
美 [ʃəl]英 [ʃəl]
  • auxv.将;要;会;就
  • modalv.应该;将会;表示提出或征求意见
  • 网络将要;必须




1.(同 I 和 we 连用,表示将来)将要,将会used with and for talking about or predicting the future

2.(在疑问句中同 I 和 we 连用,表示提出或征求意见)used in questions with and for making offers or suggestions or asking advice

3.(表示决心、命令或指示)必须,一定,应该used to show that you are determined, or to give an order or instruction

双方shall)谘商及竭力获致满意解决。第12.5条为:缔约国确认如适当将(may)提供本条相关事项之公众参与(public pa…

英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 125. set 建立;创立 126. shall ;要;会 127. shine 照耀;发光;发亮 ...


谁有剑桥英语二级词汇表_百度知道 ... seventh adj 第7 shall v 将要 shark n 鲨鱼 ...


本文中出现“必须”(shall)一词表示强制执行的要求。“应该”(should)一词表示强制执行的要求,但在执行方式上允许一些灵 …


此处应该 (shall) 的定义是强制性的。 11. 内审 11.1 供应商应建立和维持成文的程序文件以定期规划和执行质量内审.应记录内 …

英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 125. set 建立;创立 126. shall 将;要; 127. shine 照耀;发光;发亮 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... shake 摇动,摇;(使)颤抖,震动 shall 将(要),会;必须,应该 she 她 ...

I shall be very interested to hear your views. 您的看法会使我们很感兴趣。
Since the form of the conversion expression should differ in these two regimes, we shall consider them separately. 由于在这种状态转化率的表达形式不同,将分别加以叙述。
That portion of the courtroom record comprising the testimony of witnesses shall be read out in court or given to the witnesses to read. 法庭笔录中的证人证言部分,应当当庭宣读或者交给证人阅读。
If I pay all my debts, I shall have no money left. 如果我还清了所有的债,就一文钱不剩了。
I've never found a new planet before, he said. What shall we call it? 我从来没有发现一颗新行星之前,他说。我们怎么称呼它?
The inscriptions give us the name of King Den and, between him and the enemy, are the chilling words 'they shall not exist'. 这铭文告诉了我们这法老的名字是丹,然后在他与他的敌人之间是一句令人心寒的话:“他们不得存在。”
If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable , it shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement. 如果这个合约中的任何规定无法执行,它将不影响合约中的其它规定。
My adorable mistress, tonight I shall see you, and if I had to put my head on the block. 你是我爱慕至极的情人,即使掉脑袋,今夜我也要来见你。
In case the firm is not able to handle the matter, we shall consider the firm you recommended. 如果该公司做不了,我们再选择你推荐的公司。
Thou hast left death for my companion and I shall crown him with my life. 你留下死亡和我作伴,我将以我的生命给他加冕。
He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again. 他是一个堂堂男子;整个说起来,我再也见不到像他那样的人了。
I understand that if I give any false information or withhold any information, I shall render myself liable to dismissal. 我知道如果我作出任何虚假信息或隐瞒任何资料,我会令自己会被解雇。
"I shall be able to stop that wretch whenever I please, " he thought. 他心里想道:“这坏蛋,我随时都可以制伏他。”
When offering exemplary application form of administrative license, the administrative organ shall not charge anything for that. 行政机关提供行政许可申请书格式文本,不得收费。
And he said to me: Solomon thy son shall build my house, and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be a father to him. 他这样对我说:是你的儿子撒罗满要为我建筑殿宇和庭院,因为我已选了他作我的儿子,我要作他的父亲。
If I give them to you now, somebody else may come into my shop with the ticket tomorrow, and then I shall not be able to give him the shoes. 如果我现在把鞋子给你,明天可能会有人拿着小票儿来取鞋,那时我就没法给他鞋子了。
And I shall be ripples in the water when you bathe, and kiss you and kiss you again. 我将化为串串涟漪,当你沐浴时,一次次地吻着你。
Yes my children I come to rescue you and my only weapon shall be the Truth for it is the truth that will propel you into light and life. 是的,我的孩子,我来拯救你们,我唯一的武器是【真相】,因为真相将驱使你们进入光与生命。
If my head is shaved, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak and be like any other man. 若剃了我的头发,我的力气就离开我,我便软弱像别人一样。
We shall not be able to reserve the goods for you if we fail to receive your reply by the end of this month. 如果我方不能在月底前收到答复,我方将不能替你方保留货物。
Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 你当刚强壮胆!因为你必使这百姓承受那地为业,就是我向他们列祖起誓应许赐给他们的地。
Commodity Inspection Shall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。
I shall now add a little milk to make the mixture palatable, and on presenting it to the dog we find that he laps it up readily enough. 现在我给它加上些牛奶就好吃了,然后把它摆在狗的面前,它会立刻舔光的。
The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand . 客户须按要求全数支付在此等弥偿项下欠本行的任何款项。
The water and soil conservation programme shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Law. 水土保持方案应当按照本法第十八条的规定制定。
It shall be for the Children of Light To cross over the Eternal River unto the hidden place Where standeth the Tree of Life. 它是光明之子的路,越过永恒之河到隐蔽处,那里有着生命之树。
The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. 随着我们将带给你们的揭露,真相会到来,但是请准备大吃一惊,因为你们一直被严重的误导。
The Company is an enterprise legal person that shall enjoy the right to the entire independent property of the legal person. 公司是中国企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人财产权。
As for a piece of land located at the outer flank of the border section, the land tax bracket shall be the higher one (the higher tax rate). 对于土地等级划分边界路段外侧的土地,按高一级的土地纳税等级(高一级的税额标准)确定。
Shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview by the HR Department and notified of any tests required. 入围的求职者将接受人事部的面试以及被通知任何所需考试。