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  • 网络伟;无线局域网鉴别基础结构(WLAN Authentication Infrastructure);卫



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无线局域网鉴别基础结构(WLAN Authentication Infrastructure)

Ø 基于证书机制和自行设计的WAI(WLAN authentication infrastructure)认证协议完成身份鉴别和密钥管理,而没有重用802.1X…

百家姓粤语注音_百度文库 ... 王 wong wai 杨 joeng ...

陈奕迅 一丝不挂 发音注音粤语歌词-粤K粤爱 ... 被 bei6 wai4 绕 jiu2 ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 横 Waang Wai 屈 Wat ...

When I first arrived at Er Wai, I had no idea it had been founded by Premiere Zhou Enlai, but when I found out, I was delighted! 我刚来二外的时候,并不知道二外是在周总理的倡导下创建的,但当我得知这一历史事实的时候,我欣喜万分。
"Wong Kar Wai still has not given me the script yet, " muses Leung, tracing circles on the top of the side table with a manicured finger. “王家卫还是没有给我剧本,”梁沉思着道,修饰整齐的手指在桌子边划着圆圈。
To see a foreigner walking down the street like Wai up to sell your goods, do not buy on the follow you. . . 看到外国人走在街上喜欢围上去推销自己的商品,不买就跟着你…
Besides al his films with Wong Kar Wai and John Woo, I saw him in 'A Chinese Ghost Story III' and Cyclo. 除了他和王家卫、吴宇森的电影,我还看了《倩女幽魂。道道道》和《三轮车夫》。
Wai then cast him in a number of good-guy roles in his artsy films. 接下来在家卫一系列艺术电影中饰演各类“好人”角色。
She did not punch the air. For three minutes she stood calmly, unblinking, a faint smile on her face, giving a traditional wai greeting. 英拉并未得意忘形,整整三分钟,她只是淡定地站在那里,双手合十——这是传统的泰国问好方式,眼睛一眨也不眨,笑意若隐若现。
Kang Wai paintings, is a strong regional folk art form of murals, pictures, construction of the complex painting. 炕围画,是地域性很强的一种民间绘画形式,是壁画、年画、建筑彩绘的复合体。
The people looking at me were not aiming to frighten me in anyway; they were just intrigued by the 'Lao Wai' on their turf. 但无论如何,那些人看你不是想和你打架,他们只是被在他们地盘的“老外”激起了好奇心。
YanYuan tried to unify "Neisheng" and "Wai Wang" by his deep sense of historical mission. 颜元以其深沉的历史使命意识,力图重建“内圣”与“外王”相统一的体系。
Now you, an ordinary high school students incredibly common, and I place in eight Baili Wai chase his dream. 现在的你,是个普通中学里普通得不得了的学生,而我在八百里外的地方追逐自己的梦想。
Eventually, we decided to start out from the beginning of Chinese cinema, and locked on our target to Lai Man-wai. 最后我们决定不如从头开始说起,锁定目标为香港电影之父黎民伟。
Chaoyang Men Wai Street, at dusk into the night, rush hour traffic flow in and out of the center of Beijing, contrast. 北京市朝阳门外大街,黄昏入夜、交通高峰时段,进出北京市中心的汽车流量,对比鲜明。
We asked Yeung Sau Wai if she felt Eric was a bit talkative. She responded with a sweet smile. 杨秀惠被问是否觉得孙耀威口花花,她只以甜笑回应。
This kind of paper would not be burning, as it is made of glass and carbon fiber ren Wu Wai-yung. 这种纸是不会燃烧的,因它是用玻璃纤维和碳纤任维制成的。
It is always too early or too late for love in a Wong Kar Wai film, and his characters spend their days in yearnings and regrets. 置身于王家卫电影中的感觉不是太早,就是太晚。他的人物不是活在憧憬中,就是活在悔恨中。
"Yellow Shirts" Since the beginning 25 May in Bangkok, Prime Minister Fu Wai demonstrations so far 2 weeks. “黄衫军”自上月25日开始在曼谷总理府外集会示威,迄今已有2个星期。
I was incredibly excited to hear that he and Wong Kar-wai may collaborate on a biopic about Bruce Lee (speaking of the Dragon himself! ). 听说他和王家卫可能合作一部关于李小龙的传记电影,我真是兴奋极了。
Mr. Lau's son, Lau Ming-wai, studied at the London School of Economics and then worked for Goldman Sachs in London . 刘先生的儿子刘鸣炜曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院,随后曾在伦敦为高盛集团工作。
So, I have a good apron Wai, learning of his mother and the appearance of normal cooking, began his cooking. 于是,我围好围裙,学着妈妈平时做饭的模样开始自己做饭。
Social Worker Fermi Wong Wai-Fun first reaches out to Ethnic Minorities in Yau Tsim Mong District, realising their needs have been ignored. 外展社工王惠芬在油尖旺接触少数族裔,了解到他们的需要被受忽视。
It's our 'brightest' film in all senses of the term and looks like it will have the 'happiest ending' of any Kar Wai film. 从这个意义上说这是王家卫里最光明积极的电影而且看来将会有最皆大欢喜的结局。
WAI was wearing a dark colour jacket and a pair of brown slippers. 他失踪当日身穿深色外套及啡色拖鞋。
"The technical skills that I learn at school will only get me so far and will one day be obsolete, " says Nick Wai, a recent LBS graduate. 我在学校里学到的专门技能只能让我达到现在这种程度,而且有朝一日会过时。
Wai Care buildings around the structure and its shape are important cultural and material assets. 围康复大楼周围的结构和它的形状是重要的文化和物质资产。
It was a special honor to be counted as a volunteer representing Er Wai in these and other programs over the past 8 years. 让我感到无比荣耀的是:我在过去的8年里,在这些重要的活动中代表二外担当了一名志愿者。
multiple assemblies were a few Wai Shi is the author of a genius. 多诌得几句歪诗,便是什么天才的作者。
Chaoyang Men Wai Street, at dusk into the night, rush hour traffic out of the center of Beijing's cars, contrasts. 北京市朝阳门外大街,黄昏入夜、交通高峰时段,进出北京市中心的轿车流量,对比鲜明。
moreover , wetlands bring economic benefits in the form of fish and gei wai shrimp farming , recreation and tourism opportunities. 湿地亦可用作养鱼和基围虾,更可作为康乐场地和旅游景点,带来经济效益。
After years of waiting (because of legal issues), Wong Kar-wai can finally make his own biopic of Ip Man, Bruce Lee's master. 经年的期盼之后(涉及到法律问题),王家卫最终拍摄了王氏版本的李小龙之师---叶问的传纪电影。
After about 10 minutes, a tall girl sat down. It was Yeung Sau Wai, a new TVB actress. 过了约十多分钟,一名身材高的女子坐低,原来正是受无力捧的姐仔杨秀惠!