
美 [ˈpɑːrʃ(ə)l]英 [ˈpɑː(r)ʃ(ə)l]
  • adj.部分的;不完整的;片面的;有偏见的
  • 网络偏袒的;局部的;不公平的

partial information,partial solution,partial success,partial payment,partial ownership


1.部分的;不完全的not complete or whole

2.[nbn]~ to sb/sth热爱;钟爱liking sb/sth very much


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... partake v 参与;分享 partial a 部分的;有偏见的 impartial a 公正的 ...


高二英语词汇表 ... get stuck 遇到困难;陷进去 partial adj. 部分的;偏袒的 break away from 摆脱;脱离 ...


【外研版】高中英语(1-8册单词打包) - 豆丁网 ... 163. zinc n. 锌 164. partial adj. 部分的;局部的 165. copper n. 铜 ...


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... parliament n.议会,国会 partial a.部分的;不公平的 passive a.被动的;消极的 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... parody n. 模仿,拙劣的模仿 partial a. 不完全的;偏袒的;偏爱的 participate vi. 参与;分享 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... obvious a. 显然的,明显的 partial a. 部分的,不完全的 partially ad. 部分地,不完全地 ...

All this costs a lot of money and provides only a partial picture of the state of Italy's roads. 所有这些耗资巨大却只能提供部分意大利道路的照片。
In a partial climb down, the European Commission said it would not sue France for racial discrimination over its expulsion of Romanies. 针对法国驱逐吉普赛人这一事件,欧盟委员会做出部分让步,表示不会以种族歧视为名起诉法国。
No single or partial exercise of any such rights shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other rights. 单一地或部分地行使上述权利,应不排除以任何其它方式行使或进一步行使上述权利或其它权利。
For a time the Seleucid Empire provided the peace and economic stability necessary to ensure the partial Helllenization of a vast area. 有一段时间,塞琉西帝国提供的和平和经济稳定,对保证一片巨大区域的部分希腊化是必需的。
Partial nationalisation of the banking system may be part of that process but any nationalisation should be regarded as a means to an end. 这一过程可能包括将银行业系统部分国有化,但任何国有化举措都应被视为达到目的的一种手段,仅此而已。
Researchers took a look at the partial skull of the juvenile and made a detailed scan of the space where its brain would have been. 研究人员检查了青少年的局部头颅,并对它的大脑可能的所在位置做了细节的扫描。
However, the insurer shall only be liable for the total loss where the total loss occurs after the partial loss which has not been repaired. 但是,对发生部分损失后未经修复又发生全部损失的,保险人按照全部损失赔偿。
So far, Beijing has supported bans on selling parts, but suggests that more research is needed to see if partial lifting could work. 目前为止,北京方面支持禁止销售老虎器官,不过建议需要进行一些研究来考察部分地取消禁令是否可行。
An architect can be partial to any of the classic and long-tested software systems development methodologies. 架构师可以偏爱任何经典的、经过时间考验的软件系统开发方法。
Thankfully, dams constructed in the last decade on the Kazakh side seem to be leading to a partial recovery. 值得庆幸的是,在过去十年里在哈萨克斯坦那边所建的大坝似乎将有部分回复原貌。
The reform remains only partial. The benefits of being a Chongqing urbanite still cannot be transferred to any other part of the country. 这个改革涉及的只是一部分,因为成为重庆市市民的好处在中国其他地方却不能享受到。
They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse, and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun's lower half. 他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。
I won't be able to become "the next one" , not any more, for the way I chose has been apparently far out of her partial track. 我不能成为“下一位”,再也不能,因为我的轨道显然已经远远地偏离她偏爱的方向。
Even partial success by the time Canadians pack away their barbecues might be enough to forestall an election this year. 在加拿大人收好他们的烧烤时,任何局部胜利都足以在今年的选举中先发制人。
This difference is often accompanied with the partial or complete abortion of the reproductive organs. 这种差异往往伴随着生殖器官一部分或全部的退化。
For instance partial product contrast ratio does not accord with a standard to ask. 比如部分产品对比率不符合标准要求。
To annex(a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority. 使…归并并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者能保持自己的头衔及部分权力。
As if soybean oil and cottonseed oil aren't bad enough in their own right, they're made to be much worse through partial hydrogenation. 或许在大豆油和棉籽油问题上,似乎肯德基在自己权利内,没能做得更差,然而他们通过部分氢化做到了。
The decision was a partial victory for the Obama administration, which had sued to block several parts of the law. 奥巴马政府曾经试图通过法律诉讼叫停该法案部分条款,此次判决对其而言意味着部分胜利。
Mr. Chu said he believed the accident was 'more serious' than the 1979 partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. 朱棣文说,他认为与1979年美国宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站发生的堆心部分熔解事故相比,日本此次核事故要“更加严重”。
From his seat in the body or the court, Nolan Wainwright tad a partial view of Eastin's face which had suffused deep red. 诺兰·温赖特从法庭的旁听席上可以看到伊斯汀的侧面,他那张脸这时已涨成了猪肝色。
The fire cannot be put out without the help of the local fire brigade, and a partial or complete evacuation is needed. 当酒店预料无法控制火势时,需要求助于消防队,并作部分疏散或全部疏散。
Partial freedom seems to me a most invidious mode of slavery. 部分的自由对我来说就是最令人憎恶的奴役方式。
A UI module partial match mechanism is then used to adapt to attribute changes up to a certain level. 此外还使用了UImodule部分匹配机制,在一定程度上适应属性的变化。
No appreciation or no awareness or only partial clarity of every causal effect on the ego-self , and its pain , longing and desire . 对于每一个发生缘起而引起的自我、痛苦、渴望、爱欲的原因,不知、不见、或只知其一,不能全部洞然明白。
It means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. 它意味部份损失或损伤偶然地被造成对船或对特殊全部物品。
The body was shown to journalists, and video of the scene shows him lying on a stretcher, with his head and partial left leg visible. 尸体被展示给记者。现场的视频现实他躺在一个担架上,可以看到他的头和左腿部分。
Even if it buys no more shares, the state will increase its economic stake in the company, a sort of partial de-privatisation. 按照“局部去私有化”策略,即使不再增持,巴西政府也会扩大其在该公司的经济权益。
Then, at least two of the P received partial data are copied on a time slot so as to obtain at least two copied partial data. 接着,于时域上复制P个已接收部分数据的至少其二,得到至少二复制部分数据。
local was very easy to implement, and was added to Perl 4 as a partial solution to the local variable problem. local非常容易执行,它作为对本地变量问题的局部解决方案而增加到perl4里。