result from

  • v.由于
  • 网络由...产生;起因于;由…引起

result fromresult from

result from


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... learn from 向……学习 result from 由于 date from 始于……时期 ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配_百度文库 ... restrain … from 阻止……做,抑制……做 result from 由……造成,由……产生 retire fro…


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... rise from 自…冒出, result from 起因于, suffer from 忍受。 ...


高中英语动词短语分类_百度文库 ... rely on 依靠… result from 由…引起 result in 终至…的结果 ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配_百度文库 ... restrain … from 阻止……做,抑制……做 result from 由……造成,由……产生 retire fro…


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阅读理解实例讲解 ... 4.drought 长期干旱,旱灾 5.result from 是---的结果,由于----而发生 6.inexhaustible 用不完的,无穷尽的 ...

Make a list of things you to do Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that "there's so much to do, and not enough time" . 为自己需要做的事情列一张清单压力可能来源于无序的生活状态或者,“有太多的工作和事情要做,却没有足够的时间”这样的一种感觉。
Thus, the trials did not result from Puritan religion; they proceeded for a while despite protests from leading pastors. 因此,这些审判并非肇因于清教徒的宗教;尽管教会领袖们的抗议,审判仍然持续了好一阵子。
It is known to all that this result from the recent negotiations. 不言而喻,这是最近谈判的结果。
We seem to be looking forward to the next step, but equally afraid of the risk or change that may result from the required actions. 我们似乎在期盼着下一步,但同样也害怕那些必须的挑战和改变。
He did not know what evil might result from it to him--how soon he might come to grief . 他不知道这样做会给他带来什么恶果--他什么时候会遇到麻烦。
The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings. 这些由于他那无人能及的制图技术所创造出的准确却又引人无限联想的作品,跟他画一样引人注目。
Friendship, a more lasting commodity than love, is as likely to result from a marriage of convenience as from any other. 友谊,一种比爱情更为持久的东西,正如可能来自其他婚姻形式一样,也可能产生于权宜联姻。
Beyond that, nobody really knows how much damage would result from temperature rises of the kind now considered likely. 此外,没有人确切知道我们现在所预期的气温上升到底会带来多大的危害。
Monotony is a big problem for the moralist , because at least half of human's bad habits result from his fear of it. 无聊对于道德家是个重大问题,因为人类的恶习至少有一半由于对它的害怕引起。
Spread of the disease may result from the failure of the hygiene barrier at any one of a number of such a point. 本病的蔓延可能是由上述各个方面的任何一个卫生防范措施的失误所引的。
"You can look at it like a couple of very large uranium mines, " he said of the fissile material that would result from the program. “你可以把它看成好几座大型铀矿(的裂变原料在支持这个方案)。”他说。
Random: dreams are vivid hallucinations that result from our brains trying to interpret random impulses. 随机说:梦是生动的幻象,源于大脑试图诠释随机的冲动。
when beyond production, the company also go on production and purchase, the great loss result from which. 产品过剩,却还要进行生产、采购活动,巨大损失也就在这一点上。
One thing that seems to result from self-awareness is the ability to know when to take the lead and when not to lead. 自我意识所产生的一件事情,就是判断什么去领导,什么时候不去领导的能力。
Obviously it's too much to expect a president to address every worst-case scenario that might result from his policies. 显然,这太多了,期望每一位主席,以解决最糟糕的情况可能会导致他的政策。
This may result from differences in sex hormones, he said, and further research is planned to see if that is the case. 他说,也许是这由于性激素不同。进一步的研究正打算研究是否是这一情况。
But it tallies with a second result from the project, which looked at the idea that God is always watching you. 但这正好与“宗教探秘”的第二项调查结果相吻合(后者研究“上帝无时不刻不注视者你”这一观点)。
Financial regulations do not result from a technocratic exercise, but are primarily the outcome of a political process. 金融监管措施并非是一名技术官僚掌权带来的结果,而主要是一种政治进程的产物。
It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would result from it. 已经被预见到在地球上的低振动会吸引黑暗者,以及它会导致什么结果。
He is not content to pray for a great reawakening of the human spirit. Nor does he expect such a result from a well-ordered government. 他即不满足于祈祷人类精神的伟大复苏,也不指望这种结果会来自一个有序的政府。
Friction tends to result from the desire of the rising power to assert its influence and the desire of the existing power to resist it. 崛起中的大国渴望伸张自身的影响力,而现有的大国渴望对此加以遏制,因此会有摩擦的趋势。
The result from the simulation software can only get effect regularity about one parameter not the best parameters combination. 运用模拟软件的模拟结果只能显示某个参数的影响规律,不能得到最佳的工艺参数组合。
More work is needed to uncover whether such a core exists or whether the polycyclic compounds result from the drastic treatments. 为了揭开这样一种芳核是否存在,或者多环化合物是不是由于剧烈处理所引起的问题,必须进行大量的工作。
That also could damp any pressure to step up appreciation of the yuan that might result from such inflows, he said. 他说,这也会减弱这种资本流入可能带来的人民币升值压力。
An outlier may result from a deviation from prescribed test methods, or it may be the result of variability in the sample. 一个逸出值可由既定检验方法的偏差中产生或是样品波动的一个结果。
there also need to be ways of defining the business value that result from leveraging these communities to help you evaluate services. 同时还需要定义利用这些群体来帮助你评估服务,从而得到业务价值的方法。
Recent evidence indicates that at least some noctilucent clouds result from freezing water exhaust from Space Shuttles . 最近有线索表明,至少部分夜光云是由航天飞机上排出的水蒸气结冰所导致的。
Some discontinuities appear in the higher resolution that seem to result from small-scale instrument bias. 在高解析度的图中出现了一些不连续,似乎是小规模工具取样的原因。
The problems for the poor don't result from efficiency priority, so they cannot be solved by equal distribution. 中国困难群体的存在,既不是效率优先造成的,也不能用公平分配来解决。
Managers attempt to make sense of the environment and predict what will result from their decisions. 管理者的角色是试图掌握企业周遭环境并预测其决策结果的人。