
美 [ˈfɪzɪkli]英 ['fɪzɪkli]
  • adv.身体上;肉体上;依据自然规律;按自然法则
  • 网络物质上;体格上;身体上地



1.身体上;肉体上in a way that is connected with a person's body rather than their mind

2.依据自然规律;按自然法则;根本上according to the laws of nature or what is probable


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... ownership n. 所有权 physically ad. 身体上, 肉体上 popularity n. 普及, 流行 ...


考博英语词汇 ... physical a. 自然的 physically ad. 物质上;体格上 pickle n. 腌制食品,泡菜 ...


考博英语词汇 ... physical a. 自然的 physically ad. 物质上;体格上 pickle n. 腌制食品,泡菜 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... brow n. 眉毛, 额, (面部)表情 physically adv. 身体上地 nauseous adj. 令人作呕的, 厌恶的 ...


电脑专业英语词汇(4) - 豆丁网 ... final a. 最终的 1649. physically a. 物理上, 实际上 1650. aid n. 帮助, 辅助程序 1651. ...


进入思春期,生理上(Physically)已经具备生殖能力,但是心理上(Mentally)却还在孩瑅时代,所以面对身心的不协调,自然容易在情绪 …


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... ownership n. 所有权 physically ad. 身体上, 肉体上 popularity n. 普及, 流行 ...


高中人教版必修3词形变化_百度文库 ... physical 物理的,身体的 physically 身体上的,体格上的 physician 内科医生 ...

"The government came to the conclusion that the only way to rein in criticism was to physically take the critics off the grid, " he said. 他说:“政府得出的结论是,将批评者从身体上与外界隔离,是压制批评的唯一办法。”
Just as you become physically fit by exercising your body, you become mentally fit by exercising your mind. 你通过锻炼身体获取身体上的健康,同样你需要通过心理锻炼来保持心理健康。
I find that you have to keep up your appearance physically, even if you just want a companion or someone to ask you to dinner. 因此我觉得你得让你的外表好看。哪怕是为了找个朋友或者想让谁请你吃上一顿。
There is a part of me that wants to be attractive, physically, emotionally, and mental, so of course I understand that part of you as well. 我渴望自己是充满魅力的、身体性感的、情感充沛及富有智慧的,所以,我当然明白你亦会有此念想。
Many have spent lifetimes blocking the heart and for these humans the work to clear the heart may be experienced very physically. 很多人花了毕生的时间阻塞“心”,对于这些人清洁心的过程将比别人更痛苦。
They make it clear that you can be physically imprisoned or assaulted, and yet your soul is free and unaffected. 他们的经历清楚地说明,你可能在身体上被监禁和凌辱,然而你的灵魂是自由和不受影响的。
Women fought over him, sometimes physically, sometimes by throwing money at him, and he goes home with a different one every night. 女人们争夺他,有时候用身体,有时候用钱,每天都有不同的女人陪他过夜。
he said. For a while he became physically ill when people came to see him. 在一段时间里,只要有人来看他,他就会觉得浑身不舒服。
The manager spoke to me and asked how I was physically and I said I felt good, and he told me I was in his team. 主教练和我谈话了,他问到我身体感觉怎样,我说我感觉很好,然后他就告诉我,我将出现在他的阵容里。
Physically there are no negatives connected with this time of day, meaning the only drawbacks are likely to be psychological. 事实上,一天中没有糟糕的时间,意味着唯一的缺点可能是心理上的。
Not only will your date appreciate it but you will discover how much better you feel mentally, physically and emotionally. 这样,你不单会珍惜你的每次约会,你也将发现你从精神上、生理上和情感上都感觉如此美妙。
His own mother came as often as she could, but after a couple of months, not being physically strong, she had to give up. 作者自己的母亲也尽可能经常来看望他,但几个月后由于身体过于劳累,她不得不停止前来。
Over the last few days I've not only been physically doing lots but have been mentally gearing up for the task ahead. 在过去的几天里,我对即将开始的工作做好了身体和心理的充分准备。
He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement. . . at least physically. 他是在首场战争后能毫发无损地回来的少数绝地之一。
You will be teleported there physically to your desired location of choice to anywhere in the universe or to any dimensional existence. 你将会身体心灵运输到那里,到你挑选的希望的地方,到宇宙任何地方或到任何空间存在。
The birds are a very clever animal, he would elephant and rhinoceros in the animals beating, and to help eliminate them physically garbage. 小鸟是一个很精灵的动物,他会在大象和犀牛这样的动物身上跳动,并且帮他们清除身体上的垃圾。
Then the environment is often physically more dangerous and unhealthy. 其次,他们所处的环境经常更加危险,不健康。
"At their peak, how much oxygen they're consuming is a measure of how physically fit they are, " Burns said. “在他们达到峰值时,耗氧量的多少可以衡量他们的机体适应能力,”Burns说。
I can perhaps touch him from the outside, mentally or physically, but his existence is his own, and mine is for ever on the outside of it. 我也许能在心理上或者身体上从外在接触到他,但是他的存在是他自己的,我的存在永远都在其外。
It was an area with diverse landscapes that physically divided them from the north of the United States. 这片土地景色多变,很自然观地将其与美国的北方分辨开来。
So funny. But the idea that you might be able to incorporate gravity, I have to tell you, I found it physically exhilarating. 太好笑了。不得不提的是,你关于重力组合,可能性的猜想,真的是让我实打实地兴奋。
It continued to grow physically, quickly become a major larvae, even in the metamorphosis to adult, it's the beginning of the gonad Zaosi. 它身体不断地增长、很快地成为大型的幼体,甚至在变态为成体之前,它的生殖腺早巳开始发育了。
Move. Part of being able to handle the intense pace of life is to be strong enough physically to deal with it. 要能处理生活中紧张节奏部分要身体上足够强来应对它。
We've ended up with a simple set of tools that enable you to create physically convincing track intuitively and efficiently. 我们最终做出了一套简单的工具,可以让你直观并有效地创建出真实的轨道。
First step is to be physically able to jump high enough to dunk the ball into the basket. 首先身体要能跳起足以灌篮的高度。
A husband is not allowed to physically or emotionally harm his wife, and the wife is not allowed to abuse her husband. 不允许丈夫在肉体或者精神上伤害他的妻子,妻子也不能伤害他的丈夫。
He is still the one he used to be physically, but his English level is out of our imagination. 他还是原来的他,然而他的水平已非昨日可比。
For an average of RMB 20 an hour, Li or one of his runners will take a queue number and physically wait in line on your behalf. 一般一小时给个20元,李启才或者他的跑腿者,就会帮你领号,并替你排队。
We do not call it a battered womens shelter because 40% of the people who come to us are men and women that are physically abused by WOMEN. 我们不称它为受虐妇女收容所,因为有40%来到我们这的是被女性拳脚相向的男人和女人。
She did always have that maternal ache, and, as the physically oldest of the Cullens, she fell into a mothering role. 她始终有着强烈的母性,而且,作为卡伦家中生理年龄最大的人,她自然而然地投入了母亲的角色。