price tag

  • n.价格标签
  • 网络标价条;标价签;价格牌

复数:price tags

price tagprice tag

price tag


1.价格标签a label on sth that shows how much you must pay


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The price tag was a reasonable $135 and I decided to pay cash and buy her the dress as a present. 裙子的标价为135美元,还算比较合理,因此,我决定付钱买下这件连衣裙作为礼物送给她。
You might be surprised by how much how you pay can push up the total price tag. 你可能会感到吃惊,用不同的方式竟然对最后要支付的总价有那么大的影响。
Everything about this deal is big--from the price tag (Buffett's largest ever) to the scale of the company's business. 这项交易的一切都是大手笔,从价格(巴菲特有史以来最大的)到该公司业务的规模。
When you enter a second-hand shop, do not care about the price tag , it often show the owner is prepared to negotiate . 当你到一家二手商店时,不要在意价签。那通常表示着店主准备和你砍价。
Should you want a designer gown but the price tag is more than what you'll be able to afford, search for a designer-inspired dress. 如果想要一条独家设计的礼服,而价格要超出你承受范围内,那么找找有创意的礼服。
"We have to surprise people by showing them big pieces come with a low price tag, " he said. 他说:“大件首饰,而价格却很低,我们一定让人们吃惊不小。”
The price tag was one-third that of a new model , and the car came with a three- year , 36, 000- mile warranty . 该车的价格是新车的三分之一,还有为期三年、3。6万英里的保修期。
If insiders are to be believed, Nintendo's new console could arrive earlier and with a cheaper price tag than expected. 如果内部人员的消息属实,任天堂的新主机将会比预期的发售日期来得更早,而且更便宜。
The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum. 高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀有昂贵材料,螺丝都是铂金的。
That gives China credit for the full price tag of every product it exports -- even if it's only responsible for its final assembly. 报告表述的是中国每一项出口产品的全价--即使它只是负责最终的组装。
You're lying through your teeth, I know how much it costs, it's right on the price tag, it's ten not twenty, you thought I wouldn't know. 你睁眼说瞎话!我知道这个值多少钱。标签上都有,十元而不是二十。你以为我不知道。
We all want more money, but then again there seems to be a price tag that comes along with a higher income; it is a higher cost of living . 她们都想要更高的收入,但同时一份更丰厚的收入似乎也会带来另一张价格标签——更高的生活开支。
By being specific about what we wanted, we were able to put a price tag on each of our goals. 在明确了什么是我们想要的以后,就能给每个目标表个价码了。
However, all of the bikes have one thing in common, said the magazine - they offer middling performance at a premium price tag. 不过,报道称,所有这些自行车都有一个共同特点:价格令人咋舌,性能差强人意。
Combine that with overall inefficiency and it all adds up to a hefty price tag for the taxpayer, with not much leftover for actual services. 加之整体效率的低下,两者合起来让纳税人付出了巨大的代价,却得不到多少实际的服务。
For an actor or actress to have their name high on this list, the price of starring in a movie usually carries a hefty price tag. 对于那些排名靠前的一线影星来说,在一部电影中出演主角的报酬常常是相当可观的。
It has put the company up for sale with an $800m price tag. 如今迪拜投资将该公司以8亿美元的价格挂牌出售。
'The headaches and the loss of hearing are the price tag for this gift, ' he said. 'I'd like it to stay. ' 他说:“头疼和听力损失是这份特别礼物的代价。我愿意这样。”
Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson says it's time for Alberto Aquilani to live up to his price-tag. 利物浦新帅霍奇森同志表示,现在是葵花同学向大家证明自己身价的时候了。
But some hard-line economists prefer to use a higher discount rate that would put a lower price tag today on the cost of the damage. 但是,一些强硬的经济学家更倾向于采用更高的折现率,后者使计算出的损失成本显得低很多。
He declined to comment on an exact release date or price tag, stating that the company hopes the new TVs will hit shelves sometime in 2010. 他拒绝透露产品正式推出的具体日期及价格,但表示公司希望新款电视机将于2010年某个时间上市。
Keeping in mind for whom it was designed, expect the price tag to be out of reach for mere mortals. 不要忘记该款车是为谁设计的,它的价格不是一般人能企及的。
But Shigeki Sugihara, 34, taking a peek during his lunch break, said the price tag was just too much. 不过,趁午休时一窥究竟的三十四岁的杉原茂树却说,价格订得太高啰。
When combined with the large salary the team would have had to pay him, the price tag for McCants was simply too high. 当与高的薪水相结合的球队将不得不向他支付,对麦坎茨开价实在太高了。
Others -- new furniture and gardening tools, to name a few -- can add thousands of dollars to the price tag if you're not careful. 其他新家具及园艺工具,如果你不小心就可以新增数千美元的费用。
But try as Madam might to make you feel at home and welcome, the price tag on her hospitality may make you wince. 但是尽管这家餐馆努力营造一种宾至如归的感觉,其热情好客背后的高价格让却令人敬而远之。
Establishing such a full range of emergency care, however, comes with a high price tag. 然而,建立这样一种全面性的紧急医护是要有高额投入的。
But in part to avoid putting an astronomical price tag on this plan, the Administration doesn't necessarily fix loans for the long term. 但是,或许未来避免将天文数字的标价打在这个救助计划上,因此政府没有必要对长期贷款进行修订。
While Mr. Law said he wanted to create an everyday product, he is targeting high-end users who can afford the hefty price tag. 虽然罗发礼说他想创造出一种日常用品,但他却把这款镜子的目标客户锁定在那些能出得起大价钱的高端用户身上。
At the same time the price tag on gathering genetic data is now much lower than it used to be. 同时对搜集的基因数据标价现在远远低于过去。