pray for

  • v.祈求
  • 网络祈祷;为…而祈祷;为求得…而祈祷

pray forpray for

pray for


常用英语动词与介词搭配_百度文库 ... praise sb. for 因为……而表扬某人 pray for 祈求,请求 prepare for 为……做准备 ...


英文单词整理(课外) ... 36.treasure n. 珍惜 37.pray for 祈祷 38.overcome v. 克服 ...


考研英语必背固定搭配_Sunny_新浪博客 ... for the present 目前,暂时 pray for 祈求,为…而祈祷 prey on 捕食,杀害;折磨,损害 ...


中国人庆祝中秋节的风俗习惯_恒星英语 ... spurt out 喷出 pray for 为求得…而祈祷; 为…而祈祷, 祷告 thanks to 幸亏, 多亏, 由于 ...


pray for是什么意思|pray... ... 3. Pray for Mother: 为母亲祈祷 Pray For( 蕲求), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 pray for : 祈求 ...


帮忙翻译几个词组和单词?谢谢_百度知道 ... 恢复 : recover get over 祷告pray for 例句 He treats me as his best friend ...


《生活大爆炸》Big Bang Theory 第三季 第九集... ... exited: 兴奋的,激动的 pray for: 为祈祷 phase: 成语,习语,惯用表达 ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配_百度文库 ... praise sb. for 因为……而表扬某人 pray for 祈求,请求 prepare for 为……做准备 ...

Wheelchair-bound in recent years with heart and spinal problems, Taylor is appealing to her multitude of fans to pray for her wellbeing. 由于心脏和脊椎的疾患,泰勒近年来只能在轮椅上度过。此番她呼吁影迷们祈祷其早日康复。
A. So pray for you, and be careful when you drive again, your daughter is all you have left. 因此,为你祈祷,时一定要小心驾驶了,你的女儿是你已经离开。
To pray for her in your heart, let the happiness with her forever . 为她祈祷在心田,希望幸福永远与她伴…
Some of us need to pray for a willingness to let go, because the end of our journey means the beginning of full life with our Savior. 有些则需要祈求一颗愿意放手的心,因为人生旅途的结束,其实是意味著我们与救主同在丰盛生命的开始。
Or that monk, that you have to come to ask him to pray for you? 或是和尚也一样,你们非得去找他,要求他为你们祈祷?
Survived as a litter bearer in WWII. When he got home, he would always pray for his kid brother. He was a great farmer. 他在第二次世界大战中活过来,他回家后经常为他弟弟祈祷,他是个很好的农夫,但我不是。
One was to pray for the immortal soul of Simon Fitz Mary and a few of his friends. 首先,它的存在是为了替西蒙·玛丽和他几位朋友能够获得不朽的灵魂而祈祷。
power to u all and pray for our film and me. give our team strength to see us through this. . . let the love flow. hit us hard with it ! 给你们力量,请为我们的电影和我祈祷。给我们的团队力量渡过这关…让爱流淌,让爱猛烈地击打我们!
Then the king said to the man of God, 'Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored. 王对神人说,请你为我祷告,求耶和华你神的恩典使我的手复原。
The sailor does not pray for a tail wind; he learns to sail against the wind. 水手不祈祷顺风,他学会逆风行驶。
I've tried to go on like I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken. 我试过假装从不认识你。我头脑清醒着可是我的世界是半醒半睡着,我祈祷我的心从没有破碎过。
Ms. Park also made visits to a Christian cathedral and a Buddhist temple to pray for forgiveness for her party's sins. 女士公园也做参观对基督徒大教堂和一个佛教寺庙为饶恕祈祷她的党的罪孽。
Whatever you believe in, if it' s God or Allah, may he watch over you and let' s pray for a peaceful and swift resolution. 论你们信仰什么,是上帝还是真主,愿你们都能得到他的庇护。让我们为和平地迅速解决争端而祈祷。
Pray for her to be baptized into the body of Christ. 愿她受洗成为基督的肢体。
So please pray for me that I would love my family well and that I would be very productive for the glory of Christ. 因此请为我祷告,我好好爱我的家人,并且为了基督的荣耀工作富有成效。
I pray for the New Year to be a year of happiness, prosperity, peace and brotherhood for humanity. 我祈祷,今天一年将会是一个人类快乐、繁荣、和平、友爱的一年。
Christian, begin to use intercession as a means of grace for yourself and for others. Pray for your neighbors. 弟兄姐妹们,开始用心代祷支取上帝的恩典,为你也为别人。
I ask you to join me in that effort, and I also ask that you pray for me, for my family, and for the continued perfection of our union. 我请求你们与我一起来进行这项努力,我也请求你们为我、为我的家庭、为我们的联邦的不断完善而祈祷。
My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. 我仆人约伯就要为你们祈祷;因为我不按你们的冥顽不灵来办你们,是看他的情面的;
For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead. 如果他不希望那些死过的人还要复活,为亡者祈祷,便是一种多馀而糊涂的事。
Let us pray for a compassionate heart and strong Biblical stand in a society that accepts that " prostitution is better than poverty " . 处在「笑贫不笑娼」社会里,我们求主让信徒心怀怜悯,同时能够坚守圣经的原则和立场。
Don't you know I'm still waiting here for you and pray for you . 难道你不知道我仍然在等你并为你祈祷?
Occasionally someone stood and made their way out the rear of the hall to a room where they were encouraged to pray for divine intervention. 不时有人起身离开,走入教堂后门外的一间屋子里,在那儿他们受到鼓励,为得到神明的护佑而祈祷。
Pray for God to teach you how to communicate well through the time you spend with Him in prayer regularly. 通过经常与神交通,祷告神来教你们如何来沟通。
Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity. 乾隆皇帝为其母建造了这个佛教的观音殿,为了让她幸福长寿。
Let us pray for the faith of those who have graduated and may the Holy Spirit quicken them to continue to be part of His Body. 让我们特别为这批信徒毕业后的灵命成长祷告,求圣灵帮助他们继续不断连于基督的身体,过美好的肢体生活。
It is only as I acknowledge and yield to the power of the Spirit already in me that I can pray for His full manifestation. 只有当我承认圣灵已经在我里面,且降服于圣灵的能力,我才能在祷告中期待祂丰满的显现。
As he continued to pray for his generation I was amazed at his clarity and focus. 到他继续为他的父辈祈祷时,我惊讶于他的清晰和焦点。
I can pray for you and your future, but I cannot make you walk with God. 我可以为你和你的未来祈祷,却不能令你与上帝同行。
I worry about you facing this tough situation alone but I always pray for you and wish everything goes smoothly. 我很担心你,你面临这艰难处境,但我会为你祈祷,希望所有事情顺利。