
美 [pɔɪnt]英 [pɔɪnt]
  • n.点;观点;要点;重点
  • v.指向;指点;瞄准;指引
  • 网络分;点数;分数

复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed

key point,main point,important point,good point,strong point
make point,illustrate point,reach point,come point,Miss point


n. v.


1.[c]论点;观点;见解a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or stating a fact

要点main idea

2.[c]重点;要点;核心问题the main or most important idea in sth that is said or done


3.[u][sing]意图;目的;理由the purpose or aim of sth


4.[c]具体细节(或事实)a particular detail or fact


5.[c]特点;特性;特征a particular quality or feature that sb/sth has


6.[c]时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段a particular time or stage of development


7.[c]某地方;地点a particular place or area


8.[c](罗盘上的)罗经点,方位点one of the marks of direction around a compass

竞赛in competition

9.[c]得分;点an individual unit that adds to a score in a game or sports competition


10.[c](单位)点;标度a mark or unit on a scale of measurement

尖儿sharp end

11.[c]尖端;尖头the sharp thin end of sth


12.[c]岬角;尖地;海角a narrow piece of land that stretches into the sea


13.[c]小数点;点a small dot used in writing, especially the dot that separates a whole number from the part that comes after it

光;色of light/colour

14.[c]光点;色点a very small dot of light or colour

电for electricity

15.[c](电源)插座a place in a wall, etc. where a piece of equipment can be connected to electricity

字符大小size of letters

17.[u](印刷物或计算机屏幕上字体大小的单位)点,磅值a unit of measurement for the size of letters in printing or on a computer screen, etc.


if/when it comes to the point

必须作决定(或亮明观点)时used when you have to decide sth or say what you really think

in point of fact

实际上;其实used to say what is true in a situation

make a point of doing sth

(因重要或必要)保证做,必定做to be or make sure you do sth because it is important or necessary

more to the point

更为重要的是used to say that sth is more important than sth else

on point

适合的;相关的;相符的appropriate or relevant to the situation

point of contact

联系地点;联系人a place where you go or a person that you speak to when you are dealing with an organization

a point of departure

出发点a place where a journey starts

a point of honour

事关名誉的大事a thing that sb considers to be very important for their honour or reputation

the point of no return

欲罢不能的时刻;已无退路;不可能回头the time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earlier situation

point taken

(接受相反的意见)同意,好吧,算你有理used to say that you accept that sb else is right when they have disagreed with you or criticized you

to the point

简明恰当;简洁中肯expressed in a simple, clear way without any extra information or feelings

to the point of (doing) sth

达到某种程度;近乎to a degree that can be described as sth

up to a (certain) point

在某种程度上to some extent; to some degree but not completely

人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... succeed 成功 point Kathy 人名 ...

小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... orange 橙色的 point winner 冠军 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... succeed 成功;达到 point 要点;论点 Unit 4 million 百万 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... rude 粗鲁的;无礼的 point 指向 go out of one's way to do sth. 特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 ...


2.点数(point)卡被产生出来后会自动被使用,增加玩家积分1点3.使用士兵(soldier)卡片可以获得一次移动强盗的机会 4.第一个使 …


七年级英语上册 单词表 牛津广州版_百度文库 ... reason n. 原因;理由 point n. 具体细节;重点;观点 moment n. 时刻;片刻 ...


牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... asleep adj. 睡着的 18. point n. 分数 19. correctly adv. 正确地 20. ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... superstar n 超级明星 point n 得分;点;尖端 skill n 技能;技巧;熟练;巧妙 ...

The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor. 关键是看病不该等那么长时间。
Method of attacking "Yong Quan" point for rubbing the bottom of foot and massaging the point of reflex of bottom of foot. 点“涌泉”搓足底,按足反射区并搓推按叩法。
At the point where the average costs are at a minimum, the minimum efficient scale (MES) of output of a firm or plant is reached. 当平均成本处于最低水平时,一个企业或工厂实现了其最小有效规模。
It was as if I had reached a tipping point of some sort, and suddenly letting go of things became so much easier. 就好像突然遇到了一个转折点,我一下子让事情变得如此简单。
But the point remains: Open APIs and a bit of imagination open up a whole new world of applications and possibilities. 但是核心思想已经体现出来了:开放的API加上一些想象开辟了一个全新的应用程序世界和无限可能。
Peter: I agree with you up to a point, but please think twice before you leap. 彼得:在某些方面我同意你,但是你还是要三思而后行。
There is another point in this vicious incident, I also hide the truth to the squad leader, there is no known of the matter. 还有一点,在这起恶性事件发生的时候,我还向班长隐瞒实情,没有将此事相告之。
Without prompting from me at one point, he said the same thing: "You can't make money investing in the music industry. " 没有我的刺激,他也自动说出了同样的话:“投资音乐业是赚不到钱的。”
We always had an outside income until we got to the point where we could pay ourselves from Cloud Star. Melton表示,“我们一直都有外部收入直到CloudStar的业务能够支付我们的薪水。”
He pushed Parkin up against the door, held the point of the knife at his throat, and said, "Be still or I'll kill you. " 他猛地把帕金抵在门上,刀锋直逼他的喉咙,说:“不许动,否则就杀死你!”
Many also point the sky, a little more understanding, a little more love, his door will not be so vulnerable and helpless. 也许多一点的天空,多一点的理解,多一点的爱,他门就不会这么的脆弱与无助。
I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke's Law. 像这样一个弹簧,将它拉伸到,它不再能遵循胡克定律的点。
Point it out with your finger where your headache is, precisely. And try to think if anything makes it better or worse. 请准确的指出头究竟哪里痛。并试想一下,有没有任何东西使它好转或恶化。
How software is configured and implemented can play just as pivotal a security role as any other steps that lead to that point. 软件如何配置和实现,像其他步骤那样扮演者关键的安全性角色。
Remember, at this point in the standard approach to regression tests, the team would have been blindly running the whole regression suite. 记住,在这一点上,用回归测试的标准方法,团队会盲目地运行整个回归套件。
"I reached a point of frustration " he said. "Maybe I can't get FHE out of this but what can I do with it? " “我陷入了尴尬的境地,”他说。“也许我无法使FHE避免这种情况,但是我该如何处理呢?”
With any audition, you come to a point where you're like, you know, wait, you won't let the whole world. . . 无论是什么试听,你只要你喜欢你就会做好,你知道,等下,你不想让整个世界···。
When you want just one cigarette (which leads to two . . . ). When you just don't see the point of all this suffering. 这个时候你会想就来那么一根吧(接下来就是两根……),你想不通为什么要承受戒烟所经历的痛苦。
The upper arm angles backward from the point of the shoulder to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the ground. 上臂从肩部到手肘的线条向后延伸,不会跟地面呈垂直。
Like a vertex of a polyline, it expresses a point on the object, but it also expresses the shape of the curve at the point. 和折线上的定点类似,它也表示对象上的点,不过这里表示的曲线上的点。
At this point, the change to the pipeline setup is simple enough: A call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter. 现在,对管道设置的更改就再简单不过了:只需一次调用,将探测器添加到tee过滤器的一个输出pad中。
Attention. Reached a critical point. Does not mean anything. Something of nothing. Empathy. What the basis is not a selling point. 注意。到了临界点。不代表什么。金叉了不算什么。同理。死叉也不算什么依据。
Most teams will not know enough about the portal framework at this point to make good design decisions anyway. 此时,大多数团队对门户框架的了解都还不够,无论用什么方法都难以形成良好的设计决策。
Eye of the Beholder: The question of instability and its solution depends on point of views. 旁观者之眼:不稳定性问题及其解决取决于观点。
he might need a little more encouragement, i understand this point. 他可能需要更多一点的鼓励,这一点我理解。
NA: At a certain point the "Warhol" films began to be directed, wholly or largely, by your friend and fellow Factory worker Paul Morrissey. 安:从某个时候开始,“沃霍尔”电影开始全部或大部分由你的朋友、“工厂”合作伙伴保罗-莫里西(PaulMorrissey)执导。
In former times the Sun used to lie in this constellation when it reaches the its point farthest north -- the time of the summer solstice. 在过去,当太阳绕行到它的最北点时会停留在这个星座,也就是每年的夏至。
Another point is the same as my own experience can be used to set up a highly integrated team and to promote our work forward. 另一个相同点是我可以运用自己的经验来建立一支高度整合的团队,并推动我们的工作不断前进。
"Speaking from an Agrium point of view, we're going to stay and we think BHP would be crazy to leave it, " he said. “从Agrium的角度来讲,我们将留在这个卡特尔,我们认为必和必拓要脱离它是疯了,”他表示。
At this point, the best go look for a bright collection of essays to read, read a few of his sentimental writing. 此时,最好寻一本归有光的文集来读读,读几篇他的感伤文字。