
美 [pɪn]英 [pɪn]
  • n.大头针;饰针;旗杆;胸针
  • v.别上;使不能动弹;按住;钳住
  • abbr.(=personal identification number)个人标识号
  • 网络销;个人识别码(personal identification number);密码

复数:pins 现在分词:pinning 过去式:pinned

metal pin
wear pin,arm pin,pin hope


n. v.


2.胸针;饰针a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and an item of decoration at the other, worn as jewellery


3.(有别针的)徽章a type of badge that is fastened with a pin at the back


5.(插头的)销one of the metal parts that stick out of an electric plug and fit into a socket


for two pins

恨不得;恨不能used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible

机械专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... 键 spline pin 滚动轴承 rolling bearing ...

个人识别码(personal identification number)

个人识别码(Pin)输入与其他健身者和私人教练交流 健身日历 锻炼程序自定义 健身数据库 通过训练部位查找 通过设备类型查找 …


密码(PIN)即为查阅个人借阅记录用的密码PIN);email地址栏请输入自己希望接收文献的email信箱,为了能准确地接受 …


牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... pig 猪 pin 大头针 pineapple 菠萝 ...


个人识别号码pin)描述一个被用于安全(验证)目的的个人识别号。 shareable识别一个共享对象。


首页-decoster德诗旗舰店-- 天猫 ... 披肩 Shawl 别针 Pin 腰带 Belt ...

The invention also includes the application of the pin to a connecting mechanism of a digging bucket and a digging arm of a digging machine. 本发明还包括所述销子在挖掘机挖斗与挖掘臂连接机构中的应用。
Through time, the company discontinued safety pin production and made a transition to a machining and tool and die business. 随着时间的推移,公司停止生产安全别针,转而经营机械加工、工具和铸件业务。
Throughout the evening, Mr. Romney escaped Mr. Obama's attempts to pin him down on which deductions he would eliminate in his tax proposals. 整场辩论下来,罗姆尼逃脱了奥巴马试图在减税方案上将他击垮的努力。
Mr. Hatoyama, for me your secret is like trying to blow up a fire through a rolling pin. It just doesn't work. 鸠山先生,你这个诀窍对我来说,就好比擀面杖吹火--一窍不通。(红灯记)
But don't let any of that bother you, PSP; just eat your cake and pin the tail on the donkey. We want you to have a happy birthday. 但是今天不要让这些打扰你,PSP,该是你吃蛋糕,给驴子绑上尾巴(见译者注)的时候了,我们祝你生日快乐。
Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him as Saul drove the spear into the wall. 扫罗用枪想要刺透大卫,钉在墙上;他却躲开,扫罗的枪刺入墙内。
" Later he said, " I am still trying to do it, but now I want to put it all on the head of a pin. 后来他又说:“我还在尝试,但现在我想将人类所有的历史集中放在一枚大头针帽上。”
Porrello's team are now trying to pin down how the regeneration works in the hope of developing a treatment for adult heart disease. Porrello的研究小组目前正在确认心脏再生的具体工作过程,以期开发成年心脏疾病的新疗法。
She might have wished for colder, clearer water . . . but no, if she were going to pin her hopes on wishes, she would wish for rescue. 虽然她想要更冰凉清澈的水……但是现实并非如此,如果要把希望放在空想上,她最想要的是救援。
And the PC version of the same name in World War II-themed strategy game round, the enemy's intelligence nice, Interactive company Chu Pin. 和电脑版同名的以二战为主题的回合策略游戏,敌人的智能不错,互动公司出品。
He and Trujillo went back and pored over the older images to help pin down the circular path it travels around the sun. 他和Trujillo回去反复研究了这些老图片以帮助他们确定它环绕太阳公转的轨道。
To pin down SOD's relevance, the team has been spiking different types of neurons with the antioxidant to see how the various cells react. 为确定SOD扮演的角色,菲力普斯的研究团队让各种不同类型的神经元表现这种抗氧化剂,然后检视这些细胞的反应。
The 30-pin dock connector is one of the worst things Apple has made (the other is "all mice it has ever created" ). 30针的基座接头是水果出品的最次物件之一(史上曾存的所有鼠标是另一次品)。
The pin and cap type insulators have been used since the last quarter of the 18th century. 针和帽式绝缘子已用于自18世纪的最后一个季度。
The quarrels with his feeling of beauty, deep sit Pin roll bead shade EMei. But see traces, do not know who hates wet heart. 《怨情》美人卷珠帘,深坐颦蛾眉。但见泪痕湿,不知心恨谁。
If I were to pin a label on the process through which the world has passed in recent years, it would be "realignment. " 如果给世界在最近几年所经历的进程订上一个标签,就是:“重新排列组合”。
gate assembly locking pin with horizontal hydraulic lock to replace the traditional manual locking, easy to operate. 闸板总成锁紧采用横销液动锁紧取代传统的手动锁紧,操作方便。
His first major microscopic achievement was engraving The Lord's Prayer, all 278 letters and of it, on the head of a gold pin. 肖特第一件主要的微雕作品是“上帝的祈祷文”,共计278个字母,刻在一枚金饰针的顶端。
Tom was an unlucky dog. His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten - speed bicycle. 汤姆打算用来买十速自行车的所有私房钱都被妻子发现了,他可真不走运。
For receiving said lock pin stretching inward from the casing and said end cover, at least one first and one second positions are limited. 用于接受所述的从外壳向里延伸的锁销以及所述端盖限定至少一个第一和一个第二位置。
This does not imply that this pin must be connected to the digital ground of the system. 但这并不意味着该脚必须接到系统的数字地。
The signal on the external interrupt pin must be present for at least three peripheral clock cycles to be detected. 在外部信号中断大头针必须至少三个外围时钟周期检测。
Push Pin Studios was one of the twentieth century's most influential design groups. 图钉工作室是二十世纪最具影响的设计组合之一。
I seem to recognize the quotation, but I cannot pin it down to its author. 这句引文我仿佛见过,但我不能确定它的作者是谁。
It is difficult in this case to pin down how much is too much because many SWFs do not publish accounts. 而在此情况下,界定多少钱算太多也很困难,因为许多主权财富基金并不公开账目。
A few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four-number personal identification number (PIN)Her PIN is 1234. 几周后,该银行公布她一张卡片和一个四一些个人识别号码(PIN)就她的个人识别号码是1234。
A flurry of bilateral meetings are trying to pin down specific decisions, out of which a numerical deal will be reverse-engineered. 一系列双边会谈正试图对一些特定决定加以限制,通过这种做法迫使众多交易倒退。
As is often the case in the murky world of foreign-labor recruiting, responsibility for this debacle is hard to pin down. 在外籍劳工招募乱象丛生的世界里,这种事情上是很常见的,这种行为的责任很难弄清楚。
I flattened the last half chicken breast with a rolling pin, spooned on onion sauce with finely chopped mint and folded it into a patty. 我将最后半块鸡胸肉用擀面棍辗平,用洋葱酱和切碎的薄荷做了腌料。
Write the object of your desire on a piece of paper and pin it to the wall. Look at it every day for a week. 在一张纸上写下你想要的东西,把它固定在墙上,然后每天都看着它,持续一个星期。