work more broadly. 在出席的阶段我们的项目这里,我们设法测试我们从定性工作广泛地了解的。
Here we are so close to the rocks that the first bit of breeze with the devil, we are all knocked to pieces. 我们现在所在的地方太靠近岩石了,和恶魔稍微一争,我们就会撞得粉碎。
Here we are all just ready to drop down, and the critters all in a reek of sweat. 你看我们累得都快躺下来了,马也累得浑身是汗。
Nobody is allowed to be alone here. We are all the parts of this family. 在火塘,没有人是孤独的,我们都是这大家庭的一份子。
Now, here we are obliged to own that Andrea ought to have felt remorse, but that he did not. 我们本来认为安德烈应该感到悔恨,但他却不这样认为。
And yet, here we are. The "slap heard round the world" is the talk of the town. 但是呢,此一时彼一时,听证会上那一巴掌曾经是今天人们的谈资了。
I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Aut robots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting. 我是擎天柱,我把这个信息传给在各个星球避难的汽车人,我们在这里等你们!
It seems like we barely got over all that wrapping and unwrapping for christmas . And here we are with another holiday : new year . 它看起来像我们刚刚得到了所有的包装和相位展开过圣诞节。
Mr. Zhao: Here we are at the Customs Office. I have to leave you here now, but I will be waiting for you at the exit. 赵先生:我们到海关了。我现在得把你留在这里,我在出口处等你。
But here, we are talking about creative writing, and this beast is not easy to tame. 但在这里,我们谈论的是关于创造性写作,它就像很难驯服的野兽。
Here we are! Everybody please get ready to get off the bus. 我们到啦!小朋友请准备好下车。
Alright, just a few more feet. And. . . here we are, gentlemen, the gates of elbow. 太好了,就差一点了。噢,先生们,我们来到了暗黑之门。
Oh, the toy department is at the other end of this floor. (a moment later) Here we are. 噢,玩具部在这一层的另一端。(一会儿后)我们到了。
You made it impossible for me to find you in the present; you said it would just happen when it was supposed to happen, and here we are. 你让我无法了解你的现在,你说过该发生的时候事情自然会发生,所以现在我们在这里吃饭。
Here we are, at the end of our story, and it's time for you to emerge from the shadows and become an SSO action hero. 在我们故事的结尾,是您从黑暗中走出来并成为SSO操作英雄的时候了。
If the feeling is destined to leave, I am more willing to believe, love came here, we are all sincere, no-one intentionally betrayed Who! 如果感情注定要离开,我更加愿意相信,爱情来的时候,大家都是真心诚意的,没有谁会故意去背叛谁!