
美 [stɒk]英 [stɒk]
  • n.股票;库存;储备;牲畜
  • v.库存;储备;(在湖里,河里)放鱼;(给农场)购买家畜
  • adj.老一套的;常备的

复数:stocks 过去式:stocked 现在分词:stocking

large stock,good stock,same stock,entire stock,stock broker
keep stock,build stock,come stock,base stock,replenish stock


So what stocks would I look to add to my portfolio if I needed to add just a bit more U. S. spice to the stew? 如果我要给汤里加些美国作料的话,应该考虑把哪些股票加入我的组合呢?
Just as dotcom stocks were driven to ridiculously high levels, currencies can get out of line with economic fundamentals. 比如网络公司的股票会被炒到令人难以置信的水平,市场价格完全背离经济基本面一样。
Back in 2009, armies of television pundits used to shout about stocks all day long, while up-to-the-minute prices whirred across screens. 2009年那时,大批的所谓专家成天在电视上高谈阔论着股票,屏幕上滚动播报着最新一秒的股价。
Throughout the market drama of the past few months, stocks have tended to follow credit downwards, with a lag of a few weeks. 在过去几个月的市场行情中,股市往往追随信贷价格下行趋势,时间通常滞后几周。
People who regard themselves as risk-averse will assemble portfolios of highly similar stocks that all seem to be 'safe. ' 认为自己属于避险型投资者的人,会把看上去全都保险、同时高度相似的股票放在一个组合里。
What analysts would like to see now is a strong January rally on heavy volume, suggesting investors are pouring new money into U. S. stocks. 现在分析师们希望看到的是巨大的成交量推动下的1月份股市上涨,这会显示出投资者正把更多资金投入美国股市。
"I've been trying to get some more but all the stocks have run out, " he said as he handed them over in fistfuls to desperate customers. “我在试图进更多货,但库存都已没了,”他说。与此同时,他正将一叠叠口罩递给焦急的顾客。
This hardly adds up to the sort of news that should scare, say, shareholders in the world's largest mining stocks and German midcaps. 这样的消息很难说足以吓跑其他投资者,比如全球矿业巨擘或德国中型企业股票的投资者。
If they were to spend some of that cash on expanding their businesses or rewarding shareholders, it could boost stocks, analysts say. 分析师称,如果这些公司把这些钱花掉一些来扩大业务或者回报股东,它们的股票或将受到提振。
How much do such fears hurt stocks? 这种担心对股票的影响有多大?
Before joining the bank, Wang was a chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in charge of stocks and investment funds. 王益在中国开发银行任职之前担任中国证监会副主任,负责发行和投资基金业务。
Japanese stocks are back in vogue, at least for now, despite lingering worries over dismal economic prospects and the strong yen. 日本股市重新受到欢迎,至少目前是如此,尽管对黯淡经济前景和日圆走强的担忧依然存在。
With Italy under strain, along with Spain, European corporate bonds began to feel the pinch Monday, along with stocks across the continent. 在意大利和西班牙一道承受压力之际,欧洲公司债券、以及欧陆各国的股市周一开始感受疼痛。
Usually among the first to go are small stocks and those of companies most dependent on a strong economy. 一般来讲,首批回落的是小型股,以及对经济形势依赖最重的企业的股票。
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI), commonly just referred to as "The Dow" , is an average of the price of 30 stocks. 道琼斯工业平均指数DJI,一般简称为“道”,是30只股票的平均价格。
Anecdotal evidence from corporate treasurers suggests that perhaps a third of the bank loan explosion this year has ended up in stocks. 来自企业财务部门的坊间证据表明,今年新增的银行贷款中,可能有三分之一投入了股市。
Then there was the ban on short selling (borrowing a share and selling it, to profit when its share price goes down) in financial stocks. 随后,美国政府出台了针对金融类股的卖空(售出借入的股票,以便在股价下跌时获利)禁令。
He said the volumes had been concentrated in a handful of stocks reflecting what he termed a "traders' market" . 他表示,成交量集中于少数股票,反映了他称之为“交易者市场”的特征。
If you want consistent access to the stocks of these Wall Street darlings, you're likely to have trouble finding it on Main Street. 如果你想获得那些华尔街宠儿的股票,您多半无法在商业街得到。
Since the year 2006, our company has no more connection with your company as of stocks or business. 从2006年起至今,我公司在股份、业务方面与贵公司已无任何关联。
It is not yet clear how much worse things will get as existing stocks run down. 随着现有库存的减少,事态会发展到多严重现在仍不明确。
How much did the tycoon lose in the stocks market? 那大亨在股市里损失多少钱?
It is an astounding thing to have to tell, but this man, though he knew about stocks and shares, had no real mastery of his tie. 说也奇怪,这个人虽然懂得股票和红利,却对付不了他的领结。有的时候这玩意儿倒也伏伏帖帖听他摆布;
Jitters about whether the emergency loan package would be enough to stem the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis also hammered Spanish stocks. 紧急贷款计划是否足以遏制欧元区的主权债务危机,这点亦令人担心,也让西班牙股市.IBEX受挫。
For at least a generation, financial professionals have urged mutual-fund investors to put more money in stocks than in bonds. 近几十年以来,金融界的专业人士一直在敦促共同基金的投资者们将更多的资金投入股票,而不是债券。
Banking stocks have been falling heavily since the global financial turmoil began to unravel. 尽管如此,全球金融危机爆发以来,印度银行股遭受重创。
My advice: Stop trying to figure out the direction of the stock market, and worry more about the value of individual stocks. 我的提议:别去猜测市场的走势,考虑考虑个股的价值才是正经。
But it is hard to see Chinese stocks' vertical ascent going on much longer without a pause for an almost vertical decline. 但如果中国股市不暂停一下升势,来一次近乎直线的下跌,那它这种直线式上涨将很难维持更长的时间。
What I've done in the case of these two stocks is factor stock-specific risk into my definition of cheap. 在这两只股票的例子里,我用特定风险因素作出自己对便宜的定义。
Investors appeared to be unwilling to hold big positions in stocks ahead of the weekend and any news on Ireland's crisis. 投资者在周末前不愿进行大宗交易,爱尔兰债务危机的最新消息即将公布。