run on

  • v.继续
  • 网络涉及;运行于;连续

第三人称单数:runs on 现在分词:running on 过去式:ran on

run onrun on

run on


run全部意思_百度知道 ... run off water from the barrel 从桶中放出水 run on 继续 run over (车辆)轧过,压过 ...


涉及的 英文动词怎么说?_百度知道 ... 提到, 涉及, 查阅, 咨询 relate to 涉及 run on 连续, 不分段, 流逝, 涉及 touch upon ...


SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... run of batches 成批运行 run on 运行于 SAP run production update 产出成批更新 ...


keep-英汉词典-英中字典... ... 前进,进行,赞同,支持)][ keep( [run on( 连续,不分段,流逝,涉及)] [ride( 骑,乘 n.骑,乘)] ...


动词与介词副词的搭配_百度文库 ... run off 使..流掉,使…复印出 run on 流逝,运转 run out 快用完,失效 ...


大学英语四级词汇短语总归纳-自考-搜狐博客 ... run off 匆匆离开;出(轨);离(题) run on 滔滔不绝,流逝 run out 用完,耗尽 ...


英语口语_看青春美剧Glee1.14学英语... ... tie down 束缚 run on sth. 靠……运作 his and her 情侣版 ...


给run加个词变成、一个词组_百度知道 ... run away 逃跑 run on 滔滔不绝往下说 run out (某物)用完 ...

Living on an island, he has been trying to find a suitable shelter, run on shore for a whole day, in a rock to find a shelter. 流落孤岛,他为了找到合适的住所,在岸上跑了一整天,在一个山岩下找到了一个栖身之所。
With a few link modifications to your existing web site, it could be run from CD or downloaded to the end user to run on their computer. 与数链接修改到您现有的网站,可以从CD运行或下载到最终用户来说,他们的电脑上。
The script could be run on each remote host, and the system defaults can be compared to see if there are discrepancies between hosts. 可以在每个远程主机上运行此脚本,然后通过对比系统默认值检查主机之间是否有差异。
'Part of what hurt Lehman and Bear was the fear that as you got closer to quarter-end, there was going to be a run on the bank, ' he said. 他说,雷曼和贝尔斯登一定程度上都受到了一种恐惧心理的伤害,即随着季度末的日益临近,银行破产的可能性也在增加。
Future Brazilian concessions are expected to be run on a profit-sharing basis, with companies other than Petrobras able to take part. 预计未来巴西会让步于一个利润共享机制,允许除巴西石油以外的公司参加。
This calls for a web service that can run on a local personal computer without the aid of a PHP translator (or any other, for that matter). 它调用一个可以运行在本地个人电脑而不需要使用PHP翻译器(或其它相关技术)的WebServices。
In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. 在上海,一些公共汽车开始使用自然气,这样就不会像石油那样排放那么多二氧化碳了。
Relatively small footprint -- size is in the range of 600 to 700 Kilobytes, which makes it easy to run on small devices. 占用的资源相对很小―大小在600K到700K字节的范围内,这使它很容易在小型设备上运行。
This separates software from hardware, allowing many programs to run on any machine, and indeed to switch between them. 该技术隔开了硬件与软件,让许多程序跑在任何机器上,甚至切换这些机器。
Your case is just like a mosquito trying to shoulder a mountain or a small centipede trying to run on the river, it is obviously impossible. 这好比要一只蚊子背负大山,及令商蚷这种小虫在大河里奔跑一样,都是无法胜任的。
And a model of this architecture and a simple relational DBMS run on this architecture are implemented to verify the architecture. 为了验证这个体系结构,本文实现了一个基于这个体系结构和一个相关数据库系统的模型。
Development tools are often run on practitioner workstations with an appropriate specification (in terms of CPU, memory, and disk). 开发工具往往以一种适当的规范(CPU、内存、硬盘)运行在开发人员的工作站上。
"Lizzy, " cried her mother, "remember where you are, and do not run on in the wild manner that you are suffered to do at home. " 她有母亲连忙嚷道:“丽萃,别忘了你在作客,家里让你撒野惯了,你可不能到人家这里来胡闹。”
Operating systems are designed to run on any of a class of machines; the system must be configured for each specific computer site. 操作系统被设计在任何类型的机器上运行;系统必须能在每一特定的机器上配置。
But, as it turns out, the company is getting a slice of the action, as these devices run on its servers and use its components. 而该公司正在心想事成,因为这些设备都运行在它的服务器上面并使用它的部件。
Until the end of her run on "Go! Oriental Angel, " fans continued to vote for Lou Jing show after show. 直到她在“开始吧,东方天使”节目中的表演结束,娄静(音译)的粉丝们一场接一场地投票支持她。
In consequence, a run on the bank had begun, and its doors were likely to close before the day was over. 结果向银行的挤兑又开始了,不等今天结束,银行很可能就得关门。
Pooh! nonsense, mother! ' said the little father Jackal. 'Come, we'll run on a bit! ' “不,别乱说,豺妈妈!”小豺爸爸说道。“来,我们立刻跑的快一点!”
However, it is possible for an. Exe or ASP. NET Web application built with one version of the runtime to run on any version of the runtime. 但是,使用某个版本的运行库生成的.exe或ASP.NETWeb应用程序可以在任何版本的运行库上运行。
Half of the mice were allowed to run on a wheel for 45 minutes three times a week, beginning at 3 months. 让半数的老鼠每周三次在一个轮子上奔跑45分钟,这项活动在老鼠三个月大时开始进行。
Just as the men clear the bridge, they're spotted by the SUV. The officer at the wheel demands that they stop, but the men run on. 团伙刚跨过大桥就被警方发现了。车上的警察叫他们停住,但他们继续跑着。
If Columbia had not been having a good run on the charts lately, though, he might never have had to make the choice. 不过,如果不是因为哥伦比亚公司最近在音乐排行榜有上佳表现,他可能也不会面临这个选择。
But, with a bit of modification, many diesel engines will run on unesterified vegetable oil, too. 但是稍作修改的话,许多柴油发动机也能用未经酯化的植物油。
As I recall, it was one of the first couple of programs Linus Torvalds made run on his early Linux kernels. 我记得,Bash也是莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹在他早期的Linux内核中最早运行的一些程序之一。
The whole thing is small enough to fit into a small backpack and can run on batteries as well as on the mains. 整个机器很小,能够放进小背包里,而且能用电池还有电源驱动。
I bet you know more than one person who drives his car to the gym to run on a treadmill to nowhere, and then drives back home! 我相信你肯定认识不少人,开车去健身房原地踩踏步机,然后又开车回来。
These patterns are deployable units that are ready to be run on VMware ESX or ESXi servers. 这些模式都是可部署单位,可以立即运行在VMwareESX或ESXi服务器上。
Application processes or other processes that you do not bind to a CPU are free to run on any available processor. 没有被绑定到某个CPU的应用程序进程或其他进程,可以无拘束地在任何可用的处理器上运行。
Josh: How much control will organizations have over the programs run on Wowcrowd, and how much is inherent in the software? 在Wowcrowd平台上,机构对程序有多大的控制力,同时有多少是这些软件固有的呢?
That's easy to fix, and it is a run-on sentence, you know. 这很好修改啊,你也知道,它确实是流水句。