
美 [peɡ]英 [peɡ]
  • n.楔子;橛子;晾衣夹子;弦钮
  • v.用夹子夹住;用楔子钉住;使工资、价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩)
  • 网络聚乙二醇(polyethyleneglycol);木钉;桩

复数:pegs 现在分词:pegging 过去式:pegged

dollar peg,peg currency,peg price,rate peg


n. v.

1.(木、金属或塑料)钉子,楔子,橛子,短桩a short piece of wood, metal or plastic used for holding things together, hanging things on, marking a position, etc.


off the peg

成品的;现成的made to a standard average size and not made especially to fit you

bring/take sb down a peg (or two)

杀某人的威风;挫某人的锐气to make sb realize that they are not as good, important, etc. as they think they are

a peg to hang sth on

借口;理由;话头something that gives you an excuse or opportunity to discuss or explain sth



高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... movement n 运动;动作;运转 △ peg n ;栓;桩 commander n 司令官;指挥官 ...


亦写作"栓或木钉(peg)。字母G其实与字母C源首是外文翻译版本吧? [4]唯:只。 天是抑制血栓、消除肿胀,很多人还会拿来涂抹 …

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... movement n 运动;动作;运转 △ peg n 钉;栓; commander n 司令官;指挥官 ...


批发药用聚乙二醇PEG)图 价格面议 批发聚山梨酯80(图) 价格面议 批发蜂胶助溶剂 HY—ⅥⅩ型 价格面议 批发卡波姆 carbo…

经皮内镜下胃造瘘术(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy)

经皮内镜下胃造瘘术PEG)具有以下优点:操作方便、快捷,操作时间短,因此安全度高;术后并发症少; PEG管留置时 …


英文姓氏 - 搜搜百科 ... Pearson 皮尔逊 Peg 佩格 Peggy 佩吉 ...

She was the odd one out, just as she had been at school and university: a square peg in a round hole. 她比较怪僻,象在中学和大学里一样,不适应周围的环境。
So far, so good, but the new investment policy would be severely constrained by China's desire to peg the renminbi to the dollar. 到目前为止,一切顺利。但中国力图让人民币与美元挂钩,这将严重制约新的投资政策。
In the medium term, the best and most likely policy would be a move to a heavily managed float, rather than an upward adjustment of the peg. 从中期来看,最好也是最有可能采取的政策是过渡到严格管理的浮动,而不是对盯住汇率向上进行调整。
Of Bei is to do not have off-the-peg character to call me to be moved later, can oneself will write a few. 悲的是以后没有现成的文字叫我搬过来,只能自己来写几句了。
Zhou Xiaochuan, who had said the yuan's current de facto peg to the U. S. dollar is a 'special' measure that will eventually end. 周小川曾说,人民币实际上盯住美元的做法是一种特殊措施,最终将会结束。
eg: The boss yelled at him in front of everyone. It was very embarrassing for him but he needed to be taken down a peg. 老板今天在大家面前训斥他的确让他尴尬,但应该有人消消他的气焰了。
Afterward I wished I could have died in Peg's bed. Almost immediately I realized that would have been bad for her and bad for Julia. 后来,有那么一瞬,我甚至希望自己能就这么死在佩姬的床上。但立刻马上我就意识到这个愿望对她来说欠妥,对茱莉也不公平。
It rang such a chord in Ginny's memory that she almost swung her head around to see if Aunt Peg was standing there behind her. 这味道简直拨动了金妮记忆中的某根音弦,她差点要转过头去看看佩格姨妈是不是就站在她身后。
The dollar started to gain against almost all currencies last summer when China decided to peg its currency to the US currency once more. 去年夏天当中国决定再次将人民币与美元挂钩时,美元汇率几乎全线上扬。
Still, the slow opening of RMB trade seems to correspond with a desire to gradually loosen the renminbi's peg to the dollar. 不过,缓慢放开人民币交易,似乎符合逐步放松人民币盯住美元汇率的呼声。
Movement away from the current peg might be a symbolic gesture to appease the United States without having any material merit. 脱离当前盯住美元的政策可能是安抚美国的象征性姿态,没有任何实际价值。
In fact he concludes that, based primarily on the PEG ratio, Apple's shares are even more undervalued now than they were a year ago. 事实上他得出结论称,仍然主要从PEG方面考虑,苹果的股价与一年前相比,低估程度甚至更大。
When you attempt to serve God in ways that you're not shaped to serve, it feels like forcing a square peg into a round hole. 你如果要用神没给你的方式服侍神,就像把一个方形的轴柱打成圆的。
But I suppose the way things work, we expected that whenever the book came out there would probably be some crisis or other to peg it to. 罗格夫说,“不过我认为这就是其中的道理,我们预料无论这本书何时出版,可能都存在或者关注某种危机。”
The IMF said the scrapping of the dollar peg would increase the central bank's flexibility to tighten monetary conditions. IMF表示,不再钉住美元会增加中国央行收紧货币状况的灵活度。
Such a peg adjusts to trade shocks and serves as a nominal anchor, so it may outperform current exchange rate regimes. 这种挂钩政策可以随同贸易冲击(自动)调整,并可以作为一种“名义锚”,因此或许可以比目前的各种汇率政策表现更好。
"We have now moved back to a virtual US dollar peg, " said the think-tank economist. “现在我们实际又回到了实际上钉住美元的汇率制度,”那位智囊机构的经济学家表示。
A first step towards flexibility might be for China to peg the yuan to a basket of currencies rather than to the dollar. 对中国来说,走向灵活的第一步可以将人民币从与美元挂钩转为与一揽子货币挂钩。
A week before the Toronto meeting in July, China said it was abandoning its currency peg to the dollar, wrong-footing its critics again. 在今年7月的多伦多峰会召开前一周,中国表示,将放弃盯住美元的汇率制度,这再一次令批评者们方寸大乱。
The results indicated that the PNIPAM-PEG microgel was temperature sensitive and carried anionic charge on the surface. 结果表明N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-聚乙二醇微凝胶具有温敏特性且表面带负电荷;
Critics or rivals are trying to promote themselves and, in order to do so, take you down a peg or two. 批评家和对手们为了提升自己,自然要拆你的台。
Do not be tempted to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. If something doesn't fit or it doesn't feel right, try a different approach. 不要硬塞…赶鸭子上架…如果某件事不合适或者感觉不对,试一试另一个途径。
This is only the second month that this has happened since China moved away from its dollar peg in 2005. 自中国2005年取消盯住美元的汇率制度以来,这种情况还只是第二次出现。
Those with fear of failure, meanwhile, stood either right on top of the peg or so far back that failure was almost certain. 与此同时,那些有失败恐惧感的孩子,所站的位置要么正在柱桩的上方,要么离柱桩很远,以至于失败几乎已成定局。
Nevertheless, to gem, she does not have special hobby however, however off-the-peg design goes, do not importune must order do. 不过,对于珠宝,她却没有非凡的嗜好,而是现成的款式就行,不强求一定要订做。
Over time, as countries replace a dollar peg with a mixed basket peg, they are likely to readjust reserve portfolios as well. 假以时日,随着各国以钉住混合货币篮子取代钉住美元的汇率机制,它们也可能重新调整外汇储备的资产组合。
Old peg to the actual words do not fall into love too feeble, marriage is a reality, life is a reality, romantic love, is not real life. 老挂在口头上不落到实际的爱太苍白无力,婚姻是现实的,生活是现实的,风花雪月的恋爱,不是真实的生活。
It's a fine day. Please help me to peg out the clothes. 今天天气不错,帮我将衣服夹在绳上晾晾。
Now, many observers think the turmoil in Europe could further delay any move by China away from the yuan's de facto peg to the U. S. dollar. 现在很多观察人士都认为,欧洲的动荡局势可能会进一步推迟中国可能采取的、让人民币与美元脱钩的措施。
XPS analysis on films equilibrated in PBS demonstrated a further enrichment in the PEG component on the surface. 在PBS中平衡的XPS分析表明薄膜在聚乙二醇组分表面上进一步丰富。