
美 [sɪŋ]英 [sɪŋ]
  • v.唱;歌唱;(鸟,虫,风,壶,箭,子弹等)唱歌似的鸣叫;耳鸣
  • n.嗖嗖声;〈美口〉歌唱会
  • 网络演唱;Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey;是歌声

过去式:sang 过去式:sung 第三人称单数:sings 现在分词:singing

Sing song,Sing tune


《Friends》词汇表A ... string n. 线, 细绳, 一串, 一行v.排成一列 sings v. , 演唱 raindrops n. 雨滴, 雨点 ...

唱歌 the trash),喝酒(drinks),唱歌sings),挥拳猛击空气(shadowboxes)等等,然后进入一幕恶心的场景:流浪汉 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... string n. 线, 细绳, 一串, 一行v.排成一列 sings v. 唱, 演唱 raindrops n. 雨滴, 雨点 ...


译言网 | 聆听音乐4 ... [music playing] 音乐播放 [sings] 歌唱 [music playing] [音乐] ...

Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey

The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS) Hubble Tuning-Fork, SINGS Spitzer Space Telescope Legacy Science …


The sings you don't... ... song 歌曲 sings 是歌声 you don't know the name of the songs. 你不知道这些歌曲的名字。 ...


辛斯(Sings)华尔(Waldorf)龙队 vs 耶姆特兰 举荐:辛斯(Sings)华尔(Waldorf)龙队-12 O160.5 辛斯华尔龙队(Dragons)远期士气 …

Christine goes to the burial place of her father. She sings to him. The song is called "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. " Christine来到了他父亲的墓地。她唱给了幽灵一首歌“希望能在见到你”。
They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy. 孩子有可能是个女孩,于是,迈克尔每天都趴在妈妈的肚子上对他的妹妹唱歌。
"Everywhere you seem to turn there's a monster, " he sings. "Paparazzi got you scared like a monster. " “每处转弯都有怪兽,”他唱到,“狗仔队象怪物一样让你恐惧。”
Glenn is the only one who didn't get her a present, so he sings a very romantic Elvis song at the bar for her. 只有格林没有给珍妮准备礼物,于是在酒吧上为她唱了一首非常浪漫的歌曲。
Sade sings as if there are plenty of reasons to leave, and as if this conversation has happened before, maybe many times. 沙黛唱得好像有千百种离去的理由,好像这样的对话曾经发生过,也许发生过许多次。
He sings, and with his hands he holds a microphone and speaks so loud for all to hear. 他唱歌,并且与他的手他拿着一个话筒并且为所有那么大声讲话听见。
It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks. 她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。
The manner in which he sings it is amazing and you can feel the emotions almost as though bursting out of it. 以何种方式,他唱这是惊人的,你可以感受到的情绪几乎就像爆破出来。
There's a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. 荆棘鸟一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听。
In June, when the rice is sown, he sings for farmers in their fields, as he says his forebears have done "for a thousand generations" . 今年六月,稻子播种时,他为田里的农民唱歌,因为他说,他的祖先已做了“一千代”了。
But in recent years, as environmental damge has increased, sings of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world. 但是近年来,随着环境的持续恶化,世界各地都涌现出呼吁改革的呼唤。
A man's heart is like a bird locked inside the cage of the body. When you dance, the heart sings like a bird aspiring to a fusion with God. 人的心就像是一只被关在肉体牢笼中的小鸟,当你跳舞的时候,心就会歌唱起来,想一只渴望与神结合和小鸟。
Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles , that birds croak like frogs or that the wind sings. 也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。
He even sings one of his own melodies over the film's final credits, his voice burned down to a whisper. 他甚至在本片结束上字幕时唱一首自己写的歌,歌声减弱成低吟。
She sings as if she was a professional singer. 她唱歌的样子和一个专业歌手一样。
husband: doctor , would you please treat disease of my wife? She sings and dances round the clock , sometimes just like an actress . 丈夫:医生,请您给我妻子治一治病吧!她昼夜不停地唱歌、跳舞,有时就象一个演员。
They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy . 他们知道了这是个女孩,于是,日复一日,一夜又一夜,迈克尔趴在妈妈肚子上为他的小妹妹唱歌。
She sings as well today as she did yesterday. 她今天唱得和昨天一样好。
I cannot say what loves have come and gone, I only know that summer sang in me A little while, that in me sings no more. 我说不出爱情如何来又走,我只知道,我的心中如有夏日在欢歌一转眼,歌声便永不再来。
The song that lies silent in the heart of a mother sings upon the lips of her child. 在母亲心里沉默着的诗歌,在她孩子的唇上唱了出来。
He is often out of tune whenever he sings. 他无论何时唱歌,经常走调。
color combinations with signs, combinations of colours, and combinations of any of the enumerated sings. 带有标记的色彩组合,不同色彩组合,或多个标记组合。
"Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for. " “每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候,他总是诉苦,说他家里有多少开支。”
Ryan: What? If he sings with Gabriella then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show. " 啥?他要跟凯碧一起唱,我们的表演就会变成“特洛伊跟凯碧的表演”了。
Lady sings the blues, She tells her side, Nothing to hide, Now the world will know, just what her blues is all about. 女人唱着布鲁丝,她讲着她自己的心事,没有遮掩,于是世界得见,她的布鲁丝含意俨然。
I forgot to tell everybody, I always was practicing am not general, but was the beautiful sound sings the law. 我忘了告诉大家,我一直在练的并不是一般的,而是美声唱法。
Mary sings better than any other boy in her class. 玛丽歌唱得比班里的任何一个男孩都好。
Two large sings, with the words "KEEP OFF" panted on them, had been attached to the sides of the boat. 两块大牌子挂在船两侧,下面漆着“不要靠近”的字样。
My songs are one with my love, like the murmur of a stream, that sings with all its waves and currents. 我的歌和我的爱是一体,就像溪流的潺潺涟漪,以它的波浪和水流歌唱。
There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. 有一个传说,关于一只鸟,它一生只唱一次歌,比地球上的任何生灵的声音都要委婉动听。