
美 [pɜː(r)tʃ]英 [pɜː(r)tʃ]
  • n.高位;(鸟的) 栖木;〈非正式〉高处;(位于高位的)休息处
  • v.坐;(鸟)栖息;停歇;(某人)歇息
  • 网络鲈鱼;河鲈;河鲈鱼

复数:perches 现在分词:perching 过去式:perched



v. n.

1.[i]~ (on sth)栖息;停留to land and stay on a branch, etc.

2.[i][t](informal)(使)坐,坐在…边沿to sit or to make sb sit on sth, especially on the edge of it

3.[i]~ (on sth)置于(顶上或边上)to be placed on the top or the edge of sth


动物名字大全_百度文库 ... mullet 乌鱼,黑鱼 perch 鲈鱼 salmon 鲑鱼 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... perception 知觉 perch 栖息 perchance 或许 ...


六级词汇 - 专业英语讨论区 - 52RD研发论坛 ... pedlar n. (挨户兜售的)小贩 perch n. (禽鸟的)栖木 peripheral a. 周界的;末梢的 ...


食用鱼介绍(图) - ivan的日志 - 网易博客 ... Mullet 乌鱼,鲻鱼 Perch 河鲈 Pike 梭鱼,狗鱼 ...


西餐香料大全 ... 牡蛎 生蚝 oyster 河鲈鱼 perch 梭子鱼 pike ...


电影片断:《公主日记》(1) ... limo n. 豪华轿车 perch n. 高位 monarchy n. 君主国 ...


新概念英语第三册词汇手册[中]--新概念_可可英语 ... pent-up a. 被抑制的 perch vt. 座落,位于 perform vt. 完成,提供 ...


英语词汇综合宝典 ... pending 直到,在等待……期间 perch 2.高处,较高的位置 perish 丧生,毁灭,消亡 ...

From her billboard perch, she was attempting to interest travellers in the business communications products of Telecom Italia. 她正设法引起旅客们对意大利电信(TelecomItalia)商务通信产品的兴趣。
Weather experts in Australia believe the fish, spangled perch, were sucked up in a thunderstorm before being dumped over the tiny town. 澳大利亚的气象专家认为,这些金光闪闪的小鱼,是被暴风雨从河中卷到空中,然后才降落到这个小镇。
When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now and discovering its natural perch on his shoulder. 最后他起来打开一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。
There was one bird in particular that came whenever the monk chanted sutras. It would perch on a branch near by and listen carefully. 有一只鸟很特别,和尚每次念经,它都来。它停在近旁的一只树枝上,专心致至地听着。
"Harry, guess what? " said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there. “哈利,你猜怎么着?”唐克斯坐在洗衣机上,朝哈利晃动着她的左手:一枚戒指在闪闪发光。
For the last 20 years, Ibu Bonah has fished trash out of the river from her perch beneath a busy intersection. 过去20年来,在一座忙碌的立交桥下,Bonah大婶从她栖身的棚子边从河里捞垃圾。
From his perch in Angel Court, in the heart of the City, he watched the rapid expansion all around him. 在天使家园,他的位于伦敦市中心的家中,他见证了周围的金融企业的快速扩张。
Imagine, Kop fans must be thinking, how much Ferguson would gloat about achieving his dream to 'knock Liverpool off their perch. 想象一下,Kop们一定在想,弗格森会因为实现“把利物浦拉下来”的梦想而多么洋洋得意。
In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home. 实际上,这只鸟别无选择,只能停在被用来破坏它原来家园的斧柄上。
If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。
A child peeks out from her perch on her mother's back in Chinchero. 一个孩子从她的偷窥她的母亲在Chinchero回鲈鱼。
The next morning, Chanticleer got up and flew down from his perch. He walked up to the barnyard in a royal way. 隔天早晨,强啼克利尔起床后,从栖息的地方飞下来,昂首阔步地走到谷仓空地那里。
In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. 在他们家别墅后面一片神经质的、叶子细长的含羞草丛中,在一道矮石墙的残垣上,我们找到一个可以坐一坐的地方。
He just fluttered down from the perch, poked a seed in Baby's open mouth and went back up for his share and the next seed for Baby. 它只是舞动着翅膀飞离杆子,然后将一粒种子送进小鸟张开的嘴中,然后飞回去继续进食,接着又给小鸟喂食。
Instead of locking it up in a cage or chaining it to a perch, he allowed it to fly free all over the house. 他没有把鹦鹉关在笼子里,也没有用链条把他拴在栖木上,而让他在家里自由自在地飞来飞去。
We' d perch on the gate or stretch out on the large flat limes tone outcrop that marked the end of the Woods Behind Our House. 我们会倚坐在门上休息,或者摊开四肢躺在露出地面的又大又平的石灰岩上。这些岩石标志着“屋后树林”的尽头。
While Apple has dominated the market until now, selling more tablets than any other company, its perch is being threatened by the newcomers. 尽管到目前为止,苹果出售的平板电脑数量高于其他任何一家公司,在市场中占主导地位,但它的地位也正受到新进入者的威胁。
In the U. S. Senate, Stevens used his perch as an appropriator to direct federal dollars to his home state. 在美国参议院,斯蒂文斯利用自己的地位为自己所在的州争取直接的联邦款项。
One crow, especially, was after a vulture, trying to perch on him. 特别是有一只乌鸦跟在一只秃鹫后面,想要落在他身上。
Good intentions are rewarded with plenty of Nile perch (for now) but a degraded ecosystem in the long run. 于是回报当初人们的美好愿景的是,大量的尼罗河鲈鱼和指日可待的环境退化。
And after a week of complaints, this racy Chicago billboard has been removed from its downtown perch. 在被抱怨了一周之后,这幅芝加哥市中心的广告版终于被搬走了。
The Nile perch is nefarious yet applauded (in the short run). Don't be afraid to call it when you see it. 尼罗河鲈鱼虽然凶猛但也颇受欢迎(短期来说)。当你遇到它时,勇敢面对吧。
Determined to get good shots, I climbed, buck naked, through a pile of nettles to get onto a log that looked like a promising perch. 为了拍得好,我一丝不挂地爬过荆棘,站在高灌木上只为一个欣欣向荣的姿态。
He'll perch on the edge of his seat to get closer. And if he crosses his legs, the top leg will point in your direction. 他会坐在他位子的边缘,只为与你靠的更近。如果他翘起二郎腿,放在上面的那只脚会指向你的方向。
Although some in the industry are optimistic that the company can quickly regain its perch, some Wall Street analysts are not convinced. 一些业内人士对强生公司能够快速恢复高位表示乐观,但也有一些华尔街分析家对此并不认同。
"In the past couple of years common fishes like pike and perch have had virtually no reproduction in the inner part of the archipelago. " 尤其影响幼年期的鱼类,韦斯特曼说道,“过去几年里,在这片群岛内部的区域,像梭子鱼和鲈鱼这样的常见鱼类都几乎不再来繁殖了。”
Satisfied, the kite returns to its perch and shows off the black epaulettes on its grey back. 白尾鸢满足的回到栖息处炫耀着它那灰色后背上黑色的肩膀。
Hughton has so far snapped up James Perch and Dan Gosling over the summer and the capture of Campbell will be a welcome boost for the club. 休顿至今已经在这个夏天买入了詹姆斯·佩奇和丹·格斯林,而购入坎贝尔将会被认为是对俱乐部实力的一个提高。
Josie descended from her perch, flushed with victory, and darted a defiant glance at Anne. 乔茜的小脸因占了上风而涨得通红。她从板墙上下来,挑衅地看了安妮一眼。
Lots of voters hate them, and think they have sold out for a perch in a ministerial Jaguar. 很多选民讨厌他们,而且认为他们为了获得部长高位而出卖选民的信任。