
美 [sɪp]英 [sɪp]
  • v.抿;小口喝
  • n.一小口(饮料)
  • 网络口尝;啜饮;刀漕

过去式:sipped 第三人称单数:sips 现在分词:sipping

sip tea,sip juice


v. n.

1.[i][t]小口喝;抿to drink sth, taking a very small amount each time


葡萄酒如何品酒:眼观、鼻嗅、口尝、吐酒 葡萄酒... ... 二、鼻嗅( Smell) 三、口尝( Sipping) 四、吐酒( Spitting) ...


专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 有管植物 siphonogamous plant 啜饮 sipping 西弼氏饮食 sippy diet ...


为“固铂轮胎精英都市越野HTS上市会”担任同声... ... ride comfort 舒适体验 sipping 刀漕 traction 牵引力 ...

Imagine standing on a rubber raft and sticking a really long straw into a pond in hopes of sipping a soft drink buried on the bottom. 想像站在橡皮艇上,用一条很长的吸管伸到水池里,期望能喝到深埋于池底的一种软饮料。
As I sat there sipping my juice, I glimpsed Carlos as he left the restaurant through the side door. 当我坐在那里喝果汁的时候,我瞄见他从旁门离开了饭馆。
At least I imagine if I could tell this to my 15 year old self, sipping the Capri Sun, it would have helped with mine. 至少,如果当时我能跟15岁的自己--那个喝着CapriSun果汁的我,说这些事情,我会觉得好过很多。
A sea of faces sought a glimpse of him, but most of the time he stayed out of sight, sipping tea behind a parapet. 海洋般的面孔在期盼着他的一顾,但大部分时间里都看不到他,他在栏杆后面喝茶。
Workers might sit around the office all day long sipping coffee and doing nothing. 工人可能无所事事办公室整天啜饮咖啡而且什么也不做。
Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, is sipping sparkling water in a hotel lounge and comparing himself to Mahatma Gandhi. 尼克格里芬,英国国家党领袖,是在酒店的休息室喝着苏打水和自己比较,以圣雄甘地。
Mine is often making a cup of green tea and sipping it while I outline whatever I'm going to work on. 我的习惯经常是泡一杯绿茶,在我给任何我要写的文章列提纲的时候啜上一口。
Now the Master Snail said, "Did you see that I calmly sat here, sipping tea while you were running here and there like that? " 然后师父说:「你们那样跑来跑去时,有没有看见我平静地坐在这里喝茶?」
It is now impossible to tell an espresso19-sipping artist from a cappuccino20-gulping banker, but it isn't just a matter of style. 现在人们很难区分一位浅啜蒸馏咖啡的艺术家和一位吞饮卡普契诺的银行家——但这不仅仅是风格问题。
The tour ended up on the back porch where they sat down on the swing, sipping iced tea. 参观完房子,他们来到后廊,坐在秋千上,啜着冰茶。
Chen Yueh-ngo shook her head and spat, then sat down at the table, poured herself out a cup of tea, and sat there sipping at it. 陈月娥说着摇摇头,吐出一口唾沫。她就在那方桌旁边坐了,随手斟出一杯茶,慢慢地喝。
Sitting by an open fire sipping champagne is very romantic - especially if your wife or girlfriend is with you. 坐在篝火旁呷香槟是很浪漫的-是你的爱人或女友和你在一起。
While sitting in a coffee shop sipping your favorite latte, what would you want to see on your handset? 当坐在咖啡店里细细酌饮时,您希望在手机上看到什么呢?
She had been sipping water ; a plastic cup was in her hand . 她手中拿着一个塑料杯,正在喝水。
Sitting on a beach and sipping margaritas is a relaxing recharge for two or three days, after which it's just plain boring. 坐在海滩上,啜饮龙舌兰酒,两三天里感觉是在放松充电;然后,就只有平淡和无聊。
A shabbily-genteel individual, with a red nose and an old high hat, was sipping a quiet glass of ale alone at one end of the bar. 酒吧的一头有一个寒酸却又要体面的人,长着红鼻子,戴着顶旧礼帽,在那里安安静静地喝着淡啤酒。
Is there really anything better than a lazy sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, Scrambling an egg or two. 有什么比慵懒的周日更令人惬意的吗?躺在床上读读报,品品咖啡,来一两个炒蛋。
"We are a reasonable people, " the false Regent returned, sipping at the green grog he had brought with him. “我们是讲道理的民族,”假摄政王回答他,啜饮着随身带来的绿色琼浆。
Later, sitting at one of the many bars on the resort, sipping the local cocktails they began to talk. 后来坐在这个旅游胜地诸多酒吧中的一家,品位着当地的鸡尾酒他们开始了谈话。
And the timeless charm of "taking the waters" (sipping, bathing or both) in a spa has never been fully lost. 在温泉胜地“选水”(品尝、沐浴或两者兼用)的永恒魅力,从未完全消失。
They recommend blending a few teaspoons of finely ground almonds with a cup of orange juice and sipping it for relief. 他们建议将几茶匙细细研磨的杏仁混合进一杯橙汁,啜饮来减轻症状。
"Don't slam down shots, but sipping whisky or vodka on the rocks means avoiding a whole lot of sugar, " she said. 威士忌或是伏特加可以少量饮用,但是不要过量酗酒,因为过量酗酒意味着身体将摄入大量的糖分。
The century is togs ap For centuries Turks have passed the time seeping that sipping their tea in and coffee with a cigarette. 几个世纪以来,土耳其人都是在茶室和咖啡厅,伴着一支香烟打发他们的时间。
In both cases, high prices suggest buyers aren't in it for the sipping pleasure but instead are purchasing the beverages as an investment . 这两个现象中,飞涨的价格都表明购买者并非追求味觉上的快感,而是作为投资。
He knows what you're thinking: The gig probably amounted to nothing more than sipping wine and visiting a few Web sites, right? 他知道你在想什么:这份华而不实的工作不过就是喝口小酒、浏览下网页,对吧?
You can cruise on the ancient canal in the evening, sipping the refreshing tea on the boat, away from crowd and noise. 你可以在晚上在乘一扁小舟在古运河上飘荡,品味着散发着清香的美茗,远离都市尘嚣。
He admitted sipping wine before the briefing but denied being drunk and said cold medicine and jet lag made him tired. 他承认会前喝了葡萄酒,但否认喝醉,并说由于服用感冒药和时差而感到疲惫。
She's got to eat, " Mrs. Hopewell muttered, sipping her coffee, while she watched Joy's back at the stove . " “她得吃呀,”霍普韦太太嘀咕着,一边品尝咖啡,一边注视着欢姐背着她站在炉边的身影。
After the wine warms the hand, they suck it one mouth by one mouth with two lips as if they are sipping tea. 葡萄酒过后温暖的手,他们一个接一个地吮吸它有两个唇口口,好像他们是喝着茶。
improved the sputum discharge, extended and decreased the sipping out of the inflammation, and reduced the tumescence. 促进痰液的排出,延长,抑制炎性物质的渗出,降低其肿胀程度。