
美 [pleɪt]英 [pleɪt]
  • n.板;盘子;板块;车牌
  • v.电镀(尤指镀金、镀银);为…加设护板;(用金属板等)覆盖
  • 网络碟子;钢板;片

复数:plates 现在分词:plating 过去式:plated

steel plate,metal plate,plastic plate,copper plate,photographic plate
use plate


n. v.


1.[c]盘子;碟子a flat, usually round, dish that you put food on

2.[c]一盘所盛之量;一盘the amount of food that you can put on a plate

3.[c]一道主菜a whole main course of a meal, served on one plate

强化用for strength

4.[c](金属)板条,板a thin flat piece of metal, used especially to join or make sth stronger

提供信息for information

5.[c](刻有名字等的)金属牌子a flat piece of metal with some information on it, for example sb's name


7.[u]镀金(或镀银)的金属ordinary metal that is covered with a thin layer of silver or gold

动物on animal

9.[c]板;骨板one of the thin flat pieces of horn or bone that cover and protect an animal


10.[c]板块one of the very large pieces of rock that form the earth's surface and move slowly


11.[c]书籍插图照片;(尤指优质纸上的)整页插图a photograph that is used as a picture in a book, especially one that is printed on a separate page on high quality paper

12.[c](印刷用的)印版,图版a sheet of metal, plastic, etc. that has been treated so that words or pictures can be printed from it


have enough/a lot/too much on your plate

问题(或工作等)成堆to have a lot of work or problems, etc. to deal with


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... chart 图表 plate 盘子 knife 刀 ...

上古卷轴5控制台全代码魔法_游迅网 ... (Pot) 锅 (Plate) (Jug) 罐 ...


  板块Plate)这个术语是加拿大著名学者J.T.威尔逊在创立转换断层时提出来的。他认为连绵不断的活动带网络将地球表层 …


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... blank and waste sheet NO. 空白与作废单号 plate 电镀 mold 成型 ...


英语中考必会1600词 - 豆丁网 ... plastic 塑料制的 plate 盘子;碟子 play 玩;打球 ...


墨西哥求购钢板(plate) (4-12)英国求购钢板(St37 Steel Plate) (4-10) [招聘] 外贸采购员(天河员村) (2013-05-16) [招聘] 外贸跟 …

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... plastic a. 塑料的 plate n. 板;;牌;盘子;盆子 platform n. 讲台;(车站的)月台 ...

The vertical plate in the middle is known as the web, and the top and bottom plates are referred to as flanges. 的截面梁需要的形状大写字母一垂直板中间被称为网上,顶部和底部钢板被称为法兰。
The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal, stew to comfort, escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate. 食物总是一种伟大的强化剂。喝汤可以治病,吃炖菜使人感到舒服,更不用说,来上一块美味的巧克力了。
His wife, in the kitchen, dropped the plate she was drying, ran into the living room, knocked over a vase, and looked out the window. 正在厨房里烘干餐盘的妻子扔掉盘子,跑到客厅,撞翻了一只花瓶,急忙往窗外看。
Jake says thank you. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'm gonna look after him till he's big enough to fly. 杰克说谢谢你。它从巢中掉了下来,我要照料它长大直到能飞为止。
i ' m trying to adjust to major league batters , " ogawa said . " i have to step up to the plate and be on the same level . 井川庆说:我尝试调整去面对大联盟打者。我得踏上垒包并且调整到那个水准。
The coupling plate and the bottom plate overlap up and down, and couples integrally into the non-welding deck plate. 上述结合板和上述地板基板按上下重叠,并相互一体接合为特征的非焊接钢楼层板。
and finally coloring: binding the surface treatment material having same color with the pattern of the support plate on the support plate. 最后是上色,将与支撑板图案颜色相同的表层处理材料粘在支撑板上。
If you think your plate is full, consider that of your boss. 如果你认为自己的任务都排满了,想一想你的老板吧。
he must be a batter . he made a home run , then left home plate and made three left turns and met the catcher who with a mask on. 他一定是棒球的打手。他打出本垒打,离开本垒并左转三次,就会遇到带面具的接球手。
and I expect Jones just scraped the hundreds and thousands off his share and left them at the side of his plate. 我想琼斯先生则是把他的那份蛋糕上的蜜饯刮下来,放到盘子里。
I never have enough of the soap dishes that drain (I don't like the plate types), and I "discovered" this by accident. 底部可以控水的肥皂盒我从不嫌多(而我不喜欢那种碟子状的)。
When the participants left, the experimenters measured how much hot sauce they put on the plate. 当被试离开后,实验者测量了他们在盘子里倒了多少辣酱。
But he also expressed fears he might have too much on his plate. 不外他也表示恐怕事务缠身,没那么多时间学习。
The initial boundary guess and the temperature measurement error have no obvious effect on the boundary identification result of the plate. 边界的初始假设可以忽略。算法没有明显放大温度测量的误差。
In a proper Western restaurant, the bread plate is always on your left with your butter knife on it. 在正规的西餐厅,面包盘与黄油刀通常放在你的左手边。
A process art of the main machinery plate part of a technological skeleton clock belongs to the manufacture art of parts of clocks. 一种工艺镂空表主夹板部件加工工艺,属于钟表零件制造工艺。
However, as flexo plate making itself more difficult difficulties, coupled with the lack of efficiency it is often difficult. 然而由于刚印制版自身难度不小难点众,加上不黑痴不敷,效果不常很难晋升。
After he noticed the cyclist was trying to memorize the license plate number of his car, Yao returned and stabbed her to death. 当他发现对方试图记住他的车牌号码时,药家鑫将其捅死。
Introduction of the principle that a wooden pail how much water charge, depending on the shortest of the plate. 短板原理说,一个木桶能装多少水,取决于最短的那块板。
Under his plate she found a business card, and a note scribbled on a napkin. 在他的盘子下面,她发现了一张名片和一块餐巾纸,纸上很潦草地写有一则便条。
The market has been flat today, and the boss did not sell out a flat hat and a flat plate. 今天市场上生意一直很清淡,老板甚至连一顶鸭舌帽和浅盘子都没有卖出去。
But right now it looks as if the first thing on the next administration's plate will have to be dealing with a weak economy. 但是,就眼下而言,下届政府的头等大事好像是处理衰退的经济。
Chemical graining The lithographic plate surface is etched to produce a fine grain by the application of a strong acid or alkali solution. 化学磨版用强酸或强硷溶液在平版印版的版面上腐蚀,造成幼细微粒表面。
2000 years later, King of Nukaer, Abesuer, found a plate in an aerolite that fell from the sky when he was cheering for The Day of Holy. 2000年之后,努卡尔之王——阿拜苏尔——在一枚圣日欢庆时从天而降的陨石中发现了一个罗盘。
Use the registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any other motor vehicle. 使用其他机动车的登记证书、号牌、行驶证、检验合格标志、保险标志。
and a back conductor disposed in parallel with the plate conductor from an end of the side conductor toward the slit. 以及背面导体,所述背面导体从侧面导体的端部朝着狭缝与板状导体平行设置。
Surface passivation by chromate for the hot dip galvanized plate is applied to prevent the surface oxidation during the pro-cess time. 热镀锌板表面钝化(铬酸盐钝化),主要是为了防止在使用过程中其表面被氧化。
Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in short time, she was busy eating. 她的眼睛紧盯着面前的盘子,不一会儿她就忙着吃了起来。
In the diagram below you can see that the continental crust is beginning to separate creating a diverging plate boundary. 你现在看到的这个图解中,大陆的地壳已经开始分离,从而创造了一个板块边界的分野。
Rubberand drum and a printing plate cylinder, pressure drum Nano-imprint lithography, how much of the trilogy of the view that reasonable? 橡皮滚筒与印版滚筒、不抬印滚筒之间的不张力,本相多不小为公道呢?