
美 [ˈpɑrti]英 [ˈpɑː(r)ti]
  • n.聚会;政党;宴会;一方
  • adj.党派的;社交的;【纹章】分隔开的
  • v.寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐
  • 网络当事人;各方;派对

复数:parties 过去式:partied 现在分词:partying

ruling party,communist party,democratic party,cocktail party,conservative party
come party,hold party,join party,throw party,give party


n. v.

1.[cspv]政党;党派a political organization that you can vote for in elections and whose members have the same aims and ideas

2.[c]聚会;宴会;联欢会;派对a social occasion, often in a person's home, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves

3.[cspv](一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组a group of people who are doing sth together such as travelling or visiting somewhere

4.[c](契约或争论的)当事人,一方one of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement or argument


be (a) party to sth

参与,参加(协议或行动)to be involved in an agreement or action

bring sth to the party/table

为(讨论、项目等)作出贡献to contribute sth useful to a discussion, project, etc.


当事人PARTIES)一般由四个: • 汇款人(REMITTER); • 收款人或受益人(PAYEE OR BENEFICIARY); • 汇出银行(…


Princeton Review 最新大学排名 ... (Extracurriculars |课余时间) (Parties |聚会) (Social |社会关系) ...




英美国家概况 ... V.The Privy Council 枢密院 III. Parties (政党) IV. The Cabinet and Ministry 内阁和内阁部长 ...


图解 中国人和德国人有什么区别 ... ) streets onSundays 周日的街道 )parties 派对 ) problemsolving 如何解决问题 ...


《老外最想与你聊的100英语话题》电子书下载 ... 28 team work 团队合作 29 parties 聚会派对 30 chatting online 网上聊天 ...


萧山日报-数字报纸 ... Night 新婚之夜 Presents,Photographer,Parties 礼品,摄影师,婚庆晚会 Quality 婚礼的品位 ...

Protect: This means ensuring that third parties (non-state actors) do not infringe upon the enjoyment of the right to health. 保护:意思是要确保第三方(非国家行为者)不得侵害享有健康权。
The distinguish of the right and obligation of every parties is taken up from the point of legal relationship. 从信用证各方当事人之间的法律关系分别探讨了各方参与人的权利与义务。
The poor performance of the two big parties may make a grand coalition between them more likely after the forthcoming federal election. 两大党派的不良表现也许会促使他们在即将到来的联邦选举中结盟。
Polls come and go, as politicians like to say, but the two big parties seem to be trading fairly consistently at around six points apart. 政客们常说民意无常,但是这两大党似乎一直在你追我赶,彼此间的差距总是保持在6%左右。
We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the parties. satisfaction of both parties. 我们真心地希望这次交易能使我们双方都能满意
In business negotiations, parties to the transaction may not understand, and personal image is often representative of the corporate image. 在商务谈判中,交易双方可能并不了解,而个人形象往往是企业形象的代表。
I'm not aware of any other parties who are interested to purchase substantially all of the assets of the company. 据我所知,没有别的参与方有意购买通用的绝大部分资产。
He cheerfully remonstrated with both parties as a benevolent uncle might do with a pair of quarrelling children and then disappeared. 他乐呵呵地劝阻开了双方,方式就好比一位和蔼的叔叔拉开了一对吵架的小孩,而后就消失了。
The core of the matter is the relationship among the parties involved. 问题的重点在于相关党派之间的关系。
We are ready to step up consultation with the relevant parties, the US side included, to help UN reform progress in the right direction. 我们愿与包括美方在内的有关各方加强磋商,引导改革朝着正确的方向发展。
He said that the six parties did not sit together to play up their differences and rather sought ways to solve problems. 他说,六方这次坐到一起,不是为了扩大和渲染分歧,而是在承认分歧的基础上,寻找解决问题的途径,开辟解决问题的前景。
We fail to understand why you bring up the subject now since both parties agreed on all the terms and conditions three week ago. 我们不理解贵方为何现在提及此事,因为三周前双方已同意全部条件。
WHO also understands that there is ongoing dialogue among the parties concerned to resolve the matter. 世卫组织还了解到,有关各方正为解决这一问题进行对话。
Edward said, the many voices from the BN parties on his government position made Raymond felt very bad and he seem to be helpless. 爱德华说,许多沙巴国阵的人士大力的批评及要求陈树杰下台,已使到他感到非常诅丧及束手无策。
None of this civil agenda endears him to the religious parties that are Mr Netanyahu's natural allies in the "national camp" . 这些提议中没有任何一项能使他获得内塔尼亚胡“全国阵营”中的天然同盟—各宗教党派—的青睐。
First, the negotiating parties is not easy to build relations of trust, conflict and misunderstanding more easily upgraded. 首先,谈判双方不容易建立信任关系,冲突和误会更容易升级。
Although the agreement obligates North Korea to abandon its nuclear programs, Hill said, the other five parties also have made commitments. 他说,9月19日的协议要求北韩放弃核计划,不过其他五方也已做出相应承诺。
To the dismay of the protesters, both parties show signs of trying to sway public sentiment about the demonstrations in their favor. 对于抗议者的沮丧,两党都显示出迹象要以自己的意愿影响公众对于抗议的情绪。
France's mainstream parties should be careful. At a time of crisis, populist sloganeering can prove dangerously effective. 法国的主流政党对此应该小心。事实证明,在危机时期,民粹主义的口号通常都令人胆寒地有效。
The contract was annulled because it had not been legally signed by both parties. 契约被取消,因为未经双方合法签署过。
In the last two years the berries have been making a comeback, by being the guest star of many tasting parties in the states. 最近两年,这种浆果再度卷土重来,在全国各举办的各种品尝宴会上,它都是特邀嘉宾。
Once you meet one or two folks in the know, they'll probably be able to tell you about parties or communities you'll want to know about. 一旦你遇到一个或者两个有共同语言的人,他们很有可能告诉你所想要知道的相关的派对或者组织。
As you can see, one of our parties, you know, a few years ago. 你看,这是几年前的一场聚会。
Private photos of him with friends, goofing around at parties, have surfaced on the internet. 和朋友玩乐,狂欢的照片在网上流传。
Individual candidates are limited by law on how much they may spend but no such restriction applies to the parties. 英国有法律规定候选人在竞选过程中只能花多少钱,但是对政党没有规定。
It has been a long time forming. Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering. 这是个长期的形成过程,绝大多数的议会席位很安全地掌握在两政党之一的手中,多亏了不公正划分选区。
Crucially, power was to be shared between the parties in the assembly rather than being monopolised as before by the unionist majority. 极为重要的是,根据该协定,权利由议会双方共享,而不是像从前那样由联合主义多数派独揽。
The Bank Guarantee should be valid until the agreed dates of delivery, or as may be extended through agreement by both parties. 银行保函的有效期应以规定的交货期或双方同意的延长期为止。
In the final days of the campaign, high profile politicians from both parties are out trying to help the two candidates. 在最后几天的竞选活动中,两党的一些著名的政治家都出来分别帮助两位候选人拉票。
The arbitration shall take place in fifteen days. The decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding on both parties. 仲裁将在十五日内完成。仲裁委员会的裁决结果是终局性的。并对双方均有约束力。