
美 [skaɪ]英 [skaɪ]
  • n.天空
  • v.把(球)击向高空
  • 网络天空电视台;天蓝色;蓝天

复数:skies 现在分词:skying 过去式:skied

blue sky,clear sky,starry sky,cloudy sky,bright sky


n. v.

1.[c][u]天;天空the space above the earth that you can see when you look up, where clouds and the sun, moon and stars appear


the skys the limit

无穷尽;什么都可能;不可限量there is no limit to what sb can achieve, earn, do, etc.


cgcloud CG筋斗云/独立CG分享博客 ... 植物 |Plant 天空 |Sky 警示 |Traffic Warning ...


天空电视台Sky)宣布,选择英国唯一的当前能够广播3D服务的高清电视服务Sky+HD的客户数量在创纪录的增长后,已增加 …


coms设 置 - sonys的日志 - 网易博客 ... □Pastel 深蓝色 □Sky 天蓝色 ·Floppy B 设置软驱B与设置软驱A相同 ...


割双眼皮吧_百度贴吧 ... QIAN_ 森 9-19 sky 蓝天2000 sky 蓝天2000 9-24 ...


张敏健吧_百度贴吧 ... 无限天空 sky 16:49 ...


星空Sky):皮克斯的动画角色们都有着一种对星空、对未来、对梦想的渴望。皮克斯的艺术家们大概也是喜欢仰望星空的人 …

such as mutual Zhengyan, the breakdown of the places to spread a little bit of scattered red, like the starry night sky. 花骨朵一个个都含苞欲放,像是在互相争艳,破裂的地方还零星地撒着点点红色,犹如夜空中的繁星。
Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 我又看见一个白色的大宝座,与坐在上面的。从他面前天地都逃避,再无可见之处了。
Inexplicably, the Force told him to fire on a friendly vessel, and he shot Shira Brie out of the sky. 不知为何,原力让他向一架友机开火,他随即击落了茜拉·布里的座机。
When you feel deeply hurt, and tears are about to drop down , then please take a glance at the sky that used to belong to you. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于你的天空;
Rich in the Wall ends of the earth to the sky, and the devout do not know how the mind of the words to describe. 浓郁的情思向天涯海角而去,虔诚的心境不知用怎样的文字来描述。
We wish you were a swallow carrying the tinges of spring here; we wish you were an eagle soaring high into the sky. . . 愿你是一只燕,衔着春光飞来;愿你是一只鹰,一展翅,箭一般射向蓝天…
He then pointed to a great new building there, a pale reddish stone, with turrets and watch towers thrusting up to the sky. 然后,他指向那里一栋宏伟的新建筑,上面镶着一颗淡红色的宝石,其塔楼和瞭望塔直插苍穹。
Suddenly, the sky opening up, blossoming out of a different color of the colorful "flowers" , red, yellow, blue and green colors. 顿时,天空中开放出一朵朵不同颜色的五彩“花儿”,有红、黄、蓝、绿几种颜色。
With spotlights searching the dark early morning sky, Poland marked the beginning of mankind's most catastrophic war. 随着聚光灯在即将破晓的灰暗天空中来回划过,波兰纪念了这场人类最惨烈战争的爆发。
He gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day. 他下令他的十个儿子,成为一次十个太阳在天空中一及旅游,每次服用一天。
It was a beautiful summer morning. The sky was blue and the garden was green. 这是个美丽的夏天清晨,天空蓝蓝的而花园是一片绿色,一切都非常安静。
I hope oneself be just a life in the sky of angel, own the thought and behavior, can from saw the life of the boundary in the sky. 我希望自己只是一个生活在天上的天使,拥有思想与行为,只能从天上看下界的生活。
Under the sun, the sand flying all over the sky like red iron speculation general, head of the players face the name of adventure. 阳光下,漫天飞舞的风沙像炒红的铁砂一般,扑打着探险队员的面孔。
Yes, happy as a child a rainbow sky, arranged in the word of the geese will be a pleasant landscape, and we, it is to see the scenery. 真的,快乐就像儿时天空的一道彩虹,排成一字的大雁,都会是一道怡人的风景,而我们,正是看风景的人。
the moment, the soul of the Summoner, the sky in the smile, my world is so beautiful, my world is brilliant! 此刻,灵魂在招唤,天空在微笑,我的世界如此美好,我的世界如此闪耀!
the evening sun was now ugly to her , like a great inflamed wound in the sky. 西下的夕阳此刻在她看来也变得丑恶了,好像是空中出现的一道巨大的红色伤口。
"Alas, " cries the cage bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky. " “可怜呐,”笼中的鸟儿叫道,“在天空中我不知道哪里栖止了。”
Finally, Owl was given a stocking the color of the sky-in which, Pooh thought, he would like to fly if he were Owl. 最后,维尼把一只天蓝色的袜子送给了猫头鹰,要是我是只猫头鹰,可以飞,该多好呀!
I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice; About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky. 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪暗天。
The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkling. They were so bright and so close that Jeremy felt as if he could reach up and grab one. 夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。星星很亮很近,杰瑞米感觉伸手都能够到抓住一颗。
The stars in the sky, full of mischief and moon blinking eyes watched the kind with the grass, and very like a silver polishing. 繁星在天空中顽皮地眨着眼,月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着绿茵茵的草丛,极像一只擦亮的银盘。
This time, as the sky lightened, glimpses of an upside-down crescent of the sun could be caught through viewing glasses. 随着天空渐渐变变亮,人们可以通过观测眼镜瞥到月牙状的太阳。
Mom and dad left, lie down on the bed to sleep outside, I do not know how, the sky seems intent on and I oppose, rain, is I can't sleep. 爸爸妈妈走后,外边躺到床上睡觉,不知如何了,天空好像故意和我作对,下起了雨,是我不敢睡觉。
the sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. in the sky already a solitary star twinkled. 大海平静得出奇,晚霞映照的绚丽多彩,天空已有孤星闪烁。(英语原文两句译成汉语合为一句。)
Contrast is very low, and here the light of the sun and that of the sky are very close in intensity as they shine on these rocks. 对比很低,照到岩石伤得阳光和天光的强度很接近。
The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday. 整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地眨着眼。天河(牛奶路、银河)那么清楚地显现出来,就好像有人在过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的。
A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him. 一大群蜜蜂就像乌云那样覆盖了天空,这群嗡嗡叫的蜂群似乎怒气冲冲地飞向他。
On a brilliant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world. 1945年夏天,一个阳光灿烂的早晨,田中和子抬头向广岛上空望去,看见了预示她的世界快要结束的前兆。
Just as the moon, surrounded by a multitude of stars, Follows the sky path, even so goes the Lord of monks, Accompanied by His disciples. 如同月亮遵守天空的轨迹,为众星所围绕。这位僧众的导师也由他的门徒所陪伴那的确是你的父亲,人中的狮子。
Raise head to see the color of the sky, already gradual night, my mood already that weather is general, delivering more of heavy. 抬起头来看看天色,已渐渐晚了,我的心情已似那天气一般,愈发的沉重起来。