photo album

  • 网络相册;相簿;写真集

photo albumphoto album

photo album


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手机一族--手机PC端+手机解锁+铃声... ... Networking Wizard( 管理互联网连接) Photo Album( 管理照片) Movie Editor( 编辑 …

The first time I saw Maria after Cloverleafs spiritual birth, she handed me a photo album. This was within a few days. 在立体式灵性诞生后在我看见玛丽亚的第一时间,她交给我一本相薄。
Web Site Robot is an easy to use site builder with blog tool, shopping cart, and online photo album. 网站机器人是一个简单易用的博客工具,购物车,在线相册网站建设者。
Flipping through a family photo album with him it was astonishing how much Williams recalled, going back decades. 翻看一本家庭相册时,威兼斯回忆起的事情多得令人吃惊,这是几十年前的事。
This year, Jerry came out his second photo album, which tells the stories of his sadness and happiness to be a star. 今年,言承旭出版了他的第二章写真集,写真集诉说着他作为明星的酸甜苦辣。
Packed with everything you need, Photo Album is the complete, easy-to-use software for your digital camera. 包装具备您所需的一切,相册是完整的,易于使用的软件,为您的数码相机。
He packed a bag with a few clothes, a sleeping bag, his camera equipment, and his father's photo album and set out on foot from Osaka. 他将几件衣服、一个睡袋、他的照相器材和他父亲的相册装进一个包,然后从大阪步行出发了。
After talking with L, she decided to look at her old photo album, and then she began to see herself from a another new view. 和L谈话后,她决定看一下她的老相册。然后她开始从另外一个全新的角度看自己。
But once he'd pulled out his photo album and they saw it was a hobby, they backed off, he said. 但是有一次,他拉出相册,特工们看出来这不过是个人爱好,他们就不再过问了。
The photo album still plays music but has no pictures, it was one of my favorites. 这个相册中仍然扮演的音乐,但没有照片,这是我的爱好之一。
You may open, zoom or rotate a picture, inspect the parameters, - just as in any other photo album. 您可能会开放,缩放或旋转图片,检查参数,-正如在其他任何相册。
Sitting on the couch, Luyuan flicked through her photo album and found a picture of herself from a couple of years earlier. 李芦媛坐在沙发上,翻看自己的相册,找到一张几年前的照片。
I opened my photo album today. I saw a picture of Zhou Wei. My heart raced again. One look at him and I felt the joy and the pain. 今天我翻开影集,看到周伟的照片,我的心居然又在剧烈的跳动,看他一眼,又是眼泪。
Photo Album Organizer will copy selected pictures on your phone into a new photo album that you create. PhotoAlbumOrganizer会在你手机上复制选定图片到你所创建的新相册。
So numerous are his portraits, driving through Chechnya feels a bit like travelling through a giant version of Kadyrov's family photo album. 他的画像无所不在,以至于开车经过车臣,就仿佛是在浏览放大版的卡德罗夫家庭相簿。
These include the front of the web logs, personal photo album, my video, learning garden, membership registration and resources to download. 其中包括了前台的网络日志、个人相册、我的视频、学习园地、会员注册和资源下载。
Photo Album automatically downloads photos from your camera as soon as you plug it in, then rotates and organizes them for you. 相簿自动下载照片从您的相机当您一插上它,然后旋转,并组织他们为您。
No! Bruce. You promised to help me with this photo album. 不!布鲁斯,你答应过我会帮我整理照片的。
You can help him record his memories by creating a photo album or by interviewing him for an oral history. 制作一个影集或让他口述他的历史让他记录美好的回忆。
But what surprised me most was that my grandparents mailed me a gift, a photo album. 但最令我惊喜的是爷爷和奶奶寄来了一份礼物——一本相册。
Her younger brother, Jose, recently found it neatly folded and tucked between two pages of a photo album she keeps in her den. 她的弟弟约瑟最近在她的闺房里发现了它——精心地被折叠好夹在一本相册之中。
I found a photo album with all these pictures of my family. 里面都是我家的照片
I think this is the only photo album we could find. They did manage to go in and get a small box that contained my grandmother's bracelet. 我想这是我们能找到的唯一一本相册。他们确实努力进入房屋并拿出一个装有我祖母手链的小盒子。
I feel good as the photo album also was like I challenged against the limited situation. 新的精神正在升起,因为写真集同样也像我在挑战极限我感觉很棒。
Get a photo album and put them in. Maybe jot a little note for the special ones about where you drank it or why you liked it. 建议你把它们放入一本相册,或许可以对特别的那些酒记一点笔记,例如你在哪里喝的以及你喜欢的原因。
In this article, you will create a simple photo album using two methods: a traditional Web application and a Sajax-powered application. 本文将使用两种方法创建一个简单的相册:传统的Web应用程序和基于Sajax的应用程序。
Slide shows for sharing with friends & family Gone are the days when you had to crowd around a tiny print in a photo album. 幻灯片放映的日子你有没有围坐在一本相册小打印到人群中与朋友和家人分享飘。
Some concessions can be made for a photo album, since most pictures will be on screen for only a short time. 可以在相册中做一些缩减,因为大部分的图片只在屏幕上停留很短的时间。
The illustrations are photos of the toys in action, all pasted into a photo album. 插图都是玩具在行动的照片,全部回朔到一本相簿。
Each page of a photo album holds one photo gallery, which is a collection of photos organized into one of four layout styles. 相册中的每个网页只能容纳一个图片库,它是按四种布局样式之一组织的图片的集合。
a place where my dearest family and friends are, where familiar scenes conjure the feeling of leafing through an old photo album. 在那里有我最亲的家人和朋友,在那里熟悉的场景像翻阅的老照片。