
美 [.pi 'em]英 [.piː 'em]
  • un.下午
  • 网络项目管理(Project Management);颗粒物(particulate matter);产品经理(Product Manager)





1.首相,总理(全写为 prime minister)the abbreviation forprime minister


订车服务 _ 度假预订 _ 携程旅行网 ... 上午( AM) 下午( PM) ...

项目管理(Project Management)

...单位,主要是业主方,设计方,施工方 等,都有各自的项目管理(PM),那广义的"项目管理者"就是指上述单 位的管理人员. 狭义: 狭义…

颗粒物(particulate matter)

污染颗粒物PM),英文全称为Particulate Matter(颗粒物),PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,也称为可 …

产品经理(Product Manager)

产品经理PM)的主要活动:(参考自产品经理工具之软件篇:参与制定或确定公司、产 …

项目经理(Project Manager)

项目经理(pm)首先是项目的管理者,他们是项目的核心人物,也是项目成功的关键。项目经理同时也是项目团队的领导者, …

金属(Pm)-Pm/TREM:99.99%, TREM: 99%金属钐(Sm)-Sm/TREM:99.9%, TREM:99%金属铕 (Eu)-Eu/TREM:99.99% and 99.…


多发性肌炎PM)和皮肤炎(DM)的血清标记性抗体,在PM中阳性率达25%.该抗体阳性患者常会出现肌炎、肺部间质性 …

Since the plane did not serve food, I had a salad at about 3: 00 pm. Mike drove up from La Jolla to join me for the dinner. 飞机上不供应午餐,我在3点钟吃了一份色拉。麦克从拉乔拉赶来和我一起吃晚饭。
He said he would be back about 2 pm. 他说他将于下午二时回来。
Please mention how much profit % share do you want in your PM. 请注明%的市场份额多少利润?你在下午想要的。
One solution would be for the PM to appoint up to, say, five lords as ministers, who would be permitted to address the Commons. 要解决这个问题,可以由首相提名——比方说——5位上院议员担任内阁大臣,允许他们在下议院发言。
There are two scuttles on the ceiling; one is at the front and the other at the rear. It is still unnecessary to turn on all lights at 6 pm. 天花板一前一后开了两个天窗,下午6时左右仍然不必大张旗鼓给灯光。
If anyone is ready to provide the service, please PM me, with a sample list of 15 Indian directories. 如果有人愿意提供服务,请PM我,拥有15个印度目录范例清单。
if you think you can do this PM me with how you want to do that? 如果你认为你可以做你想做的事,这个下午我?
She set the time at 6. 30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look like her. 她把时间安排在晚上6:30,希望黄昏能够阻止那些窥探者的目光。据报道,她甚至雇了长得很像自己的人假扮新娘。
Please message me with a link to your portfolio, no check my pm! i care about your creativity and skill set. 请您留言,以自己的投资组合链接我,没有检查我的下午!我关心你的创造力和技能。
a girl told me that she send me a message of missing and blessing on the 10 pm daily . 小妃的信息,说她每天晚上10点多,给我发祝福和思念。
Coming out of the bathroom, Churchill dropped his towel, and there was the PM, in all his naked glory, pacing and talking. 走出来浴室,丘吉尔下降,他的毛巾,有人时,在他的所有赤裸裸的荣耀,起搏和说话。
Years ago, PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things Indian, since there had been a fever for things Chinese. 多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。
He said he fell asleep around 9 pm. After that, he didn't remember anything and his next memory was that he woke up in the ditch. 这位大叔说,自己晚9点左右睡过去了,之后的事情完全不记得,直到在沟里醒过来。
Please PM me your application and examples of you work and let me know why you think you are the right one for the job. 请PM我你的应用和实例的工作,你让我知道为什么你认为你是这个职位的最佳之一。
At 3: 38 pm last Wednesday, Gordon's breathing stopped. Though he was no longer alive, his heart monitor continued to register a beat. 上周三的下午3点38分,戈登停止了呼吸。然而,尽管他的生命已经终止,但他的心脏监护器依旧显示着脉搏信号。
They sell their merchandize at the flea market two or three times a week, from 4 pm to 10 pm, when their parents pick them up. 小李和朋友每周去跳蚤市场两三次,从下午4点开始,到晚上10点父母来接她们的时候收摊儿。
It is, then, up to the enterprise PM (or an architect) to come up with an optimal set of solution projects to implement the EA. 然后由企业PM(或架构师)提出一个最佳的解决方案项目集合来实现EA。
I will send you more details of the work through PM so you can see how much work is needed and then you can revise your bid if needed. 下午我将通过你的工作更多详情,以便您可以看到有多少工作要做,然后您可以修改您的出价如果需要。
PM: So, Milo's being called back in by his parents, giving us time to be alone and to help him out. 彼得:现在米洛的父母要叫他回家吃饭了,留给我们的是独处的时间还可以帮帮他。
In your PM, please specify how much you're willing to create each one individually (one at a time). 在您的悄悄话,请注明你是多么愿意为每一个单独创建(每次一个)。
The structure, Operation principle and application results of a special manipulator used for sizing PM products were described. 介绍了粉末冶金制品在精整加工中专用机械手的结构、动作原理和使用效果。
11 pm yesterday, the small light of the back of the head, do not know the kid was three. 昨天晚上11点时,小亮的后脑勺,被三个不认识的小子。
So that I know you read this entire post PM me with replies with the word "ATTN" included in a proper english sentence. 这样我才知道你读了整篇文章下午与用“联系人”包括我在内的答复在适当的英语句子。
The children of these 'pm-people' stay up till midnight with them: they eat together, watch TV and play computer games. 的孩子和他们一起熬到午夜,一起吃东西、看电视、玩电玩。
Along these lines, many PMs would like to see RUP Inception phase preceded by an additional period where such issues could be taken care of. 沿着这些思路,许多PM想要看到RUP初始阶段之间加上照顾这些问题的额外时期。
Some project managers (PMs) seem to forget traditional PM rigors in favor of the Agile principle of "the customer is always right. " 某些项目经理(PM)好像是忘记了传统的PM对于“客户永远是正确的”这一敏捷法则的严格性。
Please send us PM with how many techniques you can suggest, list the techniques and tell us how much it will cost per technique. 请给我们用多少技术,你可以建议,列出的技巧,并告诉我们将花费多少按技术规程下午。
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie's doctor said the actress gave birth to a girl and a boy, in France at 8 pm Saturday. 据法国一医院透露,好莱坞女星安吉丽娜·朱莉于当地时间12日晚8时左右已顺利生下龙凤胎,这是朱莉和布拉德·皮特第5和第6个孩子。
PM did not even eat rice, they embarked on a journey, the road just met a few students on the go with them. 下午连饭也没有吃,就踏上了旅途,在路上正好碰到了几位同学,就和他们一起走了。
She said he was left between 12: 30 and 1 pm in the middle seat of a bench in the hallway. 她说孩子应该是在中午12点半到1点之间被遗弃在走廊的条凳的座位上。