
美 [ˈpɜrtʃəs]英 [ˈpɜː(r)tʃəs]
  • n.购买;采购;购买的东西;购买项目
  • v.购买;采购
  • 网络进货;购置;购买的物品

第三人称单数:purchases 现在分词:purchasing 过去式:purchased

purchase equipment,purchase ticket,purchase item,enable purchase,purchase regard


n. v.

1.[u][c]购买;采购the act or process of buying sth

2.[c]购买的东西;购买项目something that you have bought

3.[u][sing]握紧;抓牢;蹬稳a firm hold on sth with the hands or feet, for example when you are climbing


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... beverage 饮料 11. purchase 购买;购得之物 4. buffet 自助餐 12. ...


采字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 采风〖 collectfolksongs〗 采购〖 buy;purchase〗 采光〖 naturallighting;daylighting〗 ...


International trade terms ... cash sale 现货 purchase 购买,进货 bulk sale 整批销售,趸售 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... certificate 单据 purchase 买,购买,购置,所购物 countersign 副署,连署 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... pupil 学生,小学生;瞳孔 purchase 买,购买 n.购买的物品 purify 使纯净,提 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... pupil 学生,小学生;瞳孔 purchase 买,购买 n.购买的物品 purify 使纯净,提 …


财会名词英汉对比翻译_东奥会计在线 ... 永续盘存 Perpetual inventory 购货 Purchase 会计 accounting ...

No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife in Pennsylvania. 在美国宾夕法尼亚州,没有妻子的书面同意,禁止丈夫购买酒品。
We suggest you apply at least eight weeks before you plan to travel and do not purchase air tickets prior to the visa being issued. 我们建议您在计划离境日期前八周申请签证,在没有得到签证结果之前请不要购买机票。
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce has urged commercial grain supply and purchase departments to be well prepared to fight against floods. 同时,商务部已敦促商业粮食供应和采购部门做好准备抗洪。
Real estate investing requires long term considerations as it is neither easy to purchase nor easy to sell profitable properties quickly. 房地产投资需要长远考量,因为它既不容易,也不容易购卖获利性能很快。
The transaction should be reduced in writing in the form of a Sale and Purchase Agreement so as to be clear on all the terms of the sale. 该交易应以书面的买卖合约的形式,这样才能有助于将所有的买卖条款明确列下。
I'm just interested in looking around a bit. I'm not ready to decide on my purchase just yet. 我只是希望随便看看。我还没准备好决定要买什么呢。
Generous government subsidies are on offer: American buyers will be able to obtain up to $7, 500 towards the purchase of an electric car. 高额的政府补贴也开始发放:美国消费者购买一辆电动汽车最高可获得7500美元的政府补贴。
But the businessman said he remained interested in a purchase of the club, if circumstances changed. 他表示如果情况有变的话他还是打算买下利物浦。
He did not, however, inform Congress of his change of heart, and the House debate revolved almost entirely around the asset-purchase plan. 但是,保尔森并没有告知国会他已经改变了主意,众议院依然围绕着购买不良资产议案争论不休。
If I ask him for money to buy cigarettes he insists on going with me to purchase them. He will not be left alone, not for a second. 如果我向他要钱去买烟,他便非跟我一道去不可,他自个儿绝不独自呆着,一秒钟也不。
We can promise you to make a remittance within a week in full ~ of our purchase of fertilizer. 我们答应在一星期内汇款,偿清我方购买化肥的全部货款。
Actually you should not buy anything pricey when Mercury is out of phase, for you are likely to be disappointed with your purchase later. 其实没有水星作陪你最好不要买任何贵重物品,否则很有可能因为做出错误判断失望不已。
She said that she just needs money to purchase the bus ticket and a loaf of bread for the whole day. 她说她仅仅需要买车标和够她一天吃的面包的钱就够了。
I've never been a consumer for the sake of consuming and thinking this purchase or that purchase will make me happy. 我从不会因为要消费、因为认为买这、买那就会让我快乐而去买东西;
During the last three years it has not acted as an agent for investors in engaging in the sale and purchase of securities. 最近三年没有代理投资人从事证券买卖的行为。
She said the average consumer would prefer to purchase apps through a well trusted source such as Apple. 她说,一般消费者更愿意通过可靠的来源购买应用服务,比如苹果的应用程序商店。
When you are developing your business plan, make your estimates as exact as possible and justify how much you need for each purchase. 在你做创业计划的时候,尽量估算精确,并将估算精确到每一笔款项的用途。
I'm not aware of any other parties who are interested to purchase substantially all of the assets of the company. 据我所知,没有别的参与方有意购买通用的绝大部分资产。
In recording a purchase, the plate was laid into a recess in the imprinter, with a paper "charge slip" positioned on top of it. 处理购买交易时,在这种薄片上附一张纸质签购单,然后放进特定印刷器的卡槽里。
Machulis convinced Adafruit to purchase the device and publish the results online, but that process took the better part of a week. 麦彻里斯花了快一周的时间说服Adafruit公司购买并把结果发布到网上。
At first I was hesitant, thinking that we neither drank nor intended to purchase any wine, so what was the point of visiting a winery? 有一天,导游带我们到酒厂参观,起先头脑有些挣扎,心想我们又不喝酒,也不买酒,到酒厂做什么?
If it does not, the retailer may decline your purchase, or defer acceptance of your payment and seek further proof of your address. 如果没有,零售商可能下降您的购买,或延迟付款的接受,并寻求进一步证明你的地址。
Mr Wen said he had no desire to run a trade surplus and would discuss ways that Chinese companies could purchase more German technology. 温家宝表示,中国无意追求贸易顺差,并愿意探讨让中国企业购买更多德国技术的方式。
This money can be used to help purchase a home, fund a child's education, add to retirement income, or for any other purpose. 这些资金可以用来购买房屋,投资孩子的教育,增加到退休收入中或者用于其他用途。
A foreigner saw this and laughed at it that how a pair of homosexual copulating monkeys would encourage customers to purchase a keyboard? 一个外国人在街上看到这广告,他笑一对在进行同性性行为的猴子怎麽促销电子琴?。
You'll start with an innocent purchase, and the next thing you know, you're buying a new living room. 你将开始与一个无辜的购买,而接下来的事情你知道,你买了新的生活空间。
Since our purchase is of such a large size, we would like you to offer us more favorable terms of payment. 由于我们这次的订单这么大,我们希望你们能给予我们更为优惠的付款条件。
He borrowed five million dollars from his mother to purchase a second newspaper, the New York Journal. 他借了来自他的母亲五百万元购买一份第二份报纸,纽约日记。
The cost of these air purifiers, as well what because their replacement filters, will all depend on which model you make a purchase. 这些空气清新的成本,以及因更换过滤什么,这一切将取决于你做出购买模型。
Earlier this week, he said that he had the money all lined up for the purchase. 他在本周早些时候表示已筹够收购所需资金。