
美 [plʌɡ]英 [plʌɡ]
  • n.插头;(电源)插座;转换插头;塞子
  • v.堵塞;封堵;补足;补充
  • 网络堵头;栓

复数:plugs 过去式:plugged 现在分词:plugging

plug gap,plug hole


n. v.

电气设备electrical equipment

1.插头a small plastic object with two or three metal pins, that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

2.(informal)(电源)插座a small opening in a wall, by which you connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

3.转换插头a small object that connects a wire from one piece of electrical equipment to an opening in another

浴缸;水池in bath/sink

4.塞子a thick round piece of plastic, rubber or metal that you put in the hole in a bath/ bathtub or a sink to stop the water flowing out

洞in hole

5.堵塞物;塞子a round piece of material that fits into a hole and blocks it

书籍;电影for book/movie

7.(informal)推销;宣传praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it


舞台英文术语 ... Connectors 电接线器 plug 插头(男性) new style twist lock 美国舞台插座 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... plenty n. 充足,大量 plug n. 塞子 plus vt. prep. (用塞子)把……塞住 加,加上 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... piston, 活塞 plug堵头 reducer socket, 变径管套 ...


PET分类词汇_百度文库 ... kettle (烧水用的)壶 plug 插座;插头 vase 花瓶 ...


常用汽车零部件中英文缩略写对照表 ... PLR ASSY-FR,INR UPR 前立柱内上板,左 PLUG 堵塞 PROTECTOR-FLATWIRE 排 …

Esp词汇资料 ... kejl'o:peg 桩 木钉, plug 填充物 .at.en-o ?galantino 鸡冻肉冻 ...

If you feel inclined to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ). 如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。
The next stop on this Groovy roadshow is to plug it into a build process, specifically my maven. xml file. 这个Groovy巡演中的下一站是把它装配进构建过程,特别是放在我的maven.xml文件中。
Some computers allow you to plug in two or more video cards, each connected to its own monitor. 一些计算机允许您插入两个或多个视频卡,每个卡都连接到它自己的监视器。
and a locking device for locking the plug and the socket into a whole body is also arranged between the plug and the socket. 所述插头与插座之间还设有用于将插头和插座锁定为一体的锁紧装置。
No IDE plug-ins are available yet, though some might be developed over the next year or two. 现在还没有这方面的IDE插件可用,不过一两年内也许就会有了。
"The computer is as basic as you can get it. You just take it out of the box, plug it in and it all loads for you. " “这台电脑操作起来就如同你买到它那样简单。你只要从纸箱子里取出来,插上电源,然后一切都已经为你装好了。”
Toyota said the initial sales target for the next-generation plug-in hybrid is only several tens of thousands of cars a year. 丰田说,下一代插电式混合动力汽车的初步销售目标只有每年几万辆。
And it has no special requirements for installation and maintenance; simply plug it in and relax. 此外,它对安装和维护都没有特别要求,只需简单地插上插头,您就可以轻松享受了。
From the bottom side you can see tow pairs of holes for the valves and the spark plug holes nestled between them. 从下至上的球队中,你可以看到拖车对黑洞的阀门和火花塞孔坐落关系。
Plug one end of a phone cord or cable into the wide area network (WAN) port of the device , and then plug the other end into the wall jack . 将电话线或电缆的一端插入设备的广域网(WAN)端口,然后将另一端插入墙壁插孔。
Stop monkeying with that electric plug; the first thing you know is you will get a shock. 不要再摆弄那个插头啦,你会触电的。
Internet gambling's explosive growth has made it the Web's killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug. 爆炸性增长的因特网赌博使它成为网络上的杀手程序,而现在严厉的指责正试图终结它的生命。
If your car is due for plug replacement and you're not up to the task, a competent shop should be able to do the work for a reasonable fee. 如果你的车到了该换火花塞了,而你又不能胜任,一个高水平的维修商铺将能以合适的价位帮你完成。
In that case, but what if he was a terminally ill patient and you pulled the plug, you could kill him to. 这种情况中是,但要是他是个病危的,病人,你扣动了扳机,你可以杀了他从而。
As you can see, the plug-in life cycle for local, private plug-ins is identical to that of public plug-ins. 如您所见,本地、私有插件的生命周期和公共插件的相同。
Shipping with three ready-to-use plug-ins, it functions as an important part of managing and supporting a software deployment. 该工具与3个即插即用的插件一起提供,它是管理和支持软件部署的一个重要部分。
The next step is to package the newly created plug-in with a feature and an update site to deploy it to the client. 下一步是将新建插件与特性和更新站点进行打包,从而将新建插件部署到客户机。
Creating the plug-in is simple, and the supplied APIs make it easy to create your own application alerts. 创建该插件很简单,并且提供的API使创建自己的应用程序警报变得更容易。
To keep this article simple, we did not configure the notification plug-in to be invoked upon the transition to the Test state. 考虑到本文的简洁性,我们没有将通知插件配置为在转换到测试状态时进行调用。
Known as the network checker, this plug-in performs network socket open operations to any host or port specified in the properties file. 作为网络检查程序,该插件针对在属性文件中指定的任意主机或端口执行网络套接字打开操作。
Essentially, that's what you're doing here as well, writing a plug-in to turn a simple table into a sorting and summation table. 最重要的是,这也是您在这里需要完成的任务,即编写一个插件来将一个简单的表转变成排序和汇总表。
The tapered plug or "needle" is screwed in or out of a mating orifice in the body and thus controls the effective orifice size. 其锥形插头或“针头”是阀体上配置的螺纹旋进旋出的节流道,因此能够有效控制节流面积。
The ideal solution is often for your plug-in to defer its initialization until the user requests a specific action of your product. 理想的解决方法通常是,让您的插件延迟它的初始化,直到用户请求您的产品的某个特定的动作时再初始化。
Not so long ago, the industry wisdom on plug-ins was that they represented a fringe technology, too expensive for mass production. 不久前汽车产业还认为插电式混合动力车仅代表着一种边缘技术,对于量产而言则过于昂贵。
As a direction of development, PHEV has a wide market due to its energy-saving, environment-friendly, and practical application. 作为今后混合动力汽车的发展方向,Plug-in混合动力汽车由于其节能、环保、实用性强的特点拥有广阔的市场前景。
IDEs are unaware that code needs to be generated unless you configure them to build with Ant or install some sort of XDoclet-aware plug-in. IDE并不知道需要生成的代码,除非我们配置使用Ant来编译它们,或者安装了一些可以认识XDoclet的插件。
The Eclipse platform is made of several layers and gives plug-ins the ability to listen to what is going on in each of these layers. Eclipse平台是由几层构成的,而且为每个插件提供了侦听其中每一层所发生的事情的能力。
Stop the server, restart it to refresh the plug-ins, and then stop it again to be ready to install the new connector. 关闭服务器,重启它以刷新插件,然后再次将其关闭以为安装新连接器做好准备。
The utility model belongs to an improvement for a safety valve of a pressure cooker, comprising a valve body, connecting nuts and a plug. 本实用新型属于压力锅安全阀的改进,由阀体、连接螺母和丝堵组成。
The Last Temptation of Christ had been ginned up in 1983, but six weeks before production was to begin, the studio pulled the plug. 《基督最后的诱惑》在1983年激起了公愤,但在电影上映六周前,制片厂就突然中止上映计划。