
美 [ˈprɑbəbli]英 [ˈprɒbəbli]
  • adv.大概;几乎肯定;很可能
  • 网络或许;也许;多半

probably want,probably know,probably get,probably need,probably go


1.几乎肯定;很可能;大概used to say that sth is likely to happen or to be true


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... major adj 重大的;主要的 probably adv 大概;很可能 △ Kwanzaa 宽扎节 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... major adj 重大的;主要的 probably adv 大概;很可能 △ Kwanzaa 宽扎节 △ ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 24 fall in love with 爱上 28 probably ad. 大概,或许 29 go skating 去滑冰;去 ...


初二英语单词表_百度知道 ... geography n. 地理 probably adv. 也许,可能 length n. 长度 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... probable a. 概率的,可能的 probably ad. 多半,很可能 problem 问题 ...


英语中不能直译的句子_小颖_新浪博客 ... I'm lost. 我给搞糊涂了。 Probably. 可能吧。 I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。 ...


打电话找某人的英语情景对话 ... business n. 商业;营业;商店 probably ad. 很可能;或许,大概 order n. 等级,序次, …

But I suppose the way things work, we expected that whenever the book came out there would probably be some crisis or other to peg it to. 罗格夫说,“不过我认为这就是其中的道理,我们预料无论这本书何时出版,可能都存在或者关注某种危机。”
Probably, we would not be able to make this connection between readers and writers, because people would no longer feel a need to donate. 很可能,我们不会有这种读者与作者之间的联系,因为人们不再感到贡献的必要。
Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you are, and probably more so. 记住,你的敌人和你一样害怕,或许会更害怕。
But within the next five years, those will probably be as prolific as the larger sized devices are as well. 但是在下五年内,那些将会或许也是像比较大的估计装置一样生子。
This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. 短缺的电力会需要依靠天然气发电站供应,而这些电站通常只是在供电高峰时用于应急。
If homework is strewn across the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space. 当作业散布在饭桌上,玩具堆积在沙发上时,你或许会祈求多一点空间。
Not to mention the fact that you could probably wield it like a bat to defend yourself against intruders. 有一个事实没有提到,那就是你可以像挥动短棍一样的挥动它来捍卫自己抵御入侵者。
I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said. 我估计我应该警告阁下,如果你发现我说的话清楚明确,那你很有可能已误会了我说的话。
But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. 但是有限的因果完全没有因果牵涉,卓越的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识仗恃他的分析,何况他很可能是第一人。
But, when you're trying to wrap cables a bit larger, like a USB or AC cable, you probably need something more sturdy. 但是,当你打算装更长一点的线时,如USB线或者AC线,这时你可能就需要其它更结实的装备了。
I know you probably don't want to see or hear from me, but I had to take the time to be sure that you know how sorry I am. 我知道你可能不想见我也不想听我说话,但是我必须确定你知道我有多么抱歉。
I knew that Mary would tell the story to her mother, who would probably tell it to John. 我知道玛丽准会把这件事告诉她的妈妈,她妈妈多半又会把这事说给约翰听。
He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. 他知道这可能是他最后一次为我们弹奏了,他为老曼陀林调弦,弹了几个音。
You have pride and a sense of your own worth, which will be seen and respected by others if you deal with them fairly, as you probably will. 如果你能公平的对待他人,别人将会认可和尊重你所认为并引以为豪的自我价值,这也会是你所希望看到的。
It measures how much, I said that probably when we were trying to understand 2D divergence. 它衡量总量的大小,我说过,当试着理解二维上的散度。
Enthusiasm for the work, probably because of what you see going through these things change, but do not have to be afraid. 工作的热情很可能因为你所看到的所经历的些事而改变,但是也不必惧怕。
But it's safe to say that he probably made a year's salary in the three-month long marriage. 不过,保险的说,他大概至少从这三个月长的婚姻中赚得了一年的工资吧。
Given that e-commerce trends seem to be favorable, the Street probably was expecting more of a beat than they actually delivered. 有鉴于电子商务趋势仍朝有利方向发展,华尔街可能有着比实际业绩更高的期待。
A wise man once told me (I've heard this more than a few times), "If it's too good to be true, it probably is" . 一位智者曾经告诉我(我听说这几次以上),“如果是它太好了,那也可能是真的”。
A year in which Treasury bond yields stay at 2% or below would probably be one in which America at least flirted with recession. 当国债收益率停滞在2%或者更低的时候,当年美国经济可能至少是接近衰退。
Moreover, he threw himself into an important friendship, at a time when he had probably written one draft of his sixth book, on whaling. 此外,在他写完第六部著作初稿的时候,他特别钻研了有关捕鲸的事,和它结下了不解之缘。
As a part-timer it will probably be easier for you to reinvest some or all of your income back into your business. 作为一个兼职设计师,对你来说,向你的事业投资部分或者全部的收入应该不是很困难。
Like most people trying to estimate things, you'll probably start with some core requirement and extrapolate from there to the rest. 和大多数试图对事物进行估算的人一样,您可能先从一些核心需求开始,然后从内向外推进。
All this is probably hypothetical, as I daresay you'll be out on your ear soon. 所有这些也许只是假设,因为我敢说你很快就会遭到突然解雇。
This probably would not be very useful as it would only be possible to everaccess one cache at a time. 这可能并不是很有效,因为在同一时间只有可能存取一个缓存。
I probably would have sat down with my family and with my publisher and started those conversations and prepared a thoughtful transition. 我还可能会与自己的家人以及出版商坐在一起聊一聊,准备一个考虑周到的过渡。
Although earning a living is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason. 虽然谋生是工作的重要理由,可能也是最普遍的理由,但并不是唯一的理由。
It could probably be considered a form of Necromancy, though I haven't studied it enough to be sure. 它应该算是通灵术的一种,不过我还没仔细研究过,所以不好说。
"There must be a non genetic factor, probably environmental, " that combines with known genetic and environmental risks, he said. “一定有一种非遗传因素,有可能是环境因素,”与已知的遗传因素和环境危险性结合在一起,他说。
"After all, " he said to himself, "it was probably only a resemblance. " 他心里想道:“不用大惊小怪,这也许只是个相貌相象的人罢了。”