
美 [pɔ]英 [pɔː]
  • n.爪子;〈美口〉同“papa”;〈谑〉(人的)手;〈俚〉笔迹
  • v.(用脚爪等)搔;〈口〉笨拙地使用;盘弄 〔美俚〕爱抚;艰苦地行走
  • 网络凤爪;菲律宾动物福利协会(Philippine Animal Welfare Society);防止回绕的序号

复数:paws 现在分词:pawing 过去式:pawed




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菲律宾动物福利协会(Philippine Animal Welfare Society)

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The poor dog, with his four paws, was not formed for this sort of exercise. 照理说这只可怜的四条腿的狗,实在不适于受这种训练。
The rest of her followed tentatively, revealing a beast about twice the size of a fat house cat with huge paws and hindquarters . 她踌躇地爬出宠子,体形看上去约有肥胖家猫的两倍,长着一对巨爪和两条粗壮的后腿。
If he uses his muzzle and his paws, score 2 points, whether he gets the treat or not (at least he's trying). 如果它用嘴和爪子,无论够没够着,都得两分,因为它至少尝试了。
It did not sink, but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet. 他没有跳入水中,却走过水面叼回了鸭子,四个爪子一个也没有打湿。
Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories. 我们常常在灌木丛里点上一堆火。我给美尔根讲着故事,他把头放在两只前爪中间,眼睛盯着我。
Sebastian Schnuelle checks one of his dog's paws as as he prepares to leave the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint March 9. 塞巴斯蒂安Schnuelle检查他的狗的爪子之一,他准备离开尼古拉,阿拉斯加检查站3月9日。
The fluffy calico cat who lived across the street was at the front door , front paws up on the screen, scratching. 那只住在街对面的白色绒毛的猫在前门,前爪抠着门玻璃。
The slip-knot about his wrist would not yield, for the bear was all the time pulling in the slack with his paws. 的支路,关于他的手腕结不会屈服的熊,是所有的时间在与他的爪子拉疲弱。
Across the garden, the big yellow dog snorted and made digging motions with his paws. 花园里,大黄狗喷着鼻息,不断的用爪子刨着地。
When he was a little puppy, he puts his paws on your leg -- you know, isn't that nice? 当它还是个小狗的时候,它把爪子放到你腿上,你感觉很好吧?
Every time when I see her round black nose, big bright eyes, and hairy paws, I just feel as if she's a real dog! 每当我看到它圆圆的黑黑的小鼻子,大而明亮的眼睛和毛茸茸的爪子的时候,我就感觉它是一条真狗。
The "canine" is covered in wool like a lamb but the animal's mouth, nose, eyes, paws and tail all resemble that of a dog's. 这只小狗长着羊毛,但是它的嘴巴、鼻子、眼睛、爪子和尾巴都像一只狗。
With her red boxing gloves on, Chela dodges punches and throws jabs with her front paws while standing up on her hind legs. 带上红色拳击手套的它会左右避闪,当后腿站立时,它还会伸出前爪进行攻击。
While a Polar bear sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around it like a toddler holding their teddy bear is truly cute. 当北极熊在冰山上睡觉时,爪子抓住周围,就像一个蹒跚学步的婴儿抓着他们的泰迪熊一样,那是真的非常可爱!
his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death. 它仰首于两足之间,眼睛里虽然充满悲伤,却仍机警地守护墓地,忠贞不渝,直到死亡。
The bear was about to set on the little fellow at once, and give him a hearty welcome with his paws. 熊立刻就要扑向小伙子,用双爪热烈欢迎他。“温柔点,温柔点。”
The shocked marsupial was trapped just under the licence plate with its front paws and head hanging out the front of the car. 这只受到惊吓的有袋动物被卡在了车牌下面的前隔栅里,前爪和头悬在车前面。
The five-month-old is seen stretching her legs and balancing on her paws in what could easily be part of a gym routine. 5个月的熊宝宝被看见在拉伸她的腿和平衡她的爪子这可能更容易成为健身房里面一部分。
You can see from the photo that the palm of its paws match he same colour of its nose and eyes and necklace like hair. 你可以从照片中看到,牠们掌中的爪子与牠们的鼻子、眼睛以及项链般的毛发都具有同样的颜色。
Another 'spoke' by tapping letters of the alphabet with his paws and was said to have speculated about religion and learnt poetry. 另一只有杰出表现的狗狗则是通过打字来写诗、学习外语以及表现它对宗教的思索。
They used to kiss my nose, and wipe my paws with an embroidered handkerchief, and I was called "Ami, dear Ami, sweet Ami. " 他们还亲吻我的鼻子,用印绣手帕儿抚摸我,亲切地叫我“朋友,我亲爱的、可爱的朋友”。
Hope, the German shepherd, can place his front paws on a lawn mower's handle and push the machine along like a human operator. 这只名叫霍普的德国牧羊犬可将前爪放在割草机扶手上,像人一样推动机器前进。
The beginning of one story about the Great Sphinx is written on a stele between the sphinx's paws. 关于狮身人面像的传说被刻在位于他两爪之间的石碑上。更详细。
The children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. 孩子们都在排队等候由当地的艺术家来个他们画脸,这个艺术家用老虎爪子来来点缀他们的脸。
"Drat! " said Mole, as he stumbled and he diamond shot uo our of his paws. 当他被绊倒时,,钻石脱开它的爪子被抛向空中,“啊!”鼹鼠大喊道。
This scoundrel always pretends to be others. But you could recognize him when you hear the hoarse voice and see his black paws. 这个坏蛋常常把自己化装成别的样子,但是,你们只要一听到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。
I saw my little cat put its front paws on the edge of the basin, in which there was a fish I'd bought. 我看见我的小猫把它的前爪放在盆边,盆里有我买的一条鱼。
I could here the grass rustling through its feet . . . or paws, or whatever it had. 我还能听见,草叶和脚,或者是爪子,或者是什么其他的沙沙摩擦声。
Sometimes, it is in the front PAWS patting belly, Sometimes, her legs, a Deng turning. 有时,它用前爪轻轻地拍着肚子;有时,她两腿一镫,就翻个身。
It claims that the carbon footprint left by domesticated animals is out of proportion to the size of their paws. 据说,驯养动物留下的碳足迹和它们的爪子大小不相称。