
美 [ˈpɜrsənəli]英 [ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nəli]
  • adv.亲自;本人;就本人而言;就个人意见
  • 网络亲自地;就个人而言;就自己而言

personally experience,personally know,personally take


1.就本人而言;就个人意见used to show that you are giving your own opinion about sth

2.本人;亲自by a particular person rather than by sb acting for them

3.个别地;单个地in a way that is connected with one particular person rather than a group of people

4.无礼地;冒犯地in a way that is intended to be offensive

5.私人地(与工作相对)in a way that is connected with sb's personal life rather than with their job or official position


字典中 身 字的解释 ... (12) 毕生,一辈子[ lifetime] (1) 亲身,亲自[ personally] (1) 怀孕[ conceive;be pregnant] ...


英语常用的词根词缀_百度知道 ... expansive( 可扩张的) personally亲自地), calmly( 平静地), ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... personal adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的 personally adv. 就个人而言;亲自 physical adj. 物理的;身 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... personal a. 个人的,私人的 personally ad. 就自己而言 persuade vt. 说服,劝说 ...


手_互动百科 ... (9) 手艺;本领[ skill;means;ability] (1) 亲自,亲手[ personally] (5) 取[ take] ...


别吃聪明鱼_新浪教育_新浪网 ... 5.personality 性格 6.personally 个人地;亲自地 8.behavior 行为 ...


高中英语插入语汇总与练习集锦 ... 似乎 it semms to me 就我个人而言 personally 肯定 surely ...


字典中 身 字的解释 ... (12) 毕生,一辈子[ lifetime] (1) 亲身,亲自[ personally] (1) 怀孕[ conceive;be pregnant] ...

JH: I personally believe with open dialogue and shall we say with a good intent from all parties it would be very easy to achieve. 我个人相信开诚布公的谈话和各方友好地交流能使这项工作变得更轻松一点。
You really love the man, seldom praise you personally, but feel sure that you are the best of him. 真正爱你的男人,很少当面赞美你,可是心里肯定你是他最棒的。
The way I personally experienced them was, as I said, by just kind of feeling them. 正像我说的,我个人仅仅是感觉到这些灵异物的存在。
"Personally, I'm very much in sync with the president and he values my services, " he said in an interview with National Public Radio. 他对国家公共电台的一次采访中,说:“我个人非常同意总统的政策,他也很看重我的工作。”
Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his. 但是由于我任务很忙,我老是没时间私下碰到丹尼尔,但是他给了我一瓶很不错的酒作为交流原本属于他的东西。
This option is usually used to delete specific instances that have been examined personally by an administrator. 这种方法通常用来删除已经由管理员检查过的实例。
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse[A] to see it tried on him personally . 每当我听到有人为奴隶制度辩护时,我就有一种想看他亲自尝试一下的强烈冲动。(林肯说的)
He even agreed to have Shara negotiate, something he had not done before, as long as Barak would personally handle the Israeli side. 只要巴拉克亲自把国内各派打理好,他甚至还答应派沙拉去谈,这在以前是不可能的。
He personally drove to the source, brought the machine back to his shop, and called me with the news. 他亲自开车到那个地方,把机器带回他店里,并打电话告诉我这个消息。
We all agree [on the need for better financial regulation], but I personally feel: are these actions necessary at a time of crisis? 我们都赞同(有必要加强金融监管),但我个人觉得:在危机时刻这些行动是必要的吗?
Li Heping said he had not been notified personally but had been told he was disbarred. 李和平表示,他虽然还未接到通知,但已被告知取消了律师资格。
Personally I do not see the need for a plus symbol, so I decided to use the minus only since the LED can provide this nicely. 我个人不认为一个加号的需要,所以我决定只用减去自发光二极管可以提供这样很好。
I decided to talk only about what I personally knew and gave him a positive reference. 我决定只讲自己知道的情况,给他作了正面的推荐。
Even if you're on a tight budget, set a bit of money aside for each of you personally. 即使目前你们的经济拮据,也要为彼此保留一些个人的财产空间。
I experienced that personally when I worked in a department of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan and my boss was a woman. 这是我的亲身体验:我在日本天主教主教团辖下部门工作时,上司是女性。
Don't allow the animal to become too close to you. (He won't let his dogs or cat sleep with him. ) And don't take their behavior personally. (他不让他的狗或猫和他一起睡。)不要从人的角度解读动物的行为。
As a woman looking at Madam Chu's situation, I sympathize her even though I do not know her personally. 从一个女人看朱丽倩的处境而言,尽管我不认识她本尊,但是我很心疼朱丽倩。
While I personally learn just as well from hearing or reading as I do from doing, most people do not. 就我个人而言,我从倾听和阅读中学习,我也从动手中学习,大多数人不这样做。
Without the crowd of a tour surrounding me, I imagined Dickinson had invited me over personally for tea or to share some poetry. 没有旅行团的人群在周围,我想象自己是被狄金森亲自邀请来品茶或赏诗的。
He also says he personally felt Michael sometimes did not show up because he knew things were moving slowly and sort of felt disappointed. 此人还说他个人感觉迈克有时候不出现是因为他知道演唱会的准备工作进展缓慢,所以觉得有些失望。
For me personally, it was a roller-coaster of a year. 就我个人而言,今年就像做过山车一样。
Like Mister also know this, also personally go to the hospital to see it, but I said nothing. 好像老总也知道这事,还亲自去医院探望过呢,我却只字不提。
A notice may be given by the Foundation to any member either personally or by sending it by post to him to his registered address. 基金会将把通知亲自发给某位理事,或邮寄给他登记的地址。
For me personally, I've now got to go back to Sweden for the closing stages of the league season and then the UEFA Cup qualifying matches. 从我个人的角度来说,我现在要回到瑞典参加联赛最后阶段的比赛以及欧洲联盟杯预选赛。
I decided to talk only about what I knew personally and gave him a positive reference. 我决定只说我自己知道的,给他一个肯定的推荐。
Personally, I have never been conceited --- and I can't tell you how much I admire myself for that. 我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。
You should be totally ashamed of your treatment of him, and I am personally disgusted at you. 你应该为你对他的行为感到耻辱,我个人对你异常反感~!
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. 我一听到有人讨论奴隶制,我就忍不住有一种很强的冲动,希望把奴隶制用在他的身上。
You really have to have every employee understand what we are trying to accomplish and where they personally can help us take the company. 你需要让每个员工明白我们需要达到的是什么和他们在工作中,在什么地方可以帮助我们。
After some general conversation I said that I had some matters I would like to discuss with him personally. 略事寒喧后,我说有些事情想和他单独谈谈。