
美 [plʌɡ]英 [plʌɡ]
  • n.插头;塞子;(电源)插座;转换插头
  • v.堵塞;封堵;补足;补充
  • 网络堵漏;反向制动;塞植法

复数:plugs 过去式:plugged 现在分词:plugging

plug gap,plug hole


n. v.

电气设备electrical equipment

1.插头a small plastic object with two or three metal pins, that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

2.(informal)(电源)插座a small opening in a wall, by which you connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

3.转换插头a small object that connects a wire from one piece of electrical equipment to an opening in another

浴缸;水池in bath/sink

4.塞子a thick round piece of plastic, rubber or metal that you put in the hole in a bath/ bathtub or a sink to stop the water flowing out

洞in hole

5.堵塞物;塞子a round piece of material that fits into a hole and blocks it

书籍;电影for book/movie

7.(informal)推销;宣传praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it


风暴 - 歪酷博客 Ycool Blog ... plug welding 塞焊 plugging 堵塞;加盖 plugless rolling 无顶头轧管 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... manicure n. 修指甲v.修剪 plugging (用木塞)堵漏 electronics n. 电子学 ...


消防专业词汇英语翻译(P-Z) ... plug-in card 插入卡 plugging 封堵 plumbago 石墨粉 ...


电气工程专业英语_百度百科 ... speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线 plugging 反向制动 synchronous speed 同步转速 ...


园艺专业英语(a-z) ... ploidy 倍性 plugging 塞植法 plum 李 ...




...ile hole growth)、 表面碎裂、剪切冲塞plugging)、径向裂纹(radial fracture)、花瓣型破坏(petalling) 和靶体背面剥 …


...EP A-R) 限流射孔模拟 (LEP T-A) 堵塞模拟plugging) LEP LEP Not yet Not yet PERMSLD SOLID_BLOCK ●表示可 …

However, plugging device replacement risk, the new device may not function properly, resulting in leakage volume increase in a few days. 但替换堵漏装置存在风险,新的装置可能无法正常运转,导致漏油量在数日内增加。
It is an attempt to paint a portrait of a time when the continent is plugging in to the rest of the world through mobiles and the internet. 该文试图描绘的是非洲通过移动电话和互联网与世界其它地方信息互通。
It is often a simple matter of plugging a laptop into a network connection to gain access to a corporate network. 常常只需把笔记本电脑插上网线,就能够访问公司网络。
I had worked with that canal-plugging technique in a lot of my basic research, so I was comfortable with it as a surgical technique. 在笔者的基础研究中,已经处理过许多声道堵塞技术,因此笔者相信这是一项可行的手术技术。
The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so. 这位锲而不舍的总统无疑还会不懈努力,而且在一段时间内,他这么做是正确的。
And with a five-hour battery lifetime, full-day operation without plugging it into a wall socket is out. 另外,它的电池寿命只有五小时,不足以让你用上一整天而不必插到墙上充电。
Dam, dam foundation of anti-plugging, excavation around the gushing water and basal sand Chung grouting can be used to deal with. 坝体、坝基的防渗堵漏、基坑周边渗水和基底涌水涌沙都可采用注浆法处理。
However, it's not just a matter of plugging an old PC into a network connection and starting it up. 不过,改造过程并非将旧电脑接入网络后启动它这么简单。
Collect. Substantial leakage, field personnel where possible try to plugging, and inform the company immediately in the fire brigade. 收。大量泄漏时,现场人员在可能情况下设法堵漏,再立即通知公司消防队。
So, I'm plugging along here -- (Laughter) and I'm just going to have to blow up the staircase. 所以,我在这里不知疲倦的努力工作——(笑声)而且我马上就要去炸掉这座楼梯。
Take a crack at making annual projections, or at least plugging in the potential numbers for the first half of the year. 尝试解决做年度计划时遇到的问题吧,或者至少在上半年引入某些有潜力的数目。
and the dropping of the cold filter plugging point was more obvious with stronger adsorption of the fluidity improver over the wax. 流动性改进剂在蜡晶表面的吸附越强,降低冷滤点的效果越明显;
These interactions are described in terms of components plugging into a software bus to exchange information. 这些交互是根据插入到软件总线以交换信息的组件来描述的。
It's been hard to find the time with all my other work, but I've kept plugging away every weekend and yesterday I started the last chapter. 平时还得忙于其它事务,很难挤出来写作。不过,我每个周末都创作,昨天开始最后一章的写作了。
You've got to keep plugging away if you want to be a great writer. 如果你想成为一名伟大的作家,那你就得孜孜不倦地学习。
Smaller, more numerous species like the jellyfish are flourishing and plugging the gap left by animals higher up the food chain. 水母之类体形更小品种更多的物种正在蓬勃发展,填补着食物链中更高层动物留下的空白。
Chinese buyers can save about $2, 000 a year on petrol costs, GM says, plugging it into the wall at home at night to recharge. 通用汽车称,购买这款车的中国消费者每年可节省约2000美元的汽油费,夜里只需将汽车电池插入家中墙上的插座便能充电。
But GM's new car is expected to be a "plug-in" hybrid, which, as its name implies, can be recharged by plugging it into the mains . 然而,通用的新车属于“可插电源”式混合型电动车。如其名称所示,这款车能够插上总电源充电。
A few years ago, traders generally assumed that forecasts could be made by plugging numbers into a spreadsheet. 几年前,交易员普遍认为,只要把数字填入电子表格就能进行预测。
Others have found a whole new dimension to their PCs after plugging a fast modern to connect to the Internet. 其他人已经找到了全新的元素,他们的电脑快速插上后现代连接到互联网。
Field tests have demonstrated that this bridge plug is a safe and reliable down-hole plugging tool with simple str. . . 经现场试验表明,该桥塞是一种安全可靠、结构简单、性能稳定的井下封堵工具。
Plugging into a wall outlet is simple, since the PC generally requires wall power also. 插到墙上的插座上非常简单,这是由于PC也都需要墙上的电源插座。
This plugging agent has stable performance and high plugging efficiency, and is superior to any existing one. 此种封堵剂性能稳定,封堵效率高,优于现用的任何一种封堵剂。
Restore guan kilns celadon is like a piece of a knot in one's heart plugging in the same YeHongMing's heart, that he could not sleep. 恢复南宋官窑青瓷就像一块疙瘩一样堵在了叶宏明的心里,使他也不能寐。
The foam profile method shows great economic prospect as a way of plugging channeling, controlling steam overlay and enhancing oil recovery. 因此,作为封堵汽窜通道、控制蒸汽超覆、提高原油采收率的泡沫调剖方法,具有巨大的经济前景。
Rather than plugging a cable into a shoe, the Wisconsin researchers suggest installing a wireless transmitter in the heel. 威斯康星的研究人员用安装在脚后跟的无线发射机取代了需要塞进鞋子里的数据线。
For instance, the Explorer lacks a wireless connection, so kids can't get online without plugging the tablet into a Windows PC or Mac. 例如,Explorer没有无线联接,这样孩子们如果不把它与PC机或Mac机相联就无法上网。
Plugging of the impeller flow channel is one of the most frequent breakdowns for electrical submersible pump (ESP). 流道堵塞是电动潜油离心泵采油机组的常见故障之一。
The gypsum is soluble and can be used for temporary plugging if there is no flowing water. 石膏是可溶性的,如果没有流动的水,则可用于暂时堵塞。
injected water quality control index is studied by means of membrane filtration test, core jam test and bacterial plugging test. 通过膜滤实验、岩心堵塞实验、细菌堵塞实验等对注水水质控制指标进行了研究。