
美 [paɪl]英 [paɪl]
  • n.桩;堆;摞;桩柱
  • v.堆放;摞起;叠放;放置
  • 网络堆积;一堆;大量

复数:piles 现在分词:piling 过去式:piled

huge pile,junk pile


n. v.

1.[c]摞;垛;沓a number of things that have been placed on top of each other

2.[c]堆;成堆的东西a mass of sth that is high in the middle and wider at the bottom than at the top

3.[c][usupl](informal)~ of sth大量;许多a lot of sth

4.[u][sing]绒头;绒毛the short threads, pieces of wool, etc. that form the soft surface of carpets and some types of cloth such as velvet


(at the) bottom/top of the pile

处于无足轻重的╱举足轻重的地位in the least/most important position in a group of people or things

make a/your pile

赚很多钱to make a lot of money

人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... workforce n. 劳动力 pile n. midday n. 中午 ...

建筑常用英语词汇_百度文库 ... project instruction pilaster 壁柱 pile bored piles 钻孔灌注桩 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... resemble 相似,相像 阿姨的脸 pile 堆积 swallow 吞食;燕子 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... pigeon 鸽子 pile 一堆,一叠v.堆积 pill 药丸 ...


高中英语单词表 ... pill n. 药片,药丸 pile n. 堆,叠;大量 v.堆,堆积;拥挤进(入) pie n. (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼 ...

高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... adopt vt. 采纳;接受;收养 pile n. 堆;摞; piles of 一大推;一大批;一大团 ...

高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... adopt vt. 采纳;接受;收养 pile n. 堆;;叠 piles of 一大推;一大批;一大团 ...


高中英语单词表 ... pill n. 药片,药丸 pile n. 堆,叠;大量 v.堆,堆积;拥挤进(入) pie n. (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼 ...

Earlier, a Canadian newspaper reported it had discovered Libyan government documents regarding the meeting in a pile of trash in Tripoli. 之前加拿大一家报纸报道说,该报在的黎波里的一堆垃圾中找到了利比亚政府关于这次会谈的文件。
These icons seem to stack up in a messy pile; in one folder I made, called 'Social, ' only the blue beak of Twitter's bird icon was visible. 我创建了一个名叫“社交”(Social)的文件夹,却只能看到Twitter图标上的那张鸟嘴。
They stand at 90 degrees from the surface they coat, which Nasa scientists have referred to as looking like shag-pile carpet. 这些碳纳米管垂直地排列覆盖在物质表面,美国宇航局的科学家说看起来就像是绒毛地毯。
After the detailed analysis, for the long pile, the pile should take the appropriate diameter to give full play of the length of piles. 通过分析研究认为,对于超长桩应取适当的桩径才能充分发挥桩长的作用;
Of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do. 当然一堆可能也就够了,这取决于有多少要做。
Shakti wrenched her pitchfork from the charred flesh of her first victim. The chain of goblins fell into a smoking pile. 沙克提扭转三叉戟,松开她第一个受害者所留下的碳状残骸,然后那一串地精冒着烟倒成一堆。
People tend to pile too much on themselves for a single day, overestimating how much they can actually do. 人们总是想在一天里做最多的事情,高估了他们实际上能做多少。
At the bottom of the garden, in a pile of oak leaves, Milly and Molly found a big white duck's egg . 在院子的深处的一堆橡树叶下面,米莉和茉莉发现了一只又大又白的鸭蛋。
Amanda: Great idea. After you've done that look over the pile, as you put it, to see if I've missed anything. 好啊!你做完了就检查一下你说的那一堆东西,看看我有没有忘带什么。
Purchasing foreign currency This man is purchasing foreign currencies with a pile of money in his hands. 《收购外币的人》在街上握着大叠钞票,收购外币的人。
Programming tasks: for a given n stack stone, into a pile of programming the calculation of the minimum scores and maximum scores. 编程任务:对于给定n堆石子,编程计算合并成一堆的最小得分和最大得分。
At the moment the book you want is at the bottom of the pile, and can't be got at. 你要的那本书现在压在那一堆书的最下面,拿不着。
The working characteristics of a pile group containing raked piles are analyzed with a simplified model by means of finite element method. 采用有限元方法,通过简化算例分析了带斜桩的群桩基础的工作特点。
Do not pile up in drawers with diamond ornaments or jewelry box, diamond ring rubbing against each other would be a "kill each other. " 切勿将钻戒饰物一起堆放在抽屉或珠宝箱内,钻戒相互摩擦时会“自相残杀”。
She was huddled in the darkest corner of the bed-chamber, on the floor, curled up in a ball beneath a pile of wolfskins. 她蜷缩在卧室最黑暗的角落里,身体在一张狼皮下的地上缩成了一个球。
No real cover letter, no attempt at self marketing. Sort of, "here are the facts about me, please put me in the pile. " 没有正式的自荐信,也没有很卖力地推销自己,投份简历过来,就好象说,“这些就是关于我的一些情况,请收下吧。”
Whether the sand is liquefied or not, the acceleration law of the pile and the sand maintains consistent. 无论砂层液化与否,桩与砂层加速度反应规律保持一致;
One of the soldiers is then said to have stood on the pile of men, and started shouting and laughing. 据说一名士兵站在层层叠起的囚犯身上,大嚷大叫并开怀大笑。
Highlight the prevalence of a single key, do not let his face into a pile of canvas colors. 突出单一的流行重点,不要让自己脸上成为各种颜色堆砌的画布。
When you see a honest and nice person on such a show, it's kind of like finding a gem in a pile of gravel. 当你在那样的节目里面发现一个诚实而不错的人,简直就像在一堆沙砾里发现宝石一样。
My dog ate the report. Oh, you needed that this week? You're not the boss of me. Put it on the pile, I'll get to it whenever. 在未能工作时常用的借口:我的狗把报告吃了。噢,你这星期就需要呀?你我的老板。把它那堆文件上,我总是会做的。
The travesty was a dance where the body burnt up into a pile of ashes rather than ascending into a fully formed fourth dimensional vessel. 这个悲剧就是身体焚烧成一堆灰烬,而不是提升成一个完整的第四维度管道的舞蹈。
The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do lengji materials, pile into a temporary fence, fortifications. 第二天,他把所有的箱子以及木板、做木排的资料,堆成一个暂时性围墙,作进攻工事。
Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening. 慢腾腾升起那堆火,又在山坳燃明,不知是升起的红日还是延续的黄昏。
at what he found: A man were lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods. 他惊奇的发现一个男子在箱子里一堆羊毛制品上面躺着。
Fulbright sat down on a pile of feed bags stacked on the floor and struck up a conversation. 富布赖特在堆在地上的一个饲料袋上坐下来,和他聊了起来。
You can cast a drop shot to the bank and walk it back to the boat, along the edge of a pier or up to a brush pile. 你可以把倒钓钓组抛向岸边,然后一路拖晃回来。可以贴着码头或者是水边的灌木丛。
If I let my email go for a few days, I feel like I'm under a pile of nagging, unfinished tasks, and it drains my energy. 如果我让我的邮件发送过后几天,我会感觉我就像在一堆唠叨下面,未完成的任务,并且会吸干我的能量。
Among all the possessions my mother brought home after my grandmother died was a pile of love letters which had been kept in a biscuit tin. 外婆去逝后,母亲带回了一些遗物。其中,有堆情书,这些情书一直保存在饼干盒里。
As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son. 目睹曾经的学校成为了一堆瓦砾,真叫人绝望。但父亲的脑中仍然牢记着他对儿子的诺言。