
美 [peɪst]英 [peɪst]
  • n.糊;酱;面团;软糖
  • adj.人造的;假的
  • v.用浆糊黏贴 (up on together) 把(纸等)贴在…上
  • 网络张贴;涂膏;黏土团

第三人称单数:pastes 现在分词:pasting 过去式:pasted

almond paste
paste poster



学位英语课后习题之第三单元... ... C.vacant 空白的,空闲的 D.pasted 张贴 C.pass 护照,通行证 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... swimsuits n. (女)游泳衣 pasted n. 糊, 面团, 黏土团 cutouts n. 挖剪图画, 终止, 剪切块, 删除部分 ...


石家庄宝石电子玻璃股份有限公司元件厂 ... 压装 Press-fit 涂膏 Pasted 机加工 Machining ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... swimsuits n. (女)游泳衣 pasted n. 糊, 面团, 黏土团 cutouts n. 挖剪图画, 终止, 剪切块, 删除部分 ...

And then I pasted huge posters everywhere in the bourgeois area of Paris with the name, age, even building number of these guys. 然后,我把大幅招贴张贴在巴黎中产阶级聚集区,照片下面有他们的姓名、年龄甚至地址。
Chinese market seems to be everywhere on the floor in Germany, China flooring manufacturers have their own face pasted labels in Europe. 中国市场上似乎到处都是德国的地板,中国地板制造商们纷纷在自己的脸上贴上欧洲的标签。
Gist allows to start off from a pasted bit of text or code and collaborate over the net, either using a web interface or git tools. 使用Gist,用户可以从粘帖一小段文本或者代码开始,然后通过Web界面或者git工具展开网上的协作。
One librarian had mentioned to Groetsch that in her country, ISBNs are pasted onto a book to give it a greater appearance of legitimacy. 一个图书馆员和Groetsch说,在她的国家,ISBN是粘到书上的,这样书看上去会更有合法性一点。
It doesn't matter today if it's your photo or not. The importance is what you do with the images, the statement it makes where it's pasted. 现在用谁的摄影作品并不是重点,重点是你用这些照片做什么,贴在哪里,代表的是一种宣言。
When pasting a text object into a sheet view, select the field where the upper-left corner of the information should be pasted. 将文本对象粘贴到工作表视图中时,请选择信息左上角应粘贴到的域。
Panel pictures A group of photos requiring the same magnification, pasted up adjacent to one another, to be shot as a single half-tone. 相片画幅把倍率大小相同的相片集合,并邻的贴在一起而成。方便一次把它们摄制成半色调图片。
Please send me a personalized email and not a copy pasted email you send out to everyone on this site. 请给我一个个性化的电子邮件,而不是复制粘贴您发送电子邮件发送到本网站上每一个人。
A document or portion of a document pasted into a destination document using standard copy and paste techniques. 采用标准的复制粘贴技术将一个文件或文件的一部分粘贴到目的文件中。
Thus, before the door on the red paper pasted together on New Year's message to the word yellow. 于是,节前就在门联上贴上红纸黄字的新年寄语。
Cause: At least one copy of a copy-and-pasted code fragment still contains a bug fixed in the other copies. 起因:复制粘贴代码片段的至少一个副本还包含在其它副本中已经修正了的错误。
The label of a rodenticide product shall also be printed or pasted with the rodenticide logo and anti - counterfeiting logo as stipulated. 杀鼠剂产品标签还应当印有或贴有规定的杀鼠剂图案和防伪标识。
All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. 所有的门嵌板将会贴春联,突出书法在红纸和黑色的个性。
When the utility model works, the utility model can be immediately pasted on the surface of (incandescent) alloy ingots. 工作时,可即时粘贴在(炽热)合金锭坯的表面。
New year is coming , families are beginning to hang red lanterns, writing couplets, and pasted "fu" word. 快过年了,家家户户都开始挂红灯笼、写对联、贴“福”字。
Copies a symbol reference that can be pasted into a designer; also copies the full path and name of the selected item to the Clipboard. 对可以粘贴到设计器中的符号引用进行复制;也可以将选定项的完整路径和名称复制到剪贴板中。
No, the odd thing about this record is the label pasted on the upper half of the French Odeon label. 不,这个记录奇怪的是在法国国宾标签的上半部分粘贴标签。
Placing the order of the page by page numbers or pasted into a book called folded edge with the book. 把附增页按页码的挨次剥离或套入某书帖称为配书帖。
The cold wind reminds me of the arrival of winter. The dimness reminds me of the arrival of night. From dawn to dusk, a day pasted again. 冷冽的风让我意识到这已经是冬天,昏暗的夜色提醒我夜晚的来临。
My wife saw it later and was moved to tears, so she pasted a small note on the manuscript asking me to write it in calligraphy. 后来内人看到了此作并且感动得流下眼泪,所以她贴了一张小纸条在手稿上,要我将之写成翰墨。
Disaster 1: I cut the image with the Magic Wand and pasted it onto a red backdrop, messing up the anti-aliasing around the woman's face. 灾难一:我用魔棒工具将图像切割下来之后粘贴在红色的背景上,这样就把女人的脸部周围搞得一团糟。
It wants to be copied from friend to friend, beamed from a Palmdevice, pasted into a mailing list. 它需要在朋友之间复制,从Palm设备上收发,粘贴到邮件列表上。
All the bicycles had been cleaned and each pasted with a serial number and district name. 所有的自行车被清洗一新并贴上了序列号和区域名称。
All the crack between and its frame as well as windows will be pasted with peach blossom paper so as to let the sunray get into the room. 蚕室也要早点收拾干净,所有的门缝和窗户都用桃花纸糊上,以便透光亮。
A double-sided adhesive tape, on which a double-sided adhesive tape protecting layer is pasted, is pasted on the melon seed shell bag. 所述瓜子皮袋上贴有双面胶,双面胶上贴有双面胶保护层。
Not to exaggerate, looking from the side it is using those that could not be sold and take the cover off and pasted together! ! ! ! 不夸张,从侧面看根本就是把以前那些卖不出去的皮拆了内页再全部黏在一起!!!!
To make changes to the organization chart that you pasted as an embedded object, double-click the chart in the publication. 要更改粘贴为嵌入对象的组织结构图,请在出版物中双击该图表。
To be considered when pasted film should be in the center of the screen. 贴时答夺目胶卷答处于网版的洋心场所。
On shore, clams and cockles sit in heaps before a long brick row of low fisherman's homes, the door posts pasted with bright paper charms. 在海岸边,成堆的蚌和海贝堆砌在低矮的渔民家长长的砖墙前面,家门框贴着吸引人的亮色壁纸。
Cardboard: A general term used to describe a stiff, strong sheet MADE up of several layers of low-quality paper pasted together. 厚卡:一个普通常用词,泛指一种结实,硬身,由数张低品质纸张裱合而成的纸板。