
美 [paɪn]英 [paɪn]
  • n.松木;菠萝;【植】松树
  • v.憔悴;渴望;郁郁寡欢;消瘦
  • 网络松景;松针

复数:pines 现在分词:pining 过去式:pined

tall pine,scots pine


n. v.

1.[c][u]松树an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles

2.[u]松木the pale soft wood of the pine tree, used in making furniture, etc.


中国精油网_精油辞典 ... ·丝柏 Cypress ·松树 Pine ·花梨木 Rosewood ...


精油的用法和注意事项_爱问知识人 ... 伊兰 YLANG-YLANG 松木 PINE 玫瑰 ROSE ...


主板厂商网址大全 ... Epox 磐英 pine 松景 Procomp 博达 ...


谁能告诉我模拟人生2秘籍怎么用啊_百度知道 ... Watch Distressed 小哭泣 Pine 憔悴 Singleton Template Tester 闻某个东西 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... pinch vt. 捏,拧,掐,夹痛,紧压; pine vi. 消瘦,衰弱; pinnacle n. 尖塔,尖顶,山峰;(喻)顶峰 ...


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《Friends》词汇表B ... hulk n. 笨重的船, 废船 pine n. 松树, 树木v.消瘦, 憔悴, 渴望, 渴慕 frieze n. [建]中楣, 起绒粗呢 ...

So sweet was his tooth that he would tiptoe up to pine trees And lich their resin, hopping it would taste as treacly as it looked. 他是如此贪恋甜食,甚至会偷偷摸摸地爬上松树,舔口松脂,尝尝它是不是像看起来那样甜。
The poor creature began to crawl slowly on the ground and then tried to climb up the exposed root of an evergreen pine tree. 那可怜的小虫在地面慢慢地爬,好容易爬到不老的松根上头。
like the faithful dove in the fable , she was to pine away in my absence from her. 就像寓言中的温柔多情的小鸽子,她一定因为和我离别而憔悴。
A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained. 艾科:单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音现代英汉词典。
Some of them have dropped on the ground, I pick up to have a look, ah, many hearts pine nuts was going to break out. 有的已经掉在地上,我捡起来一看,呀,一颗颗松子正想往外闯。
Ahead of him, as far as he could see, was the pine plain. 在他前方,目之所及,就是松树平原。
If anyone happens to see a fat black hen, tell her this for me: There's a light in the window, and a warm nest at the base of the pine tree. 要是有谁碰到一只胖胖的黑母鸡,请一定替我转告她:窗口有一盏灯在为她亮着,松树下有一个暖巢还在为她守侯。
She had a look in her eye as she checked out the pine branch extending toward the elm branch, and she went for it. 大家从她的眼神里判断出,那条向着她所在的榆树枝延伸的松枝,已经经受了她的仔细考察,她开始靠近它了。
pine grove wAS to be seen the argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon AS a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea. 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念。
And it was I that brought your father a pitch-pine knot, kindled at my own hearth, to set fire to an Indian village, in king Philip's war. 是跟菲力浦王开战的时候,你爹放火焚烧印第安人的村子,是我递给他的松脂火把,还是在我家炉子上点燃的?。
Amid pine forests, streams, and rugged mountains, it all takes place in one of Washington State 's most scenic settings. 倘徉游荡在松木森林,溪流和起伏的山脉,这可以在华盛顿州的最美景区实现。
some pitch pine or gnarled oak occupies what was the chimney nook, and a sweet-scented black birch, perhaps, waves where the door-stone was. 烟囱那个角落现在给苍松或多节的橡树占去了,原来是门槛的地方,也许还摇曳着一技馥郁的黑杨树。
The granite rock landmass, which has only a few pine trees and a sandy beach, is normally known as Eagle island. 遍布花岗岩的陆地上只有少量松树和沙滩。这里通常被称为“鹰岛”。
Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere. 这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。
What this meant was that, on every new platform, PINE needed a new set of its own definitions of exactly what was in the standard headers. 这就是说在每个新平台上,PINE需要对标准头文件中的内容提供自己的精确定义。
Now he ran eagerly forward, pushing his way through the foliage. He gave a gasp of relief. She was there, lying on the pine needles. 他急不可待地跑上前,推开树叶,看到她在那里,躺在松叶上,心里松了一口气。
You think a pine nut the madam and Zuo Zhi is killed of does the matter have a connection? 难道你认为松子夫人和佐智被杀的事有关联吗?
Biologists found a pregnant female roosting in a pine tree, and say they might be able to improve the bats' living situation. 生物学家们在一棵松树上发现了一只怀孕的蝙蝠妈妈,并说他们也许能够帮助改善蝙蝠的生存环境。
When he heard that his mother picked up pine firewood in the nearby mountains when the pick up immediately with a bodyguard. 当他听说他母亲在附近山上拾松枝柴时,带着警卫员立即就去接。
The growth of a pine shoot is often represented as the springtime elongation of a bud laid down the preceding summer. 松树枝梢的生长常常被说成是上年夏季形成的芽的春日伸长。
Juk is often made with rice, to which abalone, ginseng, pine nuts, vegetables, chicken, or bean sprouts can be added. 粥的主要食材是大米,也可加入鲍鱼、人参、松子、蔬菜、鸡或豆芽等。
Only the body of the white pine away, their cold, he was fighting the wind and snow, all day all night in the mountains, "the boil. " 唯独松树把身上的白衣甩开,自己受冻,任风吹雪打,整日整夜在山上“熬着。”
The big house burned a year ago and the fields are growing up in brush and seedling pine. 那所大房子是一年前烧掉的,田地呢,已长满了灌木林和小松树。
Through the darkness, through that Northern pine-walled silence, he blundered down to the lake-front and found a canoe. 他在黑暗中,在北方松林的静寂中跌跌撞撞地摸到湖畔,找到一条皮船。
The retailer said there had been a shift away from traditional trees in favour of more unusual, pine-needle free creations. 该零售商称消费者的购买意向已经从传统的圣诞树转为寻求不同寻常的,没有松针的替代品。
Evergreen pine and cypress, hung in the wind and snow BaiRongRong, branches of yishan yishan, as if to say we nodded. 四季常青的松树、柏树上,挂满了白绒绒的雪球,微风吹过,树枝一颤一颤的,仿佛向我们点头问好。
It was a pretty good one, made of windfall limbs peeled smooth with a draw knife and thatched with pine straw. 这是很好的一个,使苹果树的果子像用一把刀子削得那么光滑,并用松树稻草盖的。
It was half the length of a pine-scented mountain trail he loved to hike in Yosemite, with a baby on his back. 就是冉迪在约塞米蒂背着婴孩,徒步走过的那条四周散发着松树芳香的山路的一半路程;
When struck by an earthquake or typhoon, this was thought to flex and sway like the trunk of a pine tree in a storm. 当地震和台风来袭时,这个“心柱”像暴风雨中的“马祖”松的松干一样弯曲和摇摆。
The dark respiration rate of Masson pine will decrease with different range of the decrease of leaf water potential. 结果表明,马尾松苗木暗呼吸速率随叶水势的下降而下降,但家系不同,其下降的幅度不同。