
美 [pɪr]英 [pɪə(r)]
  • n.同事;〈英〉贵族;同等的人;同等地位的公民
  • v.朦胧出现;瞪着看;和…同等;把…封为贵族

复数:peers 现在分词:peering 过去式:peered



So tonight being able to be in a room amongst our peers being recognized with an honor like this, it is really very special. 相对来说,我们是默默无闻的。今晚能够和我们的同行一起,荣幸的被大家认可,这是非常特别的。
This was less because he sought publicity and more because his peers were in awe of him and talked a lot about the Thalberg touch. 这不是因为他宣传得力,而是因为同行们对他心存敬畏,对撒尔伯格风格津津乐道。
How much do other people (supervisor or peers) in the organization provide information about your job performance? 你从其他人(主管或同仁)当中清楚获知的回馈信息有多少?
Instead of writing hymns to his boss, like many of his peers, he made songs about the soft light in Moscow windows. 他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌,取而代之的是,描绘莫斯科夜晚的万家灯火。
If SocGen's share price today is underperforming its French banking peers, this seems to have little to do with Mr Kerviel and his legacy. 如果法国兴业银行目前的股价表现不及本国同行,这似乎与科维尔及其所作所为无关。
They also raised concerns about her psychological and social development if shespent two years away from her peers and from school. 同时法庭还担心两年的时间离开学校和同龄朋友将影响她的心理和社交能力的培养。
"We realized she was being excluded from party invitations and being in the know with her peers, " she said. 她说:“我们意识到,我女儿没有手机,就被排除在派对邀请之外,而且无法与同龄人相识。”
He was an administrative genius, with none of the hidebound instincts of some of his peers in Cheltenham. 他是行政管理方面的天才,绝无他在切尔滕纳姆市的某些同事的那种狭小气量。
I began to open to face reality, no longer looks as their peers in the status and dignity to look at all the symbol. 我开始坦然地面对现实,不再将容貌当成自己在同龄人中地位与尊严的全部象征来看待了。
But Gionee did not appear out of nowhere. The company, along with a dozen equally fast-growing domestic peers, is well-known in China. 金立并不是凭空冒出来的。这家公司同十几家同样快速成长的国内同行一样,在中国颇有名气。
On the surface, this little fat man with peers than children not so special, but he already has 2 years of age smoke! 表面上看,这个小胖子与同龄孩子相比并无特殊之处,但他却已经有了2年的烟龄!
The traditional way of education applied by most of his peers might not necessarily help bring the best out of a child, he said. 他说,他这个年龄段的许多家长都采取了传统的教育手段,这并不一定会让孩子变得更优秀。
However, if the boss is perceived as bad for your peers as well-it really isn't you, it's him! -try some of the steps mentioned below. 但如果同事们也觉得老板不好,那真的就不是你的问题,而是他的问题了。尝试一下接下来提到的某些步骤。
It is not too hard to make the case that this valuation puts LinkedIn and its social networking peers firmly in bubble territory. 由此不难得出结论,这样的估值让LinkedIn和其他社交网站稳居于泡沫之中。
Let me try to explain it by telling you a story about one of your peers, and the alternative that hadn't occurred to her. 让我告诉你们一个你们的同龄人的故事来解释我的意思吧,即她是没有遇到中年危机的。
But his peers pulled him in and he acted his way through, even acting his way into a gang. 但是他的同伴们把他拖入其中,他全靠装假做戏应付过来,甚至装着加入一个小团伙。
But they both opened up to their peers in ways that may seem, at first glance, out of place in a business school setting. 他们都曾向同学敞开心扉,这种做法给人的第一感觉是,它与商学院的环境格格不入。
Ljubicic is a serious person but still possesses a keen sense of humor and is well-respected by his peers. 柳比西奇是一个很严肃的人,但他颇具幽默感,受同伴尊重。
He said he did not think his peers took drugs except medicinally. 他说他认为他的搭档们服用药物目的是医疗绝不是为了提高成绩。
Embarrassing Secret: Your character has a secret about her past that she must hide or else suffer shame and ostracism from her peers. 尴尬的秘密:你的角色在他的过去中有著一个必须隐藏,不然会遭同辈排斥或者羞耻的秘密。
It's when you move on to the next and much harder step that it helps most to be in a place where you can find peers and encouragement. 当你开始面对这些棘手的问题时,身处一个四周都是同党的令人振奋的环境就可令你受益匪浅。
Second, because peers were enumerated in a properties file there was a sense of permanence about them. 其次,因为在特性文件中枚举了对等点,看上去它们就好象持久存在了。
If I had been one of Paul's peers, I would have had a hard time believing that he was called. 如果我与他是同属相似级别的一个事工,我很难相信他会被神传唤。
Off the court and in the classroom, Obama found peers and professors who challenged him to think more deeply. 在球场和教室以外,奥巴马发现同龄人和教授使他思考得更加深刻了。
But many emerging markets have had a good crisis, or at least a better one than their industrialised peers. 但许多新兴市场国家很好地度过了这场危机,或至少比工业国要好。
The bank is as safe as houses compared with its wobbly western peers, but its heyday is over. 与那些摇摇欲坠的西方同行相比,中行的处境非常稳固,但它的鼎盛日子已经过去。
She took Advanced Placement classes, though couldn't afford tutors and study aids like the rest of her peers, and excelled at them. 虽然不能承担导师费用,和其他的同龄人一样研究艾滋病并超越他们,她仍然选择了进阶先修课程。
Seems to have found his passion for the game again, and with that, has elevated himself into elite status amongst his peers. 看起来又找到了他对于这个游戏的激情,这样来估量他在和同龄人竞争中的精英地位吧。
You also can't be as chummy as you were before and you might, say, have to give up your regular lunch dates with your former peers. 你也不可以再跟同事过从甚密,比如,你以前跟同事一起共进午餐,现在也许就必须放弃这个习惯了。
The baby often seems enveloped in a protective bubble, perhaps an embryonic sack in which he hides but peers inquisitively out to the world. 画中婴儿像一个被包覆在保护膜中的胚胎,好奇地观看这个世界。