because we can

  • 网络我们能;我们可以;因为我们能办到

because we canbecause we can

because we can


我 共有 500 笔相关歌名。 ... And Me( 你和我) 1.because We Can( 我们能) 2.i'm With You( 我挺你) ...


摇滚天团「邦乔飞」在2013年初就推出全新单曲「我们可以」(Because We Can,暂译),主唱琼邦乔飞去年为艾尔帕西诺 …


Bon Jovi- Because We Can:歌词+中文翻译... ... We can,we can 我们能办到 Because we can 因为我们能办到 ...


静静悄悄默默淡淡 ... P:No. 没有。 S、L、H:Because we can. 因为我们可以做到。 ...


The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸... ... -Penny:No. 不懂。 -together:Because we can. 因为我们有才。 Ew,stop it. 让它停下 …


卡兰坦斯盖普恩基地: Still Alive -... ... because we can. 因为我们做得到 For the good of all of us. 为所有人奉献心力 ...

In conclusion, There is no need for you to apologize, because we can't accept your apologies. Things are not so easy as you expected. 最后我想说,你没有必要向我们道歉,因为我们不会接受你的道歉,事情远不是你想的那么简单。
The scene is funny, but a bit difficult to watch because we can all relate to how quickly things can get out of control. 场面变得有趣,但却不太取悦人,因为我们都可以想象得到这一切将多快会失去控制。
I won't have to you, I only then a simple and common not again common greeting, because we can only belong to the Passover, could not be. 我不会,对你我而言有的就只有那么一句简单而又普通的不能再普通的问候语,因为属于我们的就只有那一句,不可能会逾越。
Because we can't see the person we're communicating with, that person can't see that we might be smiling when we talk. 由于我们看不到在沟通的人,那个人是看不到我们说话的时候也许在微笑着的。
You know, married women are threatened because we can have sex anytime, anywhere, with anyone. 知道吗?我们让已婚女人有威胁感,因为我们可以随时随地跟任何男人乱搞。
But life seems to become rich, because we can be close to our ideal closer. 可是生活似乎变得充实起来,因为我们离我们的理想越来越近。
Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of "weight" as being a fixed quality in an object, but it is not really fixed at all. 因为我们能感受到沉重的东西,所以我们认为“重量”在一个物件里扮演着固定质量的角色,但它是不是真的固定我们也不清楚。
But when Yao gets the ball and drives it the is no any fouls because we can't get any fouls. . . FU*King referees! 但是当姚明拿球突破的时候就根本不犯规了,因为我们根本得不到犯规的哨音…XXX的裁判!
If we win on Saturday and the next game against United that would be very good for us because we can change our situation. 如果我们在周六获胜,下一场对曼联的时候我们将有一个绝好的机会扭转目前的局面。
"Our hope is that we can serve NASA, " he said. "Because we can do it so much more economically. " “我们希望能为NASA提供服务,”他说。“因为我们可以做到更经济。”
Because we can be close to the Informix development and support staff, and holding the event at the same place keeps the costs down. 因为我们可以靠近Informix开发和支持人员,而且在同一个地方举办会议将降低成本。
"We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name, " Karolina said. 卡罗丽娜说:“由于名字没被批准,女儿的护照办不下来,所以我们只好取消了旅行计划,哪儿也去不了。”
Because we can actually figure out every asteroid that's out there, and if it might hit earth, and when it might hit earth. 因为我们能够对每个小行星进行辨认,知道它们是否会撞上地球及发生的时间。
Well, you're in luck because we can help with one of those things. Writing your first screenplay. 好,你很幸运因为我们可以帮助你实现其中之一,即创作你的第一部电影剧本。
That is because, we can transplant, only a tree trunk, its soul is still in the home day and night drift of the land. 那是因为,我们所能移植的,仅仅是树的躯干,它的灵魂,仍日日夜夜飘荡在故乡的土地上。
Many of us struck out on our own precisely because we can't stand the idea of others imposing a schedule on us. 我们当中许多人辞掉工作,正是因为我们无法忍受别人强加给我们的日程安排。
I'm not saying that the mass media cause violent behavior, because we can't be sure of that. 我并不是说大众传媒导致了暴力行为,因为我们对此还不能确定。
But this kind of competition is healthy because we can take up the challenge and try to work to our strengths. 但这种竞争是健康的,我们以自有的实力挑战和尝试新的作品。
Progress reports are a lot easier to deal with on a Scrum project as well because we can see, tangibly, what we have produced every Sprint. 处理Scrum项目中的进展报告也容易得多,因为我们可以实际看到每个冲刺的产出。
We call the micro-blog in question only because we can see our own unfortunate image in the body of the patient. 我们质疑微博,只是因为我们从患者的身上看到了自己不幸的身影。
We don't accept bug reports without a DBGLOG file, not because we don't like to be mean, but because we can't help you without this file. 我们不接受没有DBGLOG文件错误报告,而不是因为我们不喜欢被人指,而是因为我们无法帮助您没有此文件。
We have to look after ourselves between now and the start of the tournament because we can't afford any injuries. 我们不得不在世界杯开始之前照顾好自己,因为我们受伤可是不得了。
We have to work overtime tonight because we can't hold up the discharging tomorrow. 我们今晚得加班,不能影响明天的卸货。
Because we can't hoard information, the command-and-control leadership habits of the Industrial Age are no longer effective. 工业时代的命令管理的领导习惯不在有效,因为我们不能够贮藏信息。
Because we can only see Chairman from a far distance, I did not have a clear look of his face. 可是因为距离较远,我没看清楚毛主席的脸。
It is mysterious because we can only "borrow it" : it is not our property but is social and collective. 其神秘之处还在于我们只能“借用它”:它并非我们的财产而是社会化和集体化拥有。
But because we can only make antibodies to known substances, this method will be limited to finding Earth-like life. 但我们只能根据已知的物质来设计抗体,因而这种方法只适合用来搜寻类地生物。
There is no ironclad way to judge the stimulus, because we can't rerun the last six months in an alternate universe. 我们没有铁定的方法去判断这项刺激计划的帮助,因为在更替变化的宇宙,我们不能重演过去六个月发生的事情。
Because we can totally see it not being great for her. 我们完全可以认为她觉得不好
This is getting harder and harder to do because we can't seem to live with our mistakes. 但要做到这一点越来越困难,因为我们似乎不愿和自己的错误同行。